Browse TRAIL Inventories

Preliminary Results of Stability and Control Investigation of the Bell X-5 Research Airplane

A Preliminary Study by Means of Electrical Frequency-Analysis Techniques of the Response of an Airplane Structure During Buffeting

Experimental Investigation of the Flow Field Behind an Aspect-Ratio-10 Hydrofoil Near the Water Surface

Flight Investigation at Mach Numbers From 0.67 to 1.81 of the Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a 60 Degree Delta-Wing Missile Configuration Having an All-Movable Tail

Exploratory Investigation of Transpiration Cooling to Alleviate Aerodynamic Heating on an 8 Degree Cone in a Free Jet at a Mach Number of 2.05

Flight-Determined Pressure Distributions Over the Wing of the Bell X-1 Research Airplane (10-Percent-Thick Wing) at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds

Flight Determination of the Pressure Recovery and Drag Characteristics of a Twin Side-Inlet Model at Transonic Speeds

Flight Determination of Drag of Normal-Shock Nose Inlets With Various Cowling Profiles at Mach Numbers From 0.9 to 1.5

Flight Determination of Drag of Normal-Shock Nose Inlets With Various Cowling Profiles at Mach Numbers From 0.9 to 1.5

An Experimental Investigation of Wheel Spin-Up Drag Loads

An Experimental Investigation of the Zero-Lift-Drag Characteristics of Symmetrical Blunt-Trailing-Edge Airfoils at Mach Numbers From 2.7 to 5.0

Flight Determination of the Longitudinal Stability in Accelerated Maneuvers at Transonic Speeds for the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane Including the Effects of an Outboard Wing Fence

Some Effects of Leading-Edge Roughness on the Aileron Effectiveness and Drag of a Thin Rectangular Wing Employing a Full-Span Plain Aileron at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.5

Some Experimental Effects of Afterbody Shape on the Zero-Lift Drag of Bodies for Mach Numbers Between 0.8 and 1.3

Preliminary Theoretical Investigation of Several Methods for Stabilizing the Lateral Motion of a High-Speed Fighter Airplane Towed by a Single Cable

Preliminary Results From a Limited Investigation of the Use of Controls During Service Operational Training With Fighter Airplanes

Preliminary Experimental Investigation of the Flight of a Person Supported by a Jet Thrust Device Attached to His Feet

Preliminary Investigation in J33 Turbojet Engine of Several Root Designs for Ceramal Turbine Blades

A Preliminary Investigation at Mach Number 1.91 of an Inlet Configuration Designed for Insensitivity to Positive Angle-of-Attack Operation

Preliminary Investigation of Several Root Designs for Cermet Turbine Blades in Turbojet Engine 2: Root Design Alterations

Preliminary Measurements of Static Longitudinal Stability and Trim for the XF-92A Delta-Wing Research Airplane in Subsonic and Transonic Flight

A Preliminary Investigation at Mach Number 1.91 of a Diffuser Employing a Pivoted Cone to Improve Operation at Angle of Attack

Preliminary Investigation of the Total-Pressure-Recovery Characteristics of a Symmetric and Asymmetric Nose Inlet Over a Wide Range of Angle of Attack at Supersonic Mach Numbers

Preliminary Investigation of the Total-Pressure-Recovery Characteristics of a 15 Degree Semiangle Movable-Cone Variable-Geometry Ram-Jet Inlet at Free-Jet Mach Numbers of 1.62, 2.00, 2.53, and 3.05

Altitude Starting Characteristics of an Afterburner With Autoignition and Hot-Streak Ignition

Time-History Data of Maneuvers Performed by a Lockheed F-94B Airplane During Squadron Operational Training

Transonic Characteristics of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Fuselage Combination: Effect of Longitudinal Wing Position and Division of Wing and Fuselage Forces and Moments

Transonic Aerodynamic Characteristics in Pitch of a W-Wing Having 60 Degree 48 Minute Panel Sweep, Aspect Ratio 3.5, and Taper Ratio 0.25

Transonic Flight Tests to Determine Zero-Lift Drag and Pressure Recovery of Nacelles Located at the Wing Root on a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing and Body Configuration

Transonic Flight Measurement of the Aerodynamic Load on the Extended Slat of the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane

A Transonic Investigation by the Free-Fall Method of an Airplane Configuration Having 45 Degrees Sweptback Wing and Tail Surfaces

A Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of an Unswept-Wing-Body Combination at Angles of Attack Up to 24 Degrees

The Use of a Leading-Edge Area-Suction Flap to Delay Separation of Air Flow From the Leading Edge of a 35 Degrees Sweptback Wing

Recent Experiences With Flutter Failure of Sweptback, Tapered Wings Having Outboard, Partial-Span Spoiler Controls

The Results of Wind-Tunnel Tests at Low Speeds of a Four-Engine Propeller-Driven Airplane Configuration Having a Wing With 40 Degrees of Sweepback and an Aspect Ratio of 10

A Study of Inviscid Flow About Airfoils at High Supersonic Speeds

A Study of Visual Interception Attacks on a Nonmaneuvering Airplane Target

Pressure and Force Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of a Submerged Divergent-Walled Air Inlet on a Body of Revolution

Pressure Distributions on Three Bodies of Revolution to Determine the Effect of Reynolds Number Up to and Including the Transonic Speed Range

Some Information on the Strength of Thick-Skin Wings With Multiweb and Multipost Stabilization

Some Measurements of Buffeting Encountered by Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane in the Mach Number Range From 0.5 to 0.95

Some Measurements of Flying Qualities of a Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane During Flights to Supersonic Speeds

Some Measurements of the Buffet Region of a Swept-Wing Research Airplane During Flight to Supersonic Mach Numbers

Theoretical Calculations of the Stability Derivatives at Supersonic Speeds for a High-Speed Airplane Configuration

The Use of Area Suction for the Purpose of Improving Trailing-Edge Flap Effectiveness on a 35 Degree Sweptback Wing

The Variation of Atmospheric Turbulence With Altitude and Its Effect on Airplane Gust Loads

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Ram-Jet Missile Model Having a Wing and Canard Surfaces of Delta Plan Form With 70 Degree Swept Leading Edges: Force and Moment Characteristics of Various Combinations of Components at a Mach Number of 1.6

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at High and Low Subsonic Mach Numbers of Two Unswept Wings Having NACA 2-006 and NACA 65A006 Airfoil Sections

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of a Spoiler-Slot Deflector Combination on an NACA 65A006 Wing With Quarter-Chord Line Swept Back 32.6 Degrees

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of the Static Longitudinal and Static Lateral Stability Characteristics of a Wing-Fuselage Combination Having a Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio 2.31 and an NACA 65A003 Airfoil

Published Year



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