Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Development of new, experimental coke oven
A selected bibliography of coal gasification
Concentration tests on various base-metal ores
Investigation of the Colorado Copper Co. properties, Mesa, and Montrose Counties, Colo.
Treatment tests of scheelite ores and tailings
Development of a rotary test drill
Recovery of lithium from spodumene-amblygonite mixtures
Bumpus pegmatite deposit, Oxford County, Maine
Electrolytic manganese tests in cooperation with industry
Centrifugal testing apparatus for mine-structure stress analysis
Experimental treatment of barite ores from Montgomery County, Ark. and Morgan County, Mo.
North Dakota sodium sulfate deposits
Investigation of gas explosions in Brighton, N.Y., September 21, 1951
Pilot-plant batch retorting of Colorado oil shale
Progress report on pegmatite investigations in South Dakota:for fiscal year ended June 30, 1951
Refractory properties of Pacific Northwest chromites
Separation of lead, cadmium, and germanium sulfides from zinc sulfide concentrates
Experiments on multiple short-delay blasting of coal (in two parts) :part II
Experiments on multiple short-delay blasting of coal (in two parts) :part I
Removal of magnesium and magnesium chloride from titanium sponge by vacuum distillation
Investigation of Shamrock coppper-nickel mine, Jackson County, Oreg.
Preparation characteristics of coal from Clearfield County Pa.
Removal of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide from synthesis gas, using di- and tri-ethanolamine
Concentration of oxide manganese ores from the vicinity of Cleveland, Bannock County, Idaho
Concentration of oxide manganese ores from San Bernardino County, Calif.
Manganese concentrates from open hearth slags by lime-clinkering (Sylvester) process
Concentration of oxide manganese ores from vicinity of Winkelman, Pinal county, Ariz.
Copper Giant deposits, Pima County, Ariz.
Knox and Yingling fluorite mines, Hardin County, Ill.
Investigation of encampment vermiculite deposits, Carbon County, Wyo.
Diamond drilling at Torpedo copper mine, Organ mining district, Dona Ana county, N. Mexico
Recovery of thallium from smelter products
Treatment of titaniferous magnetite ore from Iron Mountain, Wyo.
A study to determine factors causing pressure piling in testing explosion-proof enclosures
Malleable chromium and it alloys
MacArthur copper deposit, Lyon County, Nev.
Lead-zinc deposits of southwestern St. Lawrence County, N.Y.
Beneficiation of Sherman pyromorphite lead ore
Guymard lead-zinc deposit, Orange County, N.Y.
Diamond drilling for zinc ore at Andover-Sulphur Hill iron mines, Sussex County, N.J.
Investigation of the combination silver-tungsten mine, Granite County, Mont.
High-temperature experiments with zirconium and zirconium compounds