Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Torsional vibrations of hollow thin-walled cylindrical beams
Generalized indicial forces on deforming rectangular wings in supersonic flight
Data on the compressive strength of skin-stringer panels of various materials
Wind-tunnel studies of the performance of multirotor configurations
Vaporization rates and drag coefficients for isooctane sprays in turbulent air streams
A preliminary investigation of the effects of gusty air on helicopter-blade bending moments
Investigation of distributed surface roughness on a body of revolution at a Mach number of 1.61
Directional stability characteristics of two types of tandem helicopter fuselage models
Effects of chemically active additives on boundary lubrication of steel by silicones
Statistical study of transition-point fluctuations in supersonic flow
Wall interference in wind tunnels with slotted and porous boundaries at subsonic speeds
Boundary-layer transition at Mach 3.12 with and without single roughness elements