Browse TRAIL Inventories

Interaction of a free flame front with a turbulence field

Ingestion of foreign objects into turbine engines by vortices

Investigation of temperature limitation of various lubricants for high-temperature 20-millimeter-bore ball bearings

Investigation of the vibrations of a hollow thin-walled rectangular beam

An investigation of several NACA 1-series nose inlets with and without protruding central bodies at high-subsonic Mach numbers and at a Mach number of 1.2

Method for rapid graphical evaluation of cooled or uncooled turbojet and turboprop engine or component performance (effects of variable specific heat included)

Measurements of the effect of trailing-edge thickness on the zero-lift drag of thin low-aspect-ratio wings

Noise survey of a 10-foot four-blade turbine-driven propeller under static conditions

NACA model investigations of seaplanes in waves

An NACA vane-type angle-of-attack indicator for use at subsonic and supersonic speeds

Preliminary investigation of a stick shaker as a lift-margin indicator

Laminar separation over a transpiration-cooled surface in compressible flow

Longitudinal turbulent spectrum survey of boundary layers in adverse pressure gradients

A low-density wind-tunnel study of shock-wave structure and relaxation phenomena in gases

Low-speed investigation of the effects of angle of attack on the pressure recovery of a circular nose inlet with several lip shapes

Measurements of free-space oscillating pressures near a propeller at flight Mach numbers to 0.72

Measurements of the effects of finite span on the pressure distribution over double-wedge wings at Mach numbers near shock attachment

A fibrous-glass compact as a permeable material for boundary-layer control applications using area suction

Helicopter instrument flight and precision maneuvers as affected by changes in damping in roll, pitch, and yaw

Heat transfer at the forward stagnation point of blunt bodies

Heat loss from yawed hot wires at subsonic Mach numbers

A note on the drag due to lift of rectangular wings of low aspect ratio

On the small-disturbance iteration method for the flow of a compressible fluid with application to a parabolic cylinder

On the Kernel function of the integral equation relating lift and downwash distributions of oscillating wings in supersonic flow

Creep and creep-rupture characteristics of some riveted and spot-welded lap joints of aircraft materials

Criterions for prediction and control of ram-jet flow pulsations

Determination of inflow distributions from experimental aerodynamic loading and blade-motion data on a model helicopter rotor in hovering and forward flight

Burning velocities of various premixed turbulent propane flames on open burners

Comparison between theoretical and experimental stresses in circular semimonocoque cylinders with rectangular cutouts

Analytical determination of effect of water injection on power output of turbine-propeller engine

Compressible laminar boundary layer and heat transfer for unsteady motions of a flat plate

The compressible laminar boundary layer with heat transfer and arbitrary pressure gradient

Analysis of errors introduced by several methods of weighting nonuniform duct flows

The effect of Reynolds number on the stalling characteristics and pressure distributions of four moderately thin airfoil sections

Effect of trailing-edge thickness on lift at supersonic velocities

Experiments with a rotating-cylinder viscometer at high shear rates

An evaluation of non-Newtonian flow in pipe lines

Effects of sweep on the maximum-lift characteristics of four aspect-ratio-4 wings at transonic speeds

The effects of various parameters, including mach number, on propeller-blade flutter with emphasis on stall flutter

Experimental investigation of misaligning couples and eccentricity at ends of misaligned plain bearings

Estimation of inlet lip forces at subsonic and supersonic speeds

An experimental comparison of the Lagrangian and Eulerian correlation coefficients in homogeneous isotropic turbulence

Experimental investigation of blade flutter in an annular cascade

Experiments on turbulent flow through channels having porous rough surfaces with or without air injection

The problem of reducing the speed of a jet transport in flight

Sound propagation into the shadow zone in a temperature-stratified atmosphere above a plane boundary

A statistical study of wing lift at ground contact for four transport airplanes

Static stability of fuselages having a relatively flat cross section

Summary of results obtained by transonic-bump method on effects of plan form and thickness on lift and drag characteristics of wings at transonic speeds

Propagation of a free flame in a turbulent gas stream

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