Browse TRAIL Inventories

A method for stabilizing shock waves in channel flow by means of a surge chamber

A method of deriving frequency-response data for motion of the center of gravity from data measured on an aircraft at locations other than the center of gravity

The flow about a section of a finite-aspect-ratio NACA 0018 airfoil on a transonic bump

Optimum controllers for linear closed-loop systems

On the use of a damped sine-wave elevator motion for computing the design maneuvering horizontal-tail load

On traveling waves in beams

One-dimensional, compressible, viscous flow relations applicable to flow in a ducted helicopter blade

New experiments on impact-pressure interpretation in supersonic and subsonic rarefied air streams

A new shadowgraph technique for the observation of conical flow phenomena in supersonic flow and preliminary results obtained for a triangular wing

Matrix methods for determining the longitudinal-stability derivatives of an airplane from transient flight data

Preliminary experimental investigation of low-speed turbulent boundary layers in adverse pressure gradients

Propeller-noise charts for transport airplanes

Lift and pitching moment at low speeds of the naca 64A010 airfoil section equipped with various combinations of a leading-edge slat, leading-edge flap, split flap, and double-slotted flap

Low-speed drag of cylinders of various shapes

Heat and momentum transfer between a spherical particle and air streams

Icing protection for a turbojet transport airplane : heating requirements methods of protection, and performance penalties

Impingement of water droplets on a cylinder in an incompressible flow field and evaluation of rotating multicylinder method for measurement of droplet-size distribution, volume-median droplet size, and liquid-water content in clouds

Friction and wear investigation of molybdenum disulfide I : effect of moisture

Heat transfer and skin friction by an integral method in the compressible laminar boundary layer with a streamwise pressure gradient

Water-landing investigation of a flat-bottom v-step model and comparison with a theory incorporating planing data

On the stability of the laminar mixing region between two parallel streams in a gas

Creep-buckling analysis of rectangular-section columns

Determination of boundary-layer transition Reynolds numbers by surface-temperature measurements of a 10 degree cone in various NACA supersonic wind tunnels

The effect of longitudinal stiffeners located on one side of a plate on the compressive buckling stress of the plate-stiffener combination

Analytical investigation of icing limit for diamond-shaped airfoil in transonic and supersonic flow

Combined effect of damping screens and streams convergence on turbulence

An analysis of statically indeterminate trusses having members stressed beyond the proportional limit

Behavior of materials under conditions of thermal stress

Behavior in pure bending of a long monocoque beam of circular-arc cross section

An analysis of normal-acceleration and airspeed data from a four-engine type of transport airplane in commercial operation on an eastern united states route from november 1947 to february 1950

Combined-stress fatigue strength of 76S-T61 aluminum alloy with superimposed mean stresses and corrections for yielding

Combustion instability in an acid-heptane rocket with a pressurized-gas propellant pumping system

The compressible laminar boundary layer with heat transfer and small pressure gradient

The effect of vertical chine strips on the planing characteristics of V- shaped prismatic surfaces having angles of dead rise of 20 degrees and 40 degrees

Effect of processing variables on the transition temperature, strength, and ductility of high-purity, sintered, wrought molybdenum metal

Effect of variation in rivet strength on the average stress at maximum load for aluminum-alloy, flat, z-stiffened compression panels that fail by local buckling

Effect of type of porous surface and suction velocity distribution on the characteristics of a 10.5-percent-thick airfoil with area suction

Experiments on mixed-free-and-forced-convective heat transfer connected with turbulent flow through a short tube

Effect of prestraining of recrystallization temperature and mechanical properties of commercial, sintered, wrought molybdenum

Evaluation of gust response characteristics of some existing aircraft with wing bending flexibility included

Effects of symmetric and asymmetric thrust reversal on the aerodynamic characteristics of a model of a twin-engine airplane

Estimated power reduction by water injection in a nonreturn supersonic wind tunnel

An experimental investigation of secondary flow in an accelerating, rectangular elbow with 90 degrees of turning

Experimental investigation of the effects of cooling on friction and on boundary-layer transition for low-speed gas flow at the entry of a tube

Experimental investigation of the effect of rear-fuselage shape on ditching behavior

Surveys of the flow fields at the propeller planes of six 40 degree sweptback wing-fuselage-nacelle combinations

Summary of revised gust-velocity data obtained from V-G records taken on civil transport airplanes from 1933 to 1950

Propeller-performance charts for transport airplanes

Study of pressure effects on vaporization rate of drops in gas streams

Studies of the use of Freon-12 as a wind tunnel testing medium

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