Browse TRAIL Inventories

Stall and flame-out resulting from firing of armament

Stability and drag characteristics of 1/10-scale model of the Convair XF2Y-1 airplane with open inlets containing boundary layer splitter plates as obtained in free flight at Mach numbers between 0.7 and 1.5 : TED No. NACA DE 365

Engine performance of precision-forged, electropolished and machined blades of Nimonic 80 and 80A alloys

Experimental drag coefficients of round noses with conical windshields at Mach number 2.72

Effect of inlet-air baffles on rotating-stall and stress characteristics of an axial-flow compressor in a turbojet engine

Effect of inlet flow distortion on compressor stall and acceleration characteristics of a J65-B-3 turbojet engine

The effect of inlet installation on the zero-lift drag of a 60 degree delta-wing-body configuration from flight tests at Mach numbers from 0.8 to 1.86

A flight investigation at transonic speeds of a model having a triangular wing of aspect ratio 2

A flight investigation at transonic speeds of a model having a triangular wing of aspect ratio 3

Effect of surface-active additives on physical properties of slurries of vapor-process magnesium

Design procedure for transpiration-cooled strut-supported turbine rotor blades

An air-borne target simulator for use in optical sight tracking studies

Investigation of the effects of bomb-bay configuration upon the aerodynamic characteristics of a body with circular cross section at supersonic speeds

Experimental performance of the mixed-oxides-of-nitrogen-ammonia propellant combination in a 1000-pound-thrust rocket engine

Rocket-engine throttling

Experimental rocket performance with 15 percent fluorine - 85 percent oxygen and JP4

Wing-load measurements at supersonic speeds of the Douglas D-558-II research airplane

Preliminary investigation of the effects of altitude and inlet-pressure distortions on steady-state and surge fuel flow of the J57-P-1 turbojet engine

Investigation of the effects of body indentation and of wing-plan-form modification on the longitudinal characteristics of a 60 degree swept-wing-body combination at Mach numbers of 1.41, 1.61, and 2.10

Preliminary investigation of some internal boundary-layer-control systems on a side inlet at Mach number 2.96

Some effects of propeller operation and location on ability of a wing with plain flaps to deflect propeller slipstreams downward for vertical take-off

A study of the application of airfoil section data to the estimation of the high-subsonic-speed characteristics of swept wings

A study of local-pressure fluctuations relative to static-pressure distributions on two-dimensional airfoils at high subsonic Mach numbers

A Study of the Correlation Between Flight and Wind-Tunnel Buffeting Loads

Preliminary performance data of several tail-pipe-cascade-type model thrust reversers

Review of status, methods and potentials of gas-turbine air-cooling

Thrust and drag characteristics of simulated variable-shroud nozzles with hot and cold primary flows at subsonic and supersonic speeds

Transonic free-flight investigation of the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a 1/10-scale steel-wing of the Northrop MX-775A missile with leading-edge extensions, inboard trailing-edge flaps, and a speed brake on the vertical tail

Wing-load measurements of the Bell X-5 research airplane at a sweep angle of 58.7 degrees

Analytical and experimental study of transient-response characteristics of a turboprop engine

Analysis of V-G records from ten types of Navy airplanes in squadron operations during the period 1949 to 1953

Theoretical pressure distributions for some slender wing-body combinations at zero lift

Aerodynamic characteristics at Mach numbers from 0.7 to 1.75 of a four-engine swept-wing airplane configuration as obtained from a rocket-propelled model test

Aerodynamic heating of rocket-powered research vehicles at hypersonic speeds

An experimental investigation at a Mach number of 2.01 of the effects of body cross-section shape on the aerodynamic characteristics of bodies and wing-body combinations

Experimental investigation at Mach numbers from 0 to 1.9 of trapezoidal and circular side inlets for a fighter-type airplane

Experimental investigation of a transonic axial-flow-compressor rotor with double-circular-arc airfoil blade sections II : blade-element performance

Experimental investigation of a transonic compressor rotor with a 1.5-inch chord length and an aspect ratio of 3.0 II : blade-element performance

Experimental flutter investigation of a thin unswept wing at transonic speeds

Experimental performance of fluorine-oxygen with JP4 fuel in a rocket engine

An experimental investigation of two methods for reducing transonic drag of swept-wing and body combinations

Experimental investigation of a surge control on a turbojet engine

Experimental investigation of a transonic axial-flow-compressor rotor with double-circular-arc airfoil blade sections III : comparison of blade-element performance with three levels of solidity

Experimental investigation of a transonic compressor rotor with a 1.5-inch chord length and an aspect ratio of 3.0 I : design, over-all performance, and rotating-stall characteristics

Flight measurements of directional stability to a Mach number of 1.48 for an airplane tested with three different vertical tail configurations

Free-flight investigation to obtain drag-at-lift and stability data for a 60 degree delta-wing-body configuration over a Mach number range of 1.3 to 1.6

Flight measurements of base pressure on bodies of revolution with and without simulated rocket chambers

Flight Measurements of Elevon Hinge Moments on the XF-92A Delta-Wing Airplane

Flight Measurements of Horizontal-Tail Loads on the Bell X-5 Research Airplane at a Sweep Angle of 58.7 Degrees

Effect of outer-shell design on performance characteristics of convergent-plug exhaust nozzles

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