Browse TRAIL Inventories

Survey of portions of the iron-nickel-molybdenum and cobalt-iron-molybdenum ternary systems at 1200 C

Experimental stress analysis of stiffened cylinders with cutouts: Pure torsion

The Sodium Hydroxide Reactor - Effect of Reactor Variables on Criticality and Fuel- Element Temperature Requirements for Subsonic and Supersonic Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion

Preliminary Results of Heat Transfer from a Stationary and Rotating Ellipsoidal Spinner

Stability and Control Characteristics at High Subsonic Speeds of a 1/30-Scale Model of the MX-1554A Design

Stability and Control Characteristics at Low Speed of a Modified 1/10-Scale Model of the MX-1554A Design

Stability and Control Characteristics at Low Speed of a 1/10-Scale Model of MX-1554A Design

An Investigation of the Dynamic and Static Stability Characteristics of a Group of Specialized Store Configurations at Transonic Speeds

Transonic Aerodynamic and Trim Characteristics of 1/15-Scale Models of the Convair MX-1964 Airplane With Indented Fuselage

Results of a Power-on Flight of a 1/10-Scale Rocket-Propelled Model of the Convair XF2Y-1 Airplane at a Mach Number of 1.53

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/60-Scale Model of the Republic MX-1554 Airplane at a Mach Number of 2.85

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Drag and Lateral-Stability Characteristics of a 1/22-Scale Model of a Bomber Airplane Employing a Low-Aspect-Ratio Triangular Wing

Theoretical Performance of Liquid Hydrogen and Liquid Fluorine as a Rocket Propellant

Theoretical Performance of Mixtures of Liquid Ammonia and Hydrazine as Fuel With Liquid Fluorine as Oxidant for Rocket Engines

Theoretical Performance of Liquid Hydrazine and Liquid Fluorine as a Rocket Propellant

Theoretical Performance of Liquid Ammonia and Liquid Fluorine as a Rocket Propellant

An Investigation Utilizing an Electrical Analogue of Cyclic Deicing of Hollow Steel Propellers with Internal Electric Heaters

Impingement of Water Droplets on NACA 65(1)-208 and 65(1)-212 Airfoils at 4 Degrees Angle of Attack

Maximum Evaporation Rates of Water Droplets Approaching Obstacles in the Atmosphere Under Icing Conditions

The Effects of Extensible Rocket Racks on Lift, Drag, and Stability of a 1/10 Scale Rocket-Boosted Model of the McDonnell XF3H-1 Airplane for a Mach Number Range of 0.60 to 1.34

Development of a Supersonic Area Rule and an Application to the Design of a Wing-Body Combination Having High Lift-to-Drag Ratios

Drag and Static Stability at Low Lift of Rocket-Powered Models of the Convair MX-1626 Airplane at Mach Numbers From 0.7 to 1.5

Effect of Ice and Frost Formations on Drag of NACA 65(sub 1) -212 Airfoil for Various Modes of Thermal Ice Protection

Nonuniform Burnup and Poisoning Effects in a Reactor and Validity of Uniform Approximation

Rocket Engine Starting With Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen and Liquid Ammonia by Flow-Line Additives

Effect of Fuel Injectors and Liner Design on Performance of an Annular Turbojet Combustor With Vapor Fuel

Examination of Recent Lateral-Stability-Derivative Data

An Analysis of a Nuclear Powered Supercritical-Water Cycle for Aircraft Propulsion

Altitude Performance of a 20-Inch-Diameter Ram-Jet Engine Investigated in a Free-Jet Facility at Mach Number 3.0

Analytical Investigation of Icing Limit for Diamond-Shaped Airfoil in Transonic and Supersonic Flow

A Method for Calculating the Lift and Center of Pressure of Wing-Body-Tail Combinations at Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds

A Method for Rapid Determination of the Icing Limit of a Body in Terms of the Stream Conditions

Investigation of Aerodynamic and Icing Characteristics of a Flush Alternate Inlet Induction System Air Scoop

Analytical Studies of the Response to Longitudinal Control of Three Airplane Configurations in Landing Approaches

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Low-aspect-ratio Wings at High Supersonic Mach Numbers

Drag Measurements at Low Lift of a Four-Nacelle Airplane Configuration Having a Longitudinal Distribution of Cross-Sectional Area Conductive to Low Transonic Drag Rise

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds of a Model of a Tailless Fighter Airplane Employing a Low-Aspect-Ratio Swept-Back Wing-Stability and Control

Icing Protection for a Turbojet Transport Airplane: Heating Requirements, Methods of Protection, and Performance Penalties

Analysis of Heat Transfer and Fluid Friction for Fully Developed Turbulent Flow of Supercritical Water With Variable Fluid Properties in a Smooth Tube

Measurement and Analysis of Turbulent Flow Containing Periodic Flow Fluctuations

The Effect of Blade-Section Camber on the Stall-Flutter Characteristics of Three NACA Propellers at Zero Advance

Physical Properties of Concentrated Nitric Acid

The Planing Characteristics of Two v-Shaped Prismatic Surfaces Having Angles of Dead Rise of 20 Degrees and 40 Degrees

On the Development of Turbulent Wakes from Vortex Streets

A Preliminary Study of the Problem of Designing High-Speed Airplanes With Satisfactory Inherent Damping of the Dutch Roll Oscillation

A Rapid Method for Estimating the Separation Point of a Compressible Laminar Boundary Layer

Study of Motion of Model of Personal-Owner or Liaison Airplane Through the Stall and Into the Incipient Spin by Means of a Free-Flight Testing Technique

Some Exact Solutions of Two-Dimensional Flows of Compressible Fluid With Hodograph Method

The Design of Variable Mach Number Asymmetric Supersonic Nozzles by Two Procedures Employing Inclined and Curved Sonic Lines

Determination of the Flying Qualities of the Douglas DC-3 Airplane

Published Year



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