Browse TRAIL Inventories

Aerodynamic study of a wing-fuselage combination employing a wing swept back 63 degrees: effect of Reynolds number at supersonic Mach numbers on the longitudinal characteristics of a wing twisted and cambered for uniform load

Altitude performance characteristics of tail-pipe burner with variable-area exhaust nozzle

Altitude-wind-tunnel investigation of tail-pipe burner with converging conical burner section on J35-A-5 turbojet engine

Effects of boundary-layer control on the longitudinal characteristics of a 45 degrees swept-forward wing-fuselage combination

Altitude-wind-tunnel investigation of turbine performance in J47 turbojet engine

A preliminary flight investigation of the effects of vortex generators on separation due to shock

Longitudinal characteristics of two 47.7 degree sweptback wings with aspect ratios of 5.1 and 6.0 at Reynolds numbers up to 10 x 10(exp 6)

Effects of leading-edge devices and trailing-edge flaps on longitudinal characteristics of two 47.7 degree sweptback wings of aspect ratios 5.1 and 6.0 at a Reynolds number of 6.0 x 10(exp 6)

Supplementary analysis of the dynamic lateral stability characteristics of the Bell X-2 airplane as affected by variations in mass and aerodynamic parameters

Aerodynamic study of a wing-fuselage combination employing a wing swept back 63 degrees : effect of sideslip on aerodynamic characteristics at a Mach number of 1.4 with the wing twisted and cambered

Free-flight investigation at transonic and supersonic speeds of the rolling effectiveness of a partial-span aileron on an inversely tapered sweptback wing

On the Formation of Shock Waves in Subsonic Flows With Local Supersonic Velocities

Large-Scale Flight Measurements of Zero-Lift Drag at Mach Numbers from 0.90 to 1.95 of 1/14-Scale Model of the Northrop MX-775B Pilotless Aircraft with Small Body

Investigation of frequency-response characteristics of engine speed for a typical turbine-propeller engine

Further experiments on the flow and heat transfer in a heated turbulent air jet

Fundamental effects of aging on creep properties of solution-treated low-carbon n-155 alloy

Method of analysis for compressible flow through mixed-flow centrifugal impellers of arbitrary design

Horizontal tail loads in maneuvering flight

Matrix method of determining the longitudinal-stability coefficients and frequency response of an aircraft from transient flight data

Measurements of average heat-transfer and friction coefficients for subsonic flow of air in smooth tubes at high surface and fluid temperatures

General algebraic method applied to control analysis of complex engine types

Determination of plate compressive strengths at elevated temperatures

The aerodynamic forces on slender plane- and cruciform-wing and body combinations

Analysis of spanwise temperature distribution in three types of air-cooled turbine blade

Blockage corrections for three-dimensional-flow closed-throat wind tunnels, with consideration of the effect of compressibility

Stall Characteristics Obtained from Flight 10 of Northrop X-4 No. 2 Airplane (USAF No. 46-677)

Method for determining the frequency-response characteristics of an element or system from the system transient output response to a known input function

Analytical and experimental investigation of thrust augmentation of axial- and centrifugal-compressor turbojet engines by injection of water and alcohol in combustion chambers

Theoretical lift and damping in roll at supersonic speeds of thin sweptback tapered wings with streamwise tips, subsonic leading edges, and supersonic trailing edges

A comparison of theory and experiment for high-speed free-molecule flow

Wind-tunnel tests of a 0.16-scale model of the X-3 airplane at high subsonic speeds : additional stability and control characteristics and the aerodynamic effects of external stores and ram jets

Wind-tunnel tests of a 0.16-scale model of the X-3 airplane at high subsonic speeds: stability and control characteristics

A numerical method for the stress analysis of stiffened-shell structures under nonuniform temperature distributions

Theoretical and analog studies of the effects of nonlinear stability derivatives on the longitudinal motions of an aircraft in response to step control deflections and to the influence of proportional automatic control

Linearized compressible-flow theory for sonic flight speeds

Low-speed tests of a model simulating the phenomenon of control-surface buzz

Synthesis and purification of alkyldiphenylmethane hydrocarbons 1: 2-methyldiphenylmethane, 3-methyldiphenylmethane, 2-ethyldiphenylmethane, 4-ethyldiphenylmethane and 4-isopropyldiphenylmethane

Dynamic similitude between a model and a full-scale body for model investigation at full-scale Mach number

Dynamics of a turbojet engine considered as a quasi-static system

Improvement of high-temperature properties of magnesium-cerium forging alloys

Investigation of 75-millimeter-bore cylindrical roller bearings at high speeds 2: lubrication studies - effect of oil-inlet location, angle, and velocity for single-jet lubrication

An investigation of aircraft heaters XXXIII : experimental determination of thermal and hydrodynamical behavior of air flowing along finned plates

Investigation of 75-millimeter-bore cylindrical roller bearings at high speeds: 1: Initial studies

Stress and distortion analysis of a swept box beam having bulkheads perpendicular to the spars

Theoretical calculations of the lateral force and yawing moment due to rolling at supersonic speeds for sweptback tapered wings with streamwise tipssupersonic leading edges

Theoretical effect of inlet hub-tip-radius ratio and design specific mass flow on design performance of axial-flow compressors

Turbojet thrust augmentation by evaporation of water prior to mechanical compression as determined by use of psychrometric chart

Theoretical investigation and application of transonic similarity law for two dimensional flow

Theory of helicopter damping in pitch or roll and a comparison with flight measurements

Theoretical supersonic characteristics of inboard trailing-edge flaps having arbitrary sweep and taper: Mach lines behind flap leading and trailing edges

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