Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The Vertical-Tail Loads Measured During a Flight Investigation on a Jet-Powered Bomber Airplane
Aileron and Elevator Hinge Moments of the Bell X-1 Airplane Measured in Transonic Flight
The Calculation of Pressure on Slender Airplanes in Subsonic and Supersonic Flow
A Brief Hydrodynamic Investigation of a Navy Seaplane Design Equipped With a Hydro-Ski
The Design of Brittle-Material Blade Roots Based on Theory and Rupture Tests of Plastic Models
Effect of Inlet-Air Temperature on Performance of a 16-Inch Ram-Jet Combustor
Downwash Behind a Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio 3 - Transonic Bump Method
Comparative Tensile Strengths at 1200 Degrees F of Various Root Designs for Cermet Turbine Blades
Compressible-Flow Solutions for the Actuator Disk
Calculation of Aerodynamic Forces on an Inclined Dual-Rotating Propeller
Elastic Buckling Under Combined Stresses of Flat Plates With Integral Waffle-Like Stiffening
Altitude Performance and Operational Characteristics of YJ71-A-7 Turbojet Engine