Browse TRAIL Inventories

Preliminary investigation of the effects of heat transfer on boundary-layer transition on a parabolic body of revolution (NACA RM-10) at a Mach number of 1.61

Method for calculation of compressible laminar boundary layer with axial pressure gradient and heat transfer

Study of three-dimensional internal flow distribution based on measurements in a 48-inch radial-inlet centrifugal impeller

Some effects of aspect ratio and tail length on the contribution of a vertical tail to unsteady lateral damping and directional stability of a model oscillating continuously in yaw

Some effects of exposure to exhaust-gas streams on emittance and thermoelectric power of bare-wire platinum rhodium - platinum thermocouples

Torsional vibrations of hollow thin-walled cylindrical beams

Approximate effect of leading-edge thickness, incidence angle, and inlet mach number on inlet losses for high-solidity cascades of low cambered blades

An analytical and experimental study of the transient response of a pressure-regulating relief valve in a hydraulic circuit

An analysis of the stability and ultimate bending strength of multiweb beams with formed-channel webs

An experimental investigation at low speeds of the effects of lip shape on the drag and pressure recovery of a nose inlet in a body of revolution

Generalized indicial forces on deforming rectangular wings in supersonic flight

Experimental investigation at a Mach number of 2.41 of average skin-friction coefficients and velocity profiles for laminar and turbulent boundary layers and an assessment of probe effects

Cooling requirements for stability of laminar boundary layer with small pressure gradient at supersonic speeds

Density profiles of subsonic boundary layers on a flat plate determined by x-ray and pressure measurements

Data on the compressive strength of skin-stringer panels of various materials

Effects of subsonic Mach number on the forces and pressure distributions on four NACA 64A-series airfoil sections at angles of attack as high as 28 degrees

Wind-tunnel studies of the performance of multirotor configurations

Calculated subsonic span loads and resulting stability derivatives of unswept and 45 degrees sweptback tail surfaces in sideslip and in steady roll

Vaporization rates and drag coefficients for isooctane sprays in turbulent air streams

A preliminary investigation of the effects of gusty air on helicopter-blade bending moments

Method for rapid determination of pressure change for one-dimensional flow with heat transfer, friction, rotation, and area change

Maneuver accelerations experienced by five types of commercial transport airplanes during routine operations

Investigation of distributed surface roughness on a body of revolution at a Mach number of 1.61

An extension of the investigation of the effects of heat transfer on boundary-layer transition on a parabolic body of revolution (NACA RM-10) at a Mach number of 1.61

Directional stability characteristics of two types of tandem helicopter fuselage models

Theoretical analysis of an airplane acceleration restrictor controlled by normal acceleration, pitching acceleration, and pitching velocity

An experimental study of the lift and pressure distribution on a double-wedge profile at Mach numbers near shock attachment

Experimental investigation of the pure-bending strength of 75S-T6 aluminum-alloy multiweb beams with formed-channel webs

Effects of chemically active additives on boundary lubrication of steel by silicones

Tensile and compressive stress-strain properties of some high-strength sheet alloys at elevated temperatures

Coefficient of friction and damage to contact area during the early stages of fretting II : steel, iron, iron oxide, and glass combinations

Combustion-efficiency and altitude-limit investigations of five fuels in an annular turbojet combustor

A review of planing theory and experiment with a theoretical study of pure-planing lift of rectangular flat plates

Statistical study of transition-point fluctuations in supersonic flow

An analysis of shock-wave cancellation and reflection for porous walls which obey an exponential mass-flow pressure-difference relation

Wall interference in wind tunnels with slotted and porous boundaries at subsonic speeds

Measurements of pressure and temperature for appraisal of the temperature method of airspeed calibration in the lower stratosphere

Investigation of mutual interference effects of several vertical-tail-fuselage configuration in sideslip

Description and preliminary flight investigation of an instrument for detecting subnormal acceleration during take-off

Boundary-layer transition at Mach 3.12 with and without single roughness elements

An investigation of the use of rocket-powered models for gust-load studies with an application to a tailless swept-wing model at transonic speeds

Considerations on a large hydraulic jet catapult

Preliminary Altitude Performance Characteristics of the J57-P-1 Turbojet Engine with Fixed-Area Exhaust Nozzle

Performance of 15-Stage Experimental J71 Axial-Flow Compressor: 2 - Individual Stage Performance Characteristics

Effect on Drag of Longitudinal Positioning of Half-Submerged and Pylon-Mounted Douglas Aircraft Stores on a Fuselage with and without Cavities between Mach Numbers 0.9 and 1.8

Permeability and Strength Measurements on Sintered, Porous, Hollow Turbine Blades Made by the American Electro Metal Corporation under Office of Naval Research Contract N-ONR-295 (01)

Experimental Permeability Measurements on a Strut-Supported Transpiration-Cooled Turbine Blade with Stainless-Steel Shell made by the Federal-Mogul Corporation under Bureau of Aeronautics Contract N0as 51613-C

Summary of Free-Flight Zero-Lift Drag Results from Tests of 1/5-Scale Models of the Convair YF-102 and F-102A Airplanes and Several Related Small Equivalent Bodies at Mach Numbers from 0.70 to 1.46

Free-Flight Zero-Lift Drag Results from a 1/5-Scale Model and Several Small-Scale Equivalent Bodies of Revolution of the Convair F-102 Configuration at Mach Numbers up to 1.34

A note on secondary flow in rotating radial channels

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