Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Boundary-layer measurements in 3.84- by 10-inch supersonic channel
A survey of the flow at the plane of the propeller of a twin-engine airplane
Initial flight investigation of a twin engine supersonic ram jet
Fundamental flame velocities of pure hydrocarbons 2: alkadienes
Investigation of perforated convergent-divergent diffusers with initial boundary layer
Tests of a small-scale NACA submerged inlet at transonic Mach numbers
Investigation of stage performance of X24C-2 ten-stage axial-flow compressor at design speed
An NACA transonic test section with tapered slots tested at Mach numbers to 1.26
Preliminary analysis of effects of air cooling turbine blades on turbojet-engine performance
Preliminary analysis of three cycles for nuclear propulsion of aircraft
Longitudinal-stability characteristics of the Northrop X-4 airplane (USAF No. 46-677)
Temperature survey of the wake of two closely located parallel jets
Free-jet investigation of a 16-inch ram jet at Mach numbers of 1.35, 1.50, and 1.73
Free-jet performance of 16-inch ram-jet engine with several fuels
Effect of fuel volatility on altitude starting limits of a turbojet engine