Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Drag of circular cylinders for a wide range of Reynolds numbers and Mach numbers
Analysis of heat addition in a convergent-divergent nozzle
The calculation of pressure on slender airplanes in subsonic and supersonic flow
Electrostatic spark ignition-source hazard in airplane crashes
Effect of thermal properties on laminar-boundary-layer characteristics
Factors affecting laminar boundary layer measurements in a supersonic steam
Experimental investigation of two-dimensional tunnel-wall interference at high subsonic speeds
Static force-deflection characteristics of six aircraft tires under combined loading
Calibration of the Friez Aerovane, Wind Measuring Set AN/GMQ-11
Initial results of instrument-flying trials conducted in a single-rotor helicopter
The Langley annular transonic tunnel
Design of two-dimensional channels with prescribed velocity distributions along the channel walls
Air-water analogy and the study of hydraulic models
Aerodynamic characteristics of low-aspect-ratio wings at high supersonic Mach numbers
Prediction of flame velocities of hydrocarbon flames
Smoke studies of secondary flows in bends, tandem cascades, and high-turning configurations