Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
A method for stabilizing shock waves in channel flow by means of a surge chamber
The flow about a section of a finite-aspect-ratio NACA 0018 airfoil on a transonic bump
Optimum controllers for linear closed-loop systems
New experiments on impact-pressure interpretation in supersonic and subsonic rarefied air streams
Propeller-noise charts for transport airplanes
Low-speed drag of cylinders of various shapes
Heat and momentum transfer between a spherical particle and air streams
Friction and wear investigation of molybdenum disulfide I : effect of moisture
On the stability of the laminar mixing region between two parallel streams in a gas
Creep-buckling analysis of rectangular-section columns
Analytical investigation of icing limit for diamond-shaped airfoil in transonic and supersonic flow
Combined effect of damping screens and streams convergence on turbulence
Behavior of materials under conditions of thermal stress
Behavior in pure bending of a long monocoque beam of circular-arc cross section
Combustion instability in an acid-heptane rocket with a pressurized-gas propellant pumping system
The compressible laminar boundary layer with heat transfer and small pressure gradient
Estimated power reduction by water injection in a nonreturn supersonic wind tunnel
Experimental investigation of the effect of rear-fuselage shape on ditching behavior
Propeller-performance charts for transport airplanes
Study of pressure effects on vaporization rate of drops in gas streams
Studies of the use of Freon-12 as a wind tunnel testing medium