Browse TRAIL Inventories

Contributions to the theory of the spreading of a free jet issuing from a nozzle

Approximate method of integration of laminar boundary layer in incompressible fluid

Gas flow with straight transition line

Spiral motions of viscous fluids

Investigation of a three-blade propeller in combination with two different spinners and an NACA D-type cowl at mach numbers up to 0.80

Wind-tunnel investigation of the effects of steady rolling on the aerodynamic loading characteristics of a 45©� sweptback wing at high subsonic speeds

The rolling moment due to sideslip of swept wings at subsonic and transonic speeds

Experimental aerodynamic forces and moments at low speed of a missile model during simulated launching from the midsemispan location of a 45 degree sweptback wing-fuselage combination

General theory of conical flows and its application to supersonic aerodynamics

Aerodynamic characteristics of a spoiler-slot-deflector control on a 45©� sweptback wing at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Published Year

