Browse TRAIL Inventories

Formulas for the Elastic Constants of Plates With Integral Waffle-Like Stiffening

Investigation at Supersonic Speeds of the Effect of Jet Mach Number and Divergence Angle of the Nozzle Upon the Pressure of the Base Annulus of a Body of Revolution

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Use of Spoilers for Obtaining Static Longitudinal Stability of a Canard-Missile Model in Reverse Flight

Design of Combustor for Long-Range Ram-Jet Engine and Performance of Rectangular Analog

The Effect of Some Surface Roughness Elements on the Drag of a Body of Revolution at Supersonic Speeds

Effect of Mechanically Induced Sinusoidal Air-Foil Oscillations on Operation of a Ram-Jet Engine

Effect of Wedge-Type Boundary-Layer Diverters on Performance of Half-Conical Side Inlets at Mach Number 2.96

Effect on Transonic and Supersonic Drag of a Fuselage Protuberance of an Essential Unswept Wing-Fuselage Combination

The Effect of Canopy Location on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Sweptback Wing-Body Configuration at Transonic Speeds

Effects of a Series of Inboard Plan-Form Modifications on the Longitudinal Characteristics of Two Unswept Wings of Aspect Ratio 3.5, Taper Ratio 0.2, and Different Thickness Distributions at Mach Numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Effect of Nozzle Secondary Flows on Turbine Performance as Indicated by Exit Surveys of a Rotor

The Effects of Operating Propellers on the Longitudinal Characteristics at High Subsonic Speeds of a Four-Engine Tractor Airplane Configuration Having a Wing With 40 Degrees of Sweepback and an Aspect Ratio of 10

Effects of Canopy, Revised Vertical Tail, and a Yaw-Damper Vane on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 1/16-Scale Model of the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane at a Mach Number of 2.01

The Effects of Changes in Aspect Ratio and Tail Height on the Longitudinal Stability Characteristics at High Subsonic Speeds of a Model With a Wing Having 32.6 Degree Sweepback

Effects of Auxiliary and Ejector Pumping on the Mach Number Attainable in a 4 1/2- by 4 1/2-Inch Slotted Tunnel at Low Pressure Ratios

Dynamic Stability and Control Characteristics of a Ducted-Fan Model in Hovering Flight

Determination of Longitudinal Stability in Supersonic Accelerated Maneuvers for the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane

Drag and Heat Transfer on a Parabolic Body of Revolution (NACA RM-10) in Free Flight to Mach Number 2 With Both Constant and Varying Reynolds Number and Heating Effects on Turbulent Skin Friction

Drag Measurements on a 1/6-Scale, Finless, Sting-Mounted NACA RM-10 Missile in Flight at Mach Numbers From 1.1 to 4.04 Showing Some Reynolds Number and Heating Effects

The Effect of an Operating Propeller on the Aerodynamic Characteristics at High Subsonic Speeds of a Model of a Vertical-Rising Airplane Having an Unswept Wing of Aspect Ratio 3

Effect of Ice Formations on Section Drag of Swept NACA 63A-009 Airfoil With Partical-Span Leading-Edge Slat for Various Modes of Thermal Ice Protection

Comparison of Wind-Tunnel, Rocket, and Flight Drag Measurements for Eight Airplane Configurations at Mach Numbers Between 0.7 and 1.6

Calculated Effect of Uranium Distribution on Reflector Control Effectiveness for a Water-Moderated Power Reactor

Analysis of Wind-Tunnel Tests at Low Speeds of a Four-Engine Propeller-Driven Airplane Configuration Having a Wing With 40 Degrees of Sweepback

Analytical Study of the Effect of Center-of-Gravity Position on the Response to Longitudinal Control in Landing Approaches of a Swept-Wing Airplane of Low Aspect Ratio Having No Horizontal Tail

Measured and Estimated Lateral Static and Rotary Derivatives of a 1/12-Scale Model of a High-Speed Fighter Airplane With Unswept Wings

Low-Amplitude Damping-in-Pitch Characteristics of Four Tailless Swept Wing-Body Combinations at Mach Numbers From 0.85 to 1.30 as Obtained With Rocket-Powered Models

Longitudinal Stability Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of a Canard Configuration Having a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 6.0 and NACA 65A009 Airfoil Section

Low-Amplitude Damping-in-Pitch Characteristics of Tailless Delta-Wing-Body Combinations at Mach Numbers From 0.80 to 1.35 as Obtained With Rocket-Powered Models

Low-Speed Investigation of the Effects of Location of a Delta and a Straight Tail on the Longitudinal Stability and Control of a Thin Delta Wing With Extended Double Slotted Flaps

Investigation of Mechanical Fastenings for Solid Turbine Blades Made From Ductile Materials

Charts Relating the Compressive Buckling Stress of Longitudinally Supported Plates to the Effective Deflectional and Rotational Stiffness of the Supports

Ditching Investigation of a 1/10-Scale Model of the North American F-86 Airplane

On the Sound Field of a Point-Shaped Sound Source in Uniform Translatory Motion

Preliminary Altitude Operational Characteristics of a J57-P1 Turbojet Engine

Flight Tests of a 0.13-Scale Model of the Convair XFY-1 Vertically Rising Airplane with the Lower Vertical Tail Removed, TED No. DE 368

Experimental Determination of Linear Dynamics of Two-Spool Turbojet Engines

Design and Evaluation of a Turbojet Exhaust Simulator, Utilizing a Solid-Propellant Rocket Motor, for Use in Free-Flight Aerodynamic Research Models

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Circular Cylinder at Mach Number 6.86 and Angles of Attack Up to 90 Degrees

Average Skin-Friction Drag Coefficients From Tank Tests of a Parabolic Body of Revolution (NACA RM-10)

Interim Report on Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/25-Scale Model of the McDonnell F3H-1N Airplane, TED No. NACA AD 3100

Flight Measurements of Average Skin-Friction Coefficients on a Parabolic Body of Revolution (NACA RM-10) at Mach Numbers from 1.0 to 3.7

Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of a 1/30-Scale Model of the Republic XF-103 Airplane

On Force-Deflection Diagrams of Airplane Shock Absorber Struts: First, Second, and Third Partial Reports

Analysis of Turbulent Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, and Friction in Smooth Tubes at High Prandtl and Schmidt Numbers

Take-Off and Landing Characteristics of a 0.13-Scale Model of the Convair XFY-1 Vertically Rising Airplane in Steady Winds, TED No. NACA DE 368

Supplementary Investigation in the Free-Spinning Tunnel of a 1/24-Scale Model of the Grumman F9F-6 Airplane Incorporating only Flaperons for Lateral Control, TED No. NACA DE 364

Summary of Turbulence Data Obtained During United Air Lines Flight Evaluation of an Experimental C Band (5.5 cm) Airborne Weather Radar

An Investigation in the Ames 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel of a YT-56A Turboprop Engine Incorporating a Decoupler and a Controlled-Feathering Device

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Modifications to a Model of a Bomb Mounted on a Wing-Fuselage Model and to a Model of the Bomb Alone

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