Browse TRAIL Inventories

Effect of leading-edge geometry on boundary-layer transition at Mach 3.1

Free-flight investigation of the control effectiveness of a differentially deflected horizontal tail at Mach numbers from 0.8 to 1.6

Performance of a short turbojet combustor with hydrogen fuel in a quarter-annulus duct and comparison with performance in a full-scale engine

Performance at simulated high altitudes of a prevaporizing annular turbojet combustor having low pressure loss

Investigation of the effectiveness of boundary-layer control by blowing over a combination of sliding and plain flaps in deflecting a propeller slipstream downward for vertical take-off

Preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of a sliding flap in deflecting a propeller slipstream downward for vertical take-off

Subsonic wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of fuselage afterbody on directional stability of wing-fuselage combinations at high angles of attack

Preflight and flight-test investigation of a 50-percent-magnesium 50-percent JP-4 slurry fuel in a twin engine ram-jet vehicle

Impingement of Water Droplets on a Rectangular Half Body in a Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow Field

Relation of Turbojet Propulsion System Development to the Strategic Bomber Mission

On the Permeability of Porous Materials

Large-Scale Wind-Tunnel Tests of an Airplane Model With a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 2.8 With Area Suction Applied to Trailing-Edge Flaps and With Several Wing Leading-Edge Modifications

Effect of Throat Bleed on the Supersonic Performance of a Half-Conical Side-Inlet System

The Interference Effects of a Body on the Spanwise Load Distributions of Two 45 Degree Sweptback Wings of Aspect Ratio 8.02 from Low-Speed Tests

Operation of an experimental air-cooled turbojet engine at turbine-inlet temperatures from 2200 R to 2935 R

Impingement of Droplets in 60 Degree Elbows with Potential Flow

An Analysis of Air-turborocket Engine Performance Including Effects of Component Changes

Summary of NACA Research on Afterburners for Turbojet Engines

Turbojet Performance and Operation at High Altitudes With Hydrogen and JP-4 Fuels

Performance characteristics of an underslung vertical-wedge inlet with porous suction at Mach numbers of 0.63 and 1.5 to 2.0

Performance of a Blunt-lip Side Inlet With Ramp Bleed, Bypass, and a Long Constant-area Duct Ahead of the Engine- Mach Numbers 0.66 and 1.5 to 2.1

Investigation of heat transfer from a stationary and rotating ellipsoidal forebody of fineness ratio 3

Analysis of turbojet and ram-jet engine cycles using various fuels

Use of Truncated Flapped Airfoils for Impingement and Icing Tests of Full-Scale Leading-Edge Sections

Performance of a Short Combustor at High Altitudes Using Hydrogen Fuel

Investigation of the air-flow-regulation characteristics of a translating-spike inlet with two oblique shocks from Mach 1.6 to 2.0

The proper combination of lift loadings for least drag on a supersonic wing

Effect of Wing Height and Dihedral on the Lateral Stability Characteristics at Low Lift of a 45 Deg Swept-Wing Airplane Configuration as Obtained from Time-Vector Analyses of Rocket-Propelled-Model Flights at Mach Numbers from 0.7 to 1.3

Propagation of a free flame in a turbulent gas stream

Some possibilities of using gas mixtures other than air in aerodynamic research

Studies of the speed stability of a tandem helicopter in forward flight

Spark ignition of flowing gases

The response of an airplane to random atmospheric disturbances

Boundary Layer

Exploratory investigation of boundary-layer transition on a hollow cylinder at a Mach number of 6.9

Theoretical calculation of the power spectra of the rolling and yawing moments on a wing in random turbulence

Theoretical and experimental investigation of the effect of tunnel walls on the forces on an oscillating airfoil in two-dimensional subsonic compressible flow

Theoretical investigation of flutter of two-dimensional flat panels with one surface exposed to supersonic potential flow

Theory of wing-body drag at supersonic speeds

Zero-angle-of-attack performance of two-dimensional inlets near Mach number 3

Theoretical span load distributions and rolling moments for sideslipping wings of arbitrary plan form in incompressible flow

Methods for obtaining desired helicopter stability characteristics and procedures for stability predictions

High-temperature oxidation and ignition of metals

Average properties of compressible laminar boundary layer on flat plate with unsteady flight velocity

A study of the zero-lift drag-rise characteristics of wing-body combinations near the speed of sound

An evaluation of four experimental methods for measuring mean properties of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer

Summary of NACA research on afterburners for turbojet engines

Axially symmetric shapes with minimum wave drag

A wind-tunnel test technique for measuring the dynamic rotary stability derivatives at subsonic and supersonic speeds

Exhaust Nozzles for Supersonic Flight with Turbojet Engines

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