Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Experimental stress analysis of stiffened cylinders with cutouts: Pure torsion
Preliminary Results of Heat Transfer from a Stationary and Rotating Ellipsoidal Spinner
Stability and Control Characteristics at Low Speed of a 1/10-Scale Model of MX-1554A Design
Theoretical Performance of Liquid Hydrogen and Liquid Fluorine as a Rocket Propellant
Theoretical Performance of Liquid Hydrazine and Liquid Fluorine as a Rocket Propellant
Theoretical Performance of Liquid Ammonia and Liquid Fluorine as a Rocket Propellant
Impingement of Water Droplets on NACA 65(1)-208 and 65(1)-212 Airfoils at 4 Degrees Angle of Attack
Nonuniform Burnup and Poisoning Effects in a Reactor and Validity of Uniform Approximation
Rocket Engine Starting With Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen and Liquid Ammonia by Flow-Line Additives
Examination of Recent Lateral-Stability-Derivative Data
An Analysis of a Nuclear Powered Supercritical-Water Cycle for Aircraft Propulsion
Analytical Investigation of Icing Limit for Diamond-Shaped Airfoil in Transonic and Supersonic Flow
A Method for Rapid Determination of the Icing Limit of a Body in Terms of the Stream Conditions
Aerodynamic Characteristics of Low-aspect-ratio Wings at High Supersonic Mach Numbers
Measurement and Analysis of Turbulent Flow Containing Periodic Flow Fluctuations
Physical Properties of Concentrated Nitric Acid
On the Development of Turbulent Wakes from Vortex Streets
A Rapid Method for Estimating the Separation Point of a Compressible Laminar Boundary Layer
Some Exact Solutions of Two-Dimensional Flows of Compressible Fluid With Hodograph Method
Determination of the Flying Qualities of the Douglas DC-3 Airplane