Browse TRAIL Inventories

Study of the Subsonic Forces and Moments on an Inclined Plate of Infinite Span

Shearing-Stress Measurements by Use of a Heated Element

Flight Investigation at Large Angles of Attack of the Static-Pressure Errors of a Service Pitot-Static Tube Having a Modified Orifice Configuration

A Substitute-Stringer Approach for Including Shear-Lag Effects in Box-Beam Vibrations

A Design Study of Leading-Edge Inlets for Unswept Wings

Gust Experience of a Helicopter and an Airplane in Formation Flight

Bending Tests on Box Beams Having Solid- and Open-Construction Webs

Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature of Four Cermets of Titanium Carbide with Nickel Binder

Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature of Four Cermets of Tungsten Carbide with Cobalt Binder

Analysis of Straight Multicell Wings on Cal-Tech Analog Computer

Buckling of Long Square Tubes in Combined Compression and Torsion and Comparison with Flat-Plate Buckling Theories

Analysis of Sweptback Wings on Cal-Tech Analog Computer

An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Wheel Prerotation on Landing-Gear Drag Loads

An Investigation of Effects of Flame-Holder Gutter Shape on Afterburner Performance

Investigation of a Transonic Turbine Designed for a Maximum Rotor-Blade Suction-Surface Relative Mach Number of 1.57

Investigation of Adjustable Supersonic Inlet in Combination With J34 Engine Up to Mach 2.0

Flight Investigation of the Rolling Effectiveness of Fingered Semaphore Spoilers on a Tapered 45 Sweptback Wing Between Mach Numbers 0.6 and 1.3

Flight Investigation to Determine Lift and Drag Characteristics of a Canard Ram-Jet Missile Configuration in the Mach Number Range of 0.8 to 2.0

A Flight Investigation of the Effects of Inclination of the Principal Axis of Inertia on the Dynamic Lateral Stability of the Republic XF-91 Airplane

Flight Investigation of the Aerodynamic Derivatives and Performance of Control Systems of Two Full-Scale Guided Bombs

Flight Investigation of Engine Nacelles and Wing Vertical Position on the Drag of a Delta-Wing Airplane Configuration Form Mach Number 0.8 to 2.0

The Hydrodynamic Planing Lift of Four Surfaces as Measured in a 200-FPS Free Jet

Investigation of the Normal Force Accompanying Thrust-Axis Inclination of the NACA 1.167-(0)(03)-058 and the NACA 1.167-(0)(05)-058 Three-Blade Propellers at Forward Mach Numbers to 0.90

Longitudinal Stability and Drag Characteristics of a Fin Stabilized Body of Revolution With a Fineness Ratio of 12 as Measured by the Free-Fall Method

Low-Speed Cascade Tests of Two 45 Degree Swept Compressor Blades With Constant Spanwise Loading

Low-Speed Chordwise Pressure Distributions Near the Midspan Station of the Slotted Flap and Aileron of a 1/4-Scale Model of the Bell X-1 Airplane With a 4-Percent-Thick, Aspect-Ratio-4, Unswept Wing

Measurement and Calculation of Blade Torsional Deflection of Three Supersonic-Type Propellers

Measured Data Pertaining to Buffeting at Supersonic Speeds of the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane

Measurements and Predictions of Flow Conditions on a Two-Dimensional Base Separating a Mach Number 3.36 Jet and a Mach Number 1.55 Outer Stream

Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics at High Supersonic Mach Numbers of a Family of Delta Wings Having Double-Wedge Sections With the Maximum Thickness at 0.18 Chord

Investigation of the Effect of Balancing Tabs on the Hinge-Moment Characteristics of a Trailing-Edge Flap-Type Control on a Trapezoidal Wing at a Mach Number of 1.61

Investigation of the Effect of Indentation on an M-Plan-Form-Wing--Body Combination at Transonic Speeds

An Investigation of the Characteristics of the NACA RM-10 (With and Without Fins) in the Langley 11-Inch Hypersonic Tunnel at a Mach Number of 6.9

Experimental Effects of Propulsive Jets and Afterbody Configurations on the Zero-Lift Drag of Bodies of Revolution at a Mach Number of 1.59

Hinge-Moment, Lift, and Pitching-Moment Characteristics of a Flap-Type Control Surface Having Various Hinge-Line Locations on a 4-Percent-Thick 60 Degree Delta Wing: Transonic Bump Method

Flight Tests of a Man Standing on a Platform Supported by a Teetering Rotor

Investigation at Transonic Speeds of the Lateral-Control and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of a Flap-Type Spoiler Aileron on a 60 Degree Delta Wing

An Investigation of a Supersonic Aircraft Configuration Having a Tapered Wing With Circular-Arc Sections and 40 Degree Sweepback: Stability and Control Characteristics at a Mach Number of 1.61 of the Complete Configuration Equipped With Spoilers

Investigation of a Pulse-Jet-Powered Helicopter Rotor on the Langley Helicopter Test Tower

An Investigation of a Method for Obtaining Hydrodynamic Data at Very High Speeds With a Free Water Jet

Investigation of a Canard Missile Configuration (NACA RM-4) in the Langley 9-Inch Supersonic Tunnel at Mach Numbers of 1.62 and 1.93

Bibliography of NACA Reports Related to Aircraft Control and Guidance Systems January 1949 - April 1954

Preliminary Flight Measurements of the Total-Pressure Recovery of a Split-Wing Ram-Jet Inlet at Mach Numbers From 1.4 to 3.16

Development of Metal-Bonding Adhesives With Improved Heat-Resistant Properties

Tables for the Computation of Wave Drag of Arrow Wings of Arbitrary Airfoil Section

Additional Static and Fatigue Tests of High-Strength Aluminum-Alloy Bolted Joints

Aerodynamic loads on a leading-edge flap and a leading-edge slat on the NACA 64A010 airfoil section

Aerodynamic investigation of a four-blade propeller operating through an angle-of-attack range from 0 to 180 degrees

Aerodynamic forces, moments, and stability derivatives for slender bodies of general cross section

Aerodynamics of slender wings and wing-body combinations having swept trailing edges

Published Year



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