Browse TRAIL Inventories

Blockage Corrections for Three-Dimensional-Flow Closed-Throat Wind Tunnels, with Consideration of the Effect of Compressibility

Flight investigation of the effect of transient wing response on measured accelerations of a modern transport airplane in rough air

Prandtl-Meyer Flow for a Diatomic Gas of Variable Specific Heat

Tables for Determining Reduction of Energy and Intensity of X-Rays and Gamma-Rays at Various Scattering Angles in Small Thickness of Matter

A Review of Information on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloys at Low Temperatures

Water Landing Investigation of a Model Having a Heavy Beam Loading and a 30 Degree Angle of Dead Rise

Investigation of a Two-Step Nozzle in the Langley 11-Inch Hypersonic Tunnel

A Theoretical Investigation of the Effect on the Lateral Oscillations of an Airplane of an Automatic Control Sensitive to Yawing Accelerations

Effect of Humidity on Performance of Turbojet Engines

Effect of Heat-Capacity Lag on the Flow Through Oblique Shock Waves

Bonding Investigation of Titanium Carbide With Various Elements

Analytical Method for Determining Transmission and Absorption of Time-Dependent Radiation Through Thick Absorbers 3: Absorber With Radioactive Daughter Products

An Investigation of the Effect of Tetraethyl Lead and Ethyl Nitrite on the Autoignition Characteristics of Isooctane and Triptane

Knock-Limited Performance of Fuel Blends Containing Ethers

Method for Determining Pressure Drop of Air Flowing Through Constant-Area Passages for Arbitrary Heat-Input Distributions

Linearized Supersonic Theory of Conical Wings

Effect of Initial Mixture Temperature on Flame Speeds and Blow-Off Limits of Propane - Air Flames

Hovering and Low-Speed Performance and Control Characteristics of an Aerodynamic-Servocontrolled Helicopter Rotor System as Determined on the Langley Helicopter Tower

Shear Stress Distribution Along Glue Line Between Skin and Cap-Strip of an Aircraft Wing

Free Oscillations of an Atmosphere in Which Temperature Increases Linearly With Height

Strength Properties of Rayon-Mat Honeycomb Core Materials

Analysis of V-g data obtained from several naval airplanes

Planing Characteristics of Six Surfaces Representative of Hydro-Ski Forms

Performance of Three High-Recovery-Factor Thermocouple Probes for Room-Temperature Operation

A Preliminary Experimental and Analytical Evaluation of Diborane as a Ram-Jet Fuel

Preliminary Investigation of a Submerged Air Scoop Utilizing Boundary-Layer Suction to Obtain Increased Pressure Recovery

Exploratory Investigation of Leading-Edge Chord-Extensions to Improve the Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of Two 52 Degree Sweptback Wings

Flight Investigation at Mach Numbers From 0.8 to 1.4 to Determine the Zero-Lift Drag of Wings With 'M' and 'W' Plan Forms

Experimental Investigation of Various Wing-Mounted External Stores on a Wing-Fuselage Combination Having a Sweptback Wing of Inverse Taper Ratio

Experimental Investigation of Various External-Store Configurations on a Model of a Tailless Airplane With a Sweptback Wing

An Experimental Investigation at Large Scale of an NACA Submerged Intake and Deflector Installation on the Rearward Portion of a Fuselage

Some Effects of Chordwise Fences on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Four Moderately Sweptback Wings in the Low-Lift Range at Transonic Mach Numbers and at Mach Number 1.9

Preliminary Investigation of the Transonic Characteristics of an NACA Submerged Inlet

Tabulated Pressure Coefficients and Aerodynamic Characteristics Measured on the Wing of the Bell X-1 Airplane in Level Flight at Mach Numbers From 0.79 to 1.00 and in a Pull-Up at a Mach Number of 0.96

A Transonic Wing Investigation in the Langley 8-Foot High-Speed Tunnel at High Subsonic Mach Numbers and at a Mach Number of 1.2 : Wing-Fuselage Configuration Having a Wing of 35 Degrees Sweepback, Aspect Ratio 4, Taper Ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 Airfoil Section

The Time Lag Between Flap Deflection and Force Development at a Mach Number of 4

Transonic Drag Characteristics of a Wing Body Combination Using a Thin Tapered Wing of 45 Degrees Sweepback

Propeller Section Aerodynamic Characteristics as Determined by Measuring the Section Surface Pressures on an NACA 10-(3)(08)-03 Propeller Under Operating Conditions

Results Obtained During Flights 1 to 6 of the Northrop X-4 Airplane (A.F. No. 46-677)

Summary of Normal Accelerations, Gust Velocities, and Operating Practices, From April to August 1949 of a Twin-Engine Airplane in Commercial Transport Operations

Rolling Effectiveness of a Thin Tapered Wing Having Partial-Span Ailerons as Determined by Rocket-Powered Test Vehicles

The Rolling Effectiveness of Wing-Tip Ailerons as Determined by Rocket-Powered Test Vehicles and Linear Supersonic Theory

Pressure Distributions on the Blade Sections of the NACA 10-(3)(066)-033 Propeller Under Operating Conditions

Pressure Distributions on the Blade Sections of the NACA 10-(5)(066)-03 Propeller Under Operating Conditions

Pressure Distributions on the Blade Sections of the NACA 10-(3)(049)-033 Propeller Under Operating Conditions

Pressure Distributions on the Blade Sections of the NACA 10-(0)(066)-03 Propeller Under Operating Conditions

Pressure Distributions on the Blade Sections of the NACA 10-(3)(090)-03 Propeller Under Operating Conditions

Pressure Measurements on a Sharply Converging Fuselage Afterbody With Jet on and Off at Mach Numbers From 0.8 to 1.6

Pressure-Rise and Leakage-Loss Characteristics of a Rotating Cowling

Spin-Tunnel Investigation of a Model of a 60 Degree Delta-Wing Airplane to Determine the Spin, Recovery, and Longitudinal Trim Characteristics Throughout an Extensive Range of Mass Loadings

Published Year



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