Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Effects of wing-body geometry on the lateral-flow angularities at subsonic speeds
A wind-tunnel investigation of the development of lift on wings in accelerated longitudinal motion
A variable-geometry annular cascade-type inlet at Mach numbers of 1.9 and 3.05
Ditching Investigation of a 1/12-Scale Model of the Douglas F4D-1 Airplane, TED No. NACA DE 384
Low-speed static stability characteristics of a cambered-delta-wing model
Lift-curve slopes determined in flight on a flexible swept-wing jet bomber
Cloud-droplet ingestion in engine inlets with inlet velocity ratios of 1.0 and 0.7
Analysis of particle motions for a class of three-dimensional incompressible laminar boundary layers
Cross flows in laminar incompressible boundary layers
A study of the high-speed performance characteristics of 90 degrees bends in circular ducts
A study of the efficiency of high-strength, steel, cellular-core sandwich plates in compression
Preliminary investigation of methods to increase base pressure of plug nozzles at Mach 0.9
Theoretical performance of JP-4 fuel and liquid oxygen as a rocket propellant 1: frozen composition
Investigation of a related series of turbine-blade profiles in cascade
Summary of subsonic-diffuser data
Analysis of some parameters used in correlating blowing-type boundary-layer control data