Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Effect of fuels on combustion efficiency of 5-inch ram-jet-type combustor
Effect of particle size and stabilizing additives on the combustion properties of magnesium slurry
Buffeting of a vertical tail on an inclined body at supersonic Mach numbers
Burning rates of single fuel drops and their application to turbojet combustion process
A cascade-general-momentum theory of operation of a supersonic propeller annulus
Analysis of part-speed operation for high-pressure-ratio multistage axial-flow compressors
Analysis of several methods of pumping cooling air for turbojet engine afterburners
A comparison of gust loads measured in flight on a swept-wing airplane and an unswept-wing airplane
Evaporation and spreading of isooctane sprays in high velocity air streams
Effective thermal conductivities of magnesium oxide stainless steel, and uranium oxide powders
Estimation of water landing loads on hydro-ski-equipped aircraft
Experimental investigation of screeching combustion in full-scale afterburner
Aluminum borohydride as an ignition source for turbojet combustors
Some fundamental aspects of nitric acid oxidants for rocket applications
Some observations on stall flutter and buffeting
Slotted-boundary interference effects on wedge airfoils at low supersonic Mach numbers