Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Airfoil section characteristics at high angles of attack
The Ames 10- by 14-Inch Supersonic Wind Tunnel
Effect of Rocket-Motor Operation on the Drag of Three 1/5-Scale Hermes A-3A Models in Free Flight
Photographic Study of Rotary Screaming and Other Oscillations in a Rocket Engine
A Preliminary Flight Investigation of an Oil-Flow Technique for Air-Flow Visualization
Stabilization of 50-Percent Magnesium - JP-4 Slurries With Some Aluminum Soaps of C(Sub 8) Acids
Preliminary Report of Experimental Investigation of Ram-Jet Controls and Engine Dynamics
Experimental Sea-Level Static Investigation of a Short Afterburner
Transonic Drag Measurements of Eight Body-Nose Shapes
Evaluation of a Silicone-Diester Lubricant in Bench Studies and in a Turbopropeller Engine