Browse TRAIL Inventories

Flight Test of the Lateral Stability of a 0.133-Scale Model of the Convair XFY-1 Airplane with Windmilling Propellers at Mach Numbers from 0.70 to 1.12 (TED No. NACA DE 369)

A method for simulating the atmospheric entry of long-range ballistic missiles

An analysis of once-per-revolution oscillating aerodynamic thrust loads on single-rotation propellers on tractor airplanes at zero yaw

Flight experience with two high-speed airplanes having violent lateral-longitudinal coupling in aileron rolls

A flight and analog computer study of some stabilization and command networks for an automatically controlled interceptor during the final attack phase

Flight determination of minimum drag of 0.11-scale rocket-boosted model of the Chance Vought XF8U-1 airplane with modified fuselage area distribution and faired inlet at Mach number from 0.82 to 1.68 : TED No. NACA DE 392

Exploratory investigation at Mach number 4.06 of an airplane configuration having a wing of trapezoidal form : effects of various tail arrangements on wing-on and wing-off static longitudinal and lateral stability characteristics

Exploratory investigation of the flow in the separated region ahead of two blunt bodies at Mach number 2

Flight measurements of the dynamical longitudinal stability and frequency-response characteristics of the XF-92A delta-wing airplane

Flight measurements of wing loads on the Convair XF-92A delta-wing airplane

Flight experience with a delta-wing airplane having violent lateral-longitudinal coupling in aileron rolls

Flight measurements of the velocity distribution and persistence of the trailing vortices of an airplane

Free-jet performance configurations of the XRJ43-MA-3 ram-jet engine

Investigation of impulse-type supersonic compressor with hub-tip ratio of 0.6 and turning to axial direction II : stage performance with three different sets of stators

Internal performance of a series of circular auxiliary-air inlets immersed in a turbulent boundary layer : Mach number range: 1.5 to 2.0

Investigation of aerodynamic characteristics in pitch and sideslip of a 45 degree sweptback-wing airplane model with various vertical locations of wing and horizontal tail : basic-data presentation, M = 2.01

Interferometric observation of flow about an isentropic (reverse Prandtl-Meyer streamline) compression wedge at Mach 3.0

Investigation of a high-pressure-ratio eight-stage axial-flow research compressor with two transonic inlet stages V : preliminary analysis of over-all performance of modified compressor

Investigation of a high-pressure-ratio eight-stage axial-flow research compressor with two transonic inlet stages VI : over-all performance, rotating stall, and blade vibration at low and intermediate compressor speeds

Investigation of a high-pressure-ratio eight-stage axial-flow research compressor with two transonic inlet stages IV : modification of aerodynamic design and prediction of performance

Interaction of a jet and flat plate located in an airstream

Inlet-air distortion effects on stall, surge, and acceleration margin of a turbojet engine equipped with variable compressor inlet guide vanes

Investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch and sideslip of a 45 degree sweptback-wing airplane model with various vertical locations of the wing and horizontal tail : effect of wing location and geometric dihedral for the wing-body com

An investigation of the adaptation of a transonic slotted tunnel to supersonic operation by enclosing the slots with fairings

Investigation of rotating components of counterrotating two-spool engines I : analytical investigation of off-design performance of turbine component designed with and without outer-turbine stator

A method for the analysis of compounds containing boron, carbon, and hydrogen

Load distributions on wings and wing-body combinations at high angles of attack and supersonic speeds

Controls for supersonic missiles

Preliminary free-jet performance of XRJ43-MA-3 ram-jet engine at Mach number of 2.50

Preliminary investigation of a conical spike inlet in combination with a vertical-wedge auxiliary inlet at Mach number 1.9

Preliminary investigation of effect on performance of dividing conical-spike nose inlets into halves at Mach numbers 1.5 to 2.0

Results of initial wind-tunnel flutter experiments at low speed with a towed airplane model having a 40 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 3.62 equipped with pylon-mounted stores

Effect of ejector performance of varying diameter ratio by simulated iris flaps

Pressure distributions on triangular and rectangular wings to high angles of attack Mach numbers 2.46 and 3.36

The origin and distribution of supersonic store interference from measurement of individual forces on several wing-fuselage-store configurations III : swept-wing fighter-bomber configuration with large and small stores. Mach number 1.61

Performance of as-forged, heat-treated, and overaged S-816 blades in a turbojet engine

NACA research on slurry fuels through 1954

Experimental study of shock-positioning method of ram-jet-engine control

Study of some effects of structural flexibility on the longitudinal motions and loads as obtained from flight measurements of a swept-wing bomber

Preliminary experimental investigation of a variable-area, variable-internal-contraction air inlet at Mach numbers between 1.42 and 2.44

Preliminary discussion of fuel temperatures attained in supersonic aircraft

Preliminary results from free-jet tests of a 48-inch-diameter ram-jet combustor with an annular can-type flame holder

Flight-determined pressure distributions over a section of the 35 degree swept wing of the Douglas D-558-II research airplane at Mach numbers up to 2.0

Preliminary results from free jet tests of a 48-inch-diameter ram-jet combustor with an annular-piloted baffle-type flameholder

Preliminary investigation at Mach number 1.9 of simulated wing-root inlets

A pressure-distribution investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of a body of revolution in the vicinity of a reflection plane at Mach numbers of 1.41 and 2.01

Preparation and physical properties of some trialkylboranes

Lateral-control investigation at transonic speeds of differentially deflected horizontal-tail surfaces for a configuration having a 6-percent-thick 45 degree sweptback wing

Lateral stability and control characteristics of the Convair XF-92A delta-wing airplane as measured in flight

A low-pressure-loss short afterburner for sea-level thrust augmentation

Published Year



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