Browse TRAIL Inventories

Slowing-Down Distribution to Indium Resonance of Neutrons From a Ra-Alpha-Be Source in Water-Iron Mixtures

Theoretical Maximum Performance of Liquid Fluorine - Liquid Oxygen Mixtures With JP-4 Fuel as Rocket Propellants

Pumping Characteristics for Several Simulated Variable-Geometry Ejectors With Hot and Cold Primary Flow

On the Use of the Indicial-Function Concept in the Analysis of Unsteady Motions of Wings and Wing-Tail Combinations

Flame Quenching by a Variable-Width Rectangular-Slot Burner as a Function of Pressure for Various Propane-Oxygen-Nitrogen Mixtures

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at a Mach Number of 2.01 of the Aerodynamic Characteristics in Combined Pitch and Sideslip of Some Canard-Type Missiles Having Cruciform Wings and Canard Surfaces With 70 Degree Delta Plan Forms

Study of Some Dielectric Properties of Suspensions of Magnesium Particles in Mineral Oil

A Survey of Background and Aircraft Noise in Communities Near Airports

Low-Speed Measurements of Rolling and Yawing Stability Derivatives of a 60 Degree Delta-Wing Model

The Effects of Horizontal-Tail Height and a Partial-Span Leading-Edge Extension on the Static Longitudinal Stability of a Wing-Fuselage-Tail Combination Having a Sweptback Wing

The Effects of Circular End Plates on the Lift, Drag, and Pitching Moment at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds on a Modified Triangular Wing Having an Aspect Ratio of 2, a Taper Ratio of 0.33, and a 45 Degree Swept Leading Edge

Effects of Some Metal Additions on Properties of Molybdenum Disilicide

An Experimental Investigation of Two-Dimensional, Supersonic Cascade-Type Inlets at a Mach Number of 3.11

Experimental Evidence of Sustained Coupled Longitudinal and Lateral Oscillations From a Rocket-Propelled Model of a 35 Degree Swept Wing Airplane Configuration

The Resistance to Air Flow of Porous Materials Suitable for Boundary-Layer-Control Applications Using Area Suction

The Small-Disturbance Method for Flow of a Compressible Fluid With Velocity Potential and Stream Function as Independent Variables

Lift and Moment Equations for Oscillating Airfoils in an Infinite Unstaggered Cascade

Measurement of Heat Transfer in the Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate in a Supersonic Flow and Comparison With Skin-Friction Results

Results of Edge-Compression on Stiffened Flat-Sheet Panels of Alclad and Nonclad 14S-T6, 24S-T3, and 75S-T6 Aluminum Alloys

Application of Two-Dimensional Vortex Theory to the Prediction of Flow Fields Behind Wings of Wing Body Combinations at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds

Statistical Study of Overstressing in Steel

Tests of Bonded and Riveted Sheet-Stringer Panels

Span Load Distribution Resulting From Constant Vertical Acceleration for Thin Sweptback Tapered Wings With Streamwise Tips: Supersonic Leading and Trailing Edges

Use of a Hot-Wire Anemometer in Shock-Tube Investigations

Ion Tracer Technique for Airspeed Measurement at Low Densities

A Method for Estimating the Effect of Turbulent Velocity Fluctuations in the Boundary Layer on Diffuser Total-Pressure-Loss Measurements

Incompressible Flow Past a Sinusoidal Wall of Finite Amplitude

Effect of Surface Roughness Over the Downstream Region of a 23 Degree Conical Diffuser

Trends of Rolling-Contact Bearings as Applied to Aircraft Gas-Turbine Engines

Thermal Conductance of Contacts in Aircraft Joints

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Aerodynamic-Heating and Isothermal Heat-Transfer Parameters on a Hemispherical Nose With Laminar Boundary Layer at Supersonic Mach Numbers

The Role of Triple Collisions in Excitation of Molecular Vibrations in Nitrous Oxide

Time-Dependent Buckling of a Uniformly Heated Column

Transonic Flow Past Cone Cylinders

Viscosity Corrections to Cone Probes on Rarefied Supersonic Flow at a Nominal Mach Number of 4

A Photographic Method for Determining Vertical Velocities of Aircraft Immediately Prior to Landing

Review of Information on Induced Flow of a Lifting Rotor

Manual of the ICAO Standard Atmosphere Calculations by the NACA

Reduction of Helicopter Parasite Drag

Electrical Analogies for Stiffened Shells With Flexible Rings

On the Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Dynamical Systems From Transient-Response Data

Role of Nickel Dip in Enameling of Sheet Steel

Rolling Effectiveness and Aileron Reversal of Rectangular Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Stress Analysis of Circular Semimonocoque Cylinders With Cutouts by a Perturbation Load Technique

Subsonic Edges in Thin-Wing and Slender-Body Theory

Starting and Operating Limits of Two Supersonic Wind Tunnels Utilizing Auxiliary Air Injection Downstream of the Test Section

A Theoretical Investigation of the Short-Period Dynamic Longitudinal Stability of Airplane Configurations Having Elastic Wings of 0 Degree to 60 Degrees Sweepback

Evaluation of Alloys for Vacuum Brazing of Sintered Wrought Molybdenum for Elevated-Temperature Applications

Theoretical Calculations of the Lateral Stability Derivatives for Triangular Vertical Tails with Subsonic Leading Edges Traveling at Supersonic Speeds

Theoretical Supersonic Force and Moment Coefficients on a Sideslipping Vertical- and Horizontal-Tail Combination with Subsonic Leading Edges and Supersonic Trailing Edges

Published Year



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