Browse TRAIL Inventories

Study of inadvertent speed increases in transport operation

Application of a channel design method to high-solidity cascades and tests of an impulse cascade with 90 degrees of turning

Preliminary Appraisal of Ferrocene as an Igniting Agent for JP-4 Fuel and Fuming Nitric Acid

A comparison of the experimental subsonic pressure distributions about several bodies of revolution with pressure distributions computed by means of the linearized theory

A Brief Hydrodynamic Investigation of a 1/24-Scale Model of the DR-77 Seaplane

Calculated spanwise lift distributions, influence functions, and influence coefficients for unswept wings in subsonic flow

A vector study of linearized supersonic flow applications to nonplanar problems

Reciprocity relations in aerodynamics

Laminar boundary layer on cone in supersonic flow at large angle of attack

Displacement effect of a three-dimensional boundary layer

Diffusion of heat from a line source in isotropic turbulence

Investigation of a Related Series of Turbine-Blade Profiles in Cascade

Flight Determination of the Static Longitudinal Stability Boundaries of the Bell X-5 Research Airplane with 59 Deg Sweepback

Flame velocities of propane- and ethylene-oxygen-nitrogen mixtures

A flight study of the effects on tracking performance of changes in the lateral-oscillatory characteristics of a fighter airplane

Flight measurements of the horizontal-tail loads on a swept-wing fighter airplane at transonic speeds

Free-flight-tunnel investigation of the low-speed stability and control characteristics of a model having a fuselage of relatively flat cross section

Free-jet investigation of a 20-inch ram-jet combustor utilizing high-heat-release pilot burner

Techniques for determining thrust in flight for airplanes equipped with afterburners

Engineering method of ram-jet thrust determination based on experimentally obtained combustor parameters

Effect of fuel volatility characteristics on ignition-energy requirements in a turbojet combustor

Investigation of Liquid Fluorine-Liquid Ammonia Propellant Combination in a 100-Pound-Thrust Rocket Engine

Investigation of a supersonic-compressor rotor with turning to axial direction 1: rotor design and performance

Investigation of a 10-stage subsonic axial-flow research compressor 3: investigation of rotating stall, blade vibration and surge at low and intermediate compressor speeds

Investigation of a 10-stage subsonic axial-flow research compressor IV : individual stage performance characteristics

An investigation of a four-blade single-rotation propeller in combination with an NACA 1-series D-type cowing at Mach numbers up to 0.83

Investigation of a high-pressure-ratio eight-stage axial-flow research compressor with two transonic inlet stages I : aerodynamic design

Investigation of a chromium plus aluminum oxide metal-ceramic body for possible gas turbine blade application

Investigation of a high-pressure-ratio eight-stage axial-flow research compressor with two transonic inlet stages II : preliminary analysis of over-all performance

Initial flutter tests in the Langley transonic blowdown tunnel and comparison with free-flight flutter results

An investigation of three NACA 1-series nose inlets at subsonic and transonic speeds

A flight comparison of a submerged inlet and a scoop inlet at transonic speeds

Investigation of water-spray cooling of turbine blades in a turbojet engine

Investigation to determine effects of rectangular vortex generators on the static pressure drop through a 90 degrees circular elbow

An investigation of some factors affecting the drag of relatively large nonlifting bodies of revolution in a slotted transonic wind tunnel

Investigation of Spoiler Ailerons with and Without a Gap Behind the Spoiler on a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Fuselage Combination at Mach Numbers from 0.60 to 1.03

Investigation of low-pressure performance of experimental tubular combustors differing in air-entry-hole geometry

Vapor pressures of concentrated nitric acid solutions in the composition range 83 to 97 percent nitric acid 0 to 6 percent nitrogen dioxide, 0 to 15 percent water, and in the temperature range 20 to 80 C

Lift and center of pressure of wing-body-tail combinations at subsonic, transonic, and supersonic speeds

Stability and control characteristics at low speed of a modified 1/10-scale model of the MX-1554A design

Stability and control characteristics at low speed of a 1/10-scale model of MX-1554A design

Jet effects on flow over afterbodies in supersonic stream

Evaluation of effects of random permeability variations on transpiration-cooled surfaces

Effect of circumferential location on angle of attack performance of twin half-conical scoop-type inlets mounted symmetrically on the RM-10 body of revolution

An investigation of high-frequency combustion oscillations in liquid-propellant rocket engines

An experimental investigation of boundary interference on force and moment characteristics of lifting models in the Langley 16- and 8-foot transonic tunnels

Effect of uneven air-flow distribution to the twin inlets of an axial-flow turbojet engine

Performance of separation nose inlets at Mach number 5.5

Orthotoluidine and triethylamine in rocket engine applications

Tests in the Ames 40- by 80-foot wind tunnel of an airplane configuration with a variable-incidence triangular wing and an all-movable horizontal tail

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