Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Study of inadvertent speed increases in transport operation
Preliminary Appraisal of Ferrocene as an Igniting Agent for JP-4 Fuel and Fuming Nitric Acid
A Brief Hydrodynamic Investigation of a 1/24-Scale Model of the DR-77 Seaplane
A vector study of linearized supersonic flow applications to nonplanar problems
Reciprocity relations in aerodynamics
Laminar boundary layer on cone in supersonic flow at large angle of attack
Displacement effect of a three-dimensional boundary layer
Diffusion of heat from a line source in isotropic turbulence
Investigation of a Related Series of Turbine-Blade Profiles in Cascade
Flame velocities of propane- and ethylene-oxygen-nitrogen mixtures
Free-jet investigation of a 20-inch ram-jet combustor utilizing high-heat-release pilot burner
Techniques for determining thrust in flight for airplanes equipped with afterburners
Effect of fuel volatility characteristics on ignition-energy requirements in a turbojet combustor
An investigation of three NACA 1-series nose inlets at subsonic and transonic speeds
A flight comparison of a submerged inlet and a scoop inlet at transonic speeds
Investigation of water-spray cooling of turbine blades in a turbojet engine
Stability and control characteristics at low speed of a 1/10-scale model of MX-1554A design
Jet effects on flow over afterbodies in supersonic stream
Evaluation of effects of random permeability variations on transpiration-cooled surfaces
An investigation of high-frequency combustion oscillations in liquid-propellant rocket engines
Effect of uneven air-flow distribution to the twin inlets of an axial-flow turbojet engine
Performance of separation nose inlets at Mach number 5.5
Orthotoluidine and triethylamine in rocket engine applications