Browse TRAIL Inventories

A comparison of the measured and predicted lateral oscillatory-characteristics of a 35 degree swept-wing fighter airplane

Effect of lag of sidewash on the vertical-tail contribution to oscillatory damping in yaw of airplane models

Application of the generalized shock-expansion method to inclined bodies of revolution traveling at high supersonic airspeeds

Low-speed static lateral and rolling stability characteristics of a series of configuration composed of intersecting triangular plan-form surfaces

Free-flight measurements of turbulent-boundary-layer skin friction in the presence of severe aerodynamic heating at Mach numbers from 2.8 to 7.0

Lift hysteresis at stall as an unsteady boundary-layer phenomenon

Reduction of profile drag at supersonic velocities by the use of airfoil sections having a blunt trailing edge

A reevaluation of gust-load statistics for applications in spectral calculations

Review of Experimental Investigations of Liquid-Metal Heat Transfer

Wind-tunnel investigation at low speed of effect of size and position of closed air ducts on static longitudinal and static lateral stability characteristics of unswept-midwing models having wings of aspect ratio 2, 4, and 6

Calculated spanwise lift distributions and aerodynamic influence coefficients for swept wings in subsonic flow

Axially symmetric shapes with minimum wave drag

Boundary lubrication of steel with fluorine- and chlorine-substituted methane and ethane gases

Variation of boundary-layer transition with heat transfer on two bodies of revolution at a Mach number of 3.12

On spectral analysis of runway roughness and loads developed during taxiing

Recovery and time-response characteristics of six thermocouple probes in subsonic and supersonic flow

Calculation of the supersonic pressure distribution on a single-curved tapered wing in regions not influenced by the root or tip

Extrapolation techniques applied to matrix methods in neutron diffusion problems

Theoretical analysis of incompressible flow through a radial-inlet centrifugal impeller at various weight flows II : solution in leading-edge region by relaxation methods

Gust-tunnel investigation of the effect of a sharp-edge gust on the flapwise blade bending moments of a model helicopter rotor

Tensile properties of 7075-T6 and 2024-T3 aluminum-alloy sheet heated at uniform temperature rates under constant load

Circumferential distribution of propeller-slipstream total-pressure rise at one radial station of a twin-engine transport airplane

An experimental investigation of regions of separated laminar flow

Theoretical analysis of incompressible flow through a radial-inlet centrifugal impeller at various weight flows 1: solution by a matrix method and comparison with an approximate method

An Analysis of the Stability and Ultimate Compressive Strength of Short Sheet-Stringer Panels with Special Reference to the Influence of Riveted Connection Between Sheet and Stringer

A limited investigation of the effect of three vortex-generator configuration on the effectiveness of a plain flap on an unswept wing

Flow studies on flat-plate delta wings at supersonic speed

On slender delta wings with leading-edge separation

A study of boundary-layer transition and surface temperature distributions at Mach 3.12

The effectiveness of wing vortex generators in improving the maneuvering characteristics of a swept wing airplane at transonic speeds

Charts of boundary-layer mass flow and momentum for inlet performance analysis mach number range, 0.2 to 5.0

On the calculation of the 1 (center dot) P oscillating aerodynamic loads on single-rotation propellers in pitch on tractor airplanes

A flight evaluation of the longitudinal stability characteristics associated with the pitch-up of a swept-wing airplane in maneuvering flight at transonic speeds

Performance of 15-Stage Experimental J71 Axial-Flow Compressor. 3 - Effects of Inlet-Guide-Vane Adjustment

Investigation of the vibrations of a hollow thin-walled rectangular beam

A method for the design of sweptback wings warped to produce specified flight characteristics at supersonic speeds

NACA transonic wind-tunnel test sections

Measurement and analysis of wing and tail buffeting loads on a fighter airplane

Ideal temperature rise due to constant-pressure combustion of a JP-4 fuel

On the Kernel function of the integral equation relating the lift and downwash distributions of oscillating finite wings in subsonic flow

Determination of lateral-stability derivatives and transfer-function coefficients from frequency-response data for lateral motions

Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics and Effect of Rocket Jet on Drag of Models of the Hermes A-3A and A-3B Missiles in Free Flight at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 2.0

A comparative analysis of the performance of long-range hypervelocity vehicles

Bodies of revolution having minimum drag at high supersonic airspeeds

Stability and control characteristics obtained during demonstration of the Douglas X-3 research airplane

Some aspects of the design of hypersonic boost-glide aircraft

Performance of a high-solidity high-pressure-ratio transonic rotor

Performance measurements from a rocket-powered exploratory research missile flown to a Mach number of 10.4

Pressure-drop characteristics of a 22-segment mock-up of the General Electric Company air-cooled aircraft reactor

The pressure-recovery and propeller-force characteristics of a propeller-spinner-cowling combination employing NACA 4-(5) (05)-037 six- and eight-blade dual-rotation propellers with an NACA 1 series D-type cowl

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