Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Langley full-scale-tunnel tests of the Custer Channel Wing airplane
Measurement and analysis of turbulent flow containing periodic flow fluctuations
Hydrodynamic drag of 12- and 21-percent-thick surface-piercing struts
Use of electric analog for calculation of temperature distribution of cooled turbine blades
Linearized potential theory of propeller induction in a compressible flow
A linear time-temperature relation for extrapolation of creep and stress-rupture data
A modified Reynolds analogy for the compressible turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate
Power-off flare-up tests of a model helicopter rotor in vertical autorotation
Reaction processes leading to spontaneous ignition of hydrocarbons
Pressure distributions about finite wedges in bounded and unbounded subsonic streams
The asymmetric adjustable supersonic nozzle for wind-tunnel application
Effect of high bulk temperatures on boundary lubrication of steel surfaces by synthetic fluids
The effect of initial curvature on the strength of an inelastic column
Techniques for calculating parameters of nonlinear dynamic systems from response data
A revised formula for the calculation of gust loads
Structural efficiencies of various aluminum, titanium, and steel alloys at elevated temperatures
Stresses around rectangular cutouts in torsion boxes
Theoretical Performance Characteristics of Sharp Lip Inlets at Subsonic Speeds
Theoretical pressure distribution and wave drags for conical boattails
Flight measurements and analysis of helicopter normal load factors in maneuvers
Impingement of water droplets on wedges and diamond airfoils at supersonic speeds