Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Lift hysteresis at stall as an unsteady boundary-layer phenomenon
Extrapolation techniques applied to matrix methods in neutron diffusion problems
Laminar Flow About a Rotating Body of Revolution in an Axial Airstream
Interaction of an exhaust jet and elementary contoured surfaces located in a supersonic air stream
Injection principles for liquid oxygen and heptane using two-element injectors
Investigation of two-stage counterrotating compressor 2: first-rotor blade-element performance
Investigation of vertical drag and periodic airloads acting on flat panels in a rotor slipstream
Investigation of transient pool boiling due to sudden large power surge
Investigation of unsteady flow past four NACA 6-percent-thick airfoil sections
Reduction of wave drag of wing-body combinations at supersonic speeds through body distortions