Browse TRAIL Inventories

Cumulative Fatigue Damage of Axially Loaded Alclad 75S-T6 and Alclad 24S-T3 Aluminum-Alloy Sheet

Effect of a Discontinuity on Turbulent Boundary-Layer-Thickness Parameters With Application to Shock-Induced Separation

Effect of Interaction on Landing-Gear Behavior and Dynamic Loads in a Flexible Airplane Structure

Pressure Waves Generated by Addition of Heat in a Gaseous Medium

Averaging of Periodic Pressure Pulsations by a Total-Pressure Probe

Theory of the Jet Syphon

Some Considerations on Two-Dimensional Thin Airfoils Deforming in Supersonic Flow

Laminar Boundary Layer Behind Shock Advancing Into Stationary Fluid

Laboratory Investigation of an Autopilot Utilizing a Mechanical Linkage With a Dead Spot to Obtain an Effective Rate Signal

Laminar Free Convection on a Vertical Plate With Prescribed Nonuniform Wall Heat Flux or Prescribed Nonuniform Wall Temperature

Theoretical Analyses to Determine Unbalanced Trailing-Edge Controls Having Minimum Hinge Moments Due to Deflection at Supersonic Speeds

A Thermal Equation for Flame Quenching

Maximum Theorems and Reflections of Simple Waves

A Theoretical Analysis of the Field of Random Noise Source Above an Infinite Plane

Grain-Boundary Behavior in Creep of Aluminum Bicrystals

Ground-Simulator Study of the Effects of Stick Force and Displacement on Tracking Performance

Measurements of Turbulent Skin Friction on a Flat Plate at Transonic Speeds

Second Order Subsonic Airfoil-Section Theory and Its Practical Application

Investigation of Jet-Engine Noise Reduction by Screens Located Transversely Across the Jet

Effect of Oxygen Content of Furnace Atmosphere on Adherence of Vitreous Coatings to Iron

Tables of Coefficients for the Analysis of Stresses About Cutouts in Circular Semimonocoque Cylinders with Flexible Rings

Total Lift and Pitching Moment on Thin Arrowhead Wings Oscillating in Supersonic Potential Flow

Contributions on the Mechanics of Boundary-Layer Transition

Flight Investigation of the Surface-Pressure Distribution and the Flow Field Around a Conical and Two Spherical Nonrotating Full-Scale Propeller Spinners

Influence of Shear Deformation of the Cross Section on Torsional Frequencies of Box Beams

Supplementary Charts for Estimating Performance of High-Performance Helicopters

Charts for Estimating Performance of High-Performance Helicopters

Theoretical Investigation of a Proportional-Plus-Flicker Automatic Pilot

A Study of Normal Accelerations and Operating Conditions Experienced by Helicopters in Commercial and Military Operations

An Approximate Solution for Axially Symmetric Flow Over a Cone With an Attached Shock Wave

Some Measurements of Time and Space Correlation in Wind Tunnel

The Theories of Turbulence

Interaction of a Free Flame Front With a Turbulence Field

Nonlifting Wing-Body Combinations With Certain Geometric Restraints Having Minimum Wave Drag at Low Supersonic Speeds

On the Mechanism of Buckling of a Circular Cylindrical Shell Under Axial Compression

Optimum Flight Paths of Turbojet Aircraft

Analysis of behavior of simply supported flat plates compressed beyond the buckling load into the plastic range

Analysis of accelerations, gust velocities, and airspeeds from operations of a twin-engine transport airplane on a transcontinental route from 1950 to 1952

An analysis of accelerations, airspeeds, and gust velocities from three commercial operations of one type of medium-altitude transport airplane

A Flight Investigation at Transonic Speeds of a Model Having a Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio 4

Flight Measurements at Transonic Speeds of the Buffeting Characteristics of the XF-92A Delta-Wing Research Airplane

Flight Investigation of the Supersonic Area Rule for a Straight Wing-Body Configuration at Mach Numbers Between 0.8 and 1.5

Flight Investigation of the Effect of Underwing Propulsive Jets on the Lift, Drag, and Longitudinal Stability of a Delta-Wing Configuration at Mach Numbers From 1.23 to 1.62

Flight Investigation of a Roll-Stabilized Ram-Jet Test Vehicle Over a Mach Number Range of 2.3 to 2.7

Flight Investigation at Supersonic Mach Numbers of an Automatic Acceleration Control Missile in Which Rate Damping Is Obtained From a Linear Accelerometer Placed Ahead of the Missile Center of Gravity

High-Speed Cascade Tests of a Blade Section Designed for Typical Hub Conditions of High-Flow Transonic Rotors

The Hydrodynamic Force Characteristics of Streamline Bodies of Revolution Having Fineness Ratios of 6, 9, and 12 With and Without Chine Strips

Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Triangular Sweptback Air Inlet in the Root of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

An Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Thin Delta Wings With a Symmetrical Double-Wedge Section at a Mach Number of 6.9

Investigation of Equilibrium Temperatures and Average Laminar Heat-Transfer Coefficients for the Front Half of Swept Circular Cylinders at a Mach Number of 6.9

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