Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
A method for simulating the atmospheric entry of long-range ballistic missiles
Flight measurements of wing loads on the Convair XF-92A delta-wing airplane
Free-jet performance configurations of the XRJ43-MA-3 ram-jet engine
Interaction of a jet and flat plate located in an airstream
A method for the analysis of compounds containing boron, carbon, and hydrogen
Controls for supersonic missiles
Preliminary free-jet performance of XRJ43-MA-3 ram-jet engine at Mach number of 2.50
Effect of ejector performance of varying diameter ratio by simulated iris flaps
Performance of as-forged, heat-treated, and overaged S-816 blades in a turbojet engine
NACA research on slurry fuels through 1954
Experimental study of shock-positioning method of ram-jet-engine control
Preliminary discussion of fuel temperatures attained in supersonic aircraft
Preliminary investigation at Mach number 1.9 of simulated wing-root inlets
Preparation and physical properties of some trialkylboranes
A low-pressure-loss short afterburner for sea-level thrust augmentation