Browse TRAIL Inventories

Performance Characteristics at Mach Numbers to 2.0 of Various Types of Side Inlets Mounted on Fuselage of Proposed Supersonic Airplane 2: Inlets Utilizing Half of a Conical Spike

Preliminary Investigation of the Low-Amplitude Damping in Pitch of Tailless Delta- and Swept-Wing Configurations at Mach Numbers From 0.7 to 1.35

Preliminary Results of Horizontal-Tail Load Measurements of the Bell X-5 Research Airplane

Preliminary Tank Tests of Some Hydro-Ski-Wheel Combinations in the Planing Condition

An Experimental Investigation of the Base Pressure Characteristics of Nonlifting Bodies of Revolution at Mach Numbers From 2.73 to 4.98

Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Vortex Generators on the Maximum Lift of a 6-Percent-Thick Symmetrical Circular-Arc Airfoil Section

Experimental Investigation of Internal Flow Characteristics of Forward Underslung Fuselage Scoops With Unswept Entrances at Mach Numbers of 1.41 to 1.96

Some Low-Speed Studies of the Effects of Wing Location on Wing-Deformation-Body-Freedom Flutter

Rocket-Model Investigation to Determine the Force and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of a Half-Delta Tip Control on a 59 Degree Sweptback Delta Wing Between Mach Numbers of 0.55 and 1.43

Rocket-Model Investigation of the Rolling Effectiveness of a Fighter-Type Wing-Control Configuration at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.5

Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Inlet Asymmetry on the Performance of Converging-Diverging Diffusers at Transonic Speeds

A Preliminary Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Thin Delta Wing Equipped With a Double and a Single Slotted Flap

A Preliminary Investigation of the Static and Dynamic Longitudinal Stability of a Grunberg Hydrofoil System

Time-History Data of Maneuvers Performed by McDonnell F2H-2 Airplane During Squadron Operational Training

Total-Pressure and Schlieren Studies of the Wakes of Various Canard Control Surfaces Mounted on a Missile Body at a Mach Number of 1.93

Total-Pressure Recovery of a Circular Underslung Inlet With Three Different Nose Shapes at a Mach Number of 1.42

Transonic Drag Characteristics and Pressure Distribution on the Body of a Wing-Body Combination Consisting of a Body of Revolution of Fineness Ratio 12 and a Wing Having Sweepback of 45 Degrees, Aspect Ratio 4, Taper Ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 Airfoil Sections

Transonic Flight Tests to Compare the Zero-Lift Drags of 45 Degree Sweptback Wings of Aspect Ratio 3.55 and 6.0 With and Without Nacelles at the Wing Tips

Transonic Flight Tests to Determine Zero-Lift Drag and Pressure Recovery of Nacelles Located at the Wing Tips on a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing and Body Combination

Use of an Aerodynamically Pulsed All-Movable Horizontal Tail to Obtain Longitudinal Characteristics of Rocket-Powered Models in Free Flight and Some Initial Results From an Arrow-Wing-Body-Tail Configuration

A Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Three 4-Percent-Thick Wings of Sweepback Angles 10.8 Degrees, 35 Degrees, and 47 Degrees, Aspect Ratio 3.5, and Taper Ratio 0.2 in Combination With a Body

Pressure Distributions on Bodies of Revolution at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds

Pressure Distributions at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.9 Measured in Free Flight on a Parabolic Body of Revolution With Sharply Convergent Afterbody

Pressure Distribution and Aerodynamic Coefficients Associated With Heat Addition to Supersonic Air Stream Adjacent to Two-Dimensional Supersonic Wing

Pressure Measurements on an Ogive-Cylinder Body at Mach Number 4.04

Propeller Induced Angles of Attack and Section Angles of Attack for the NACA 10-(3)(066)-03, 10-(3)(049)-03, 10-(3)(090)-03, 10-(5)(066)-03, and 10-(0)(066)-03 Propellers

Propeller Lift and Thrust Distribution From Wake Surveys of Stagnation Conditions

Some Effects of Aeroelasticity at Mach Numbers From 0.7 to 1.6 on the Rolling Effectiveness of Thin Flat-Plate Delta Wings Having 45 Degree Swept Leading Edges and Full-Span Constant-Chord Ailerons

Some Effects of Spoiler Height, Wing Flexibility, and Wing Thickness on Rolling Effectiveness and Drag of Unswept Wings at Mach Numbers Between 0.4 and 1.7

Theoretical Calculation of the Effect of the Fuselage on the Spanwise Lift Distribution on a Wing

Theoretical Damping in Roll and Rolling Moment Due to Differential Wing Incidence for Slender Cruciform Wings and Wing-Body Combinations

Time Histories of Maneuvers Performed With an F-86A Airplane During Squadron Operations

The Use of the Rolled-Up Vortex Concept for Predicting Wing-Tail Interference and Comparison With Experiment at Mach Number of 1.62 for a Series of Missile Configurations Having Tandem Cruciform Lifting Surfaces

The Use of Area Suction for the Purpose of Delaying Separation of Air Flow at the Leading Edge of a 63 Degree Swept-Back Wing: Effects of Controlling the Chordwise Distribution of Suction Air Velocities

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Shielded Total-Pressure Tube at Transonic Speeds

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at High and Low Subsonic Mach Numbers of a Thin Sweptback Wing Having an Airfoil Section Designed for High Maximum Lift

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of Spoilers of Large Projection on an NACA 65A006 Wing With Quarter-Chord Line Swept Back 32.6 Degrees

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speeds of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Various Spoiler Configurations on a Thin 60 Degrees Delta Wing

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Low-Speed Static and Rotary Stability Derivatives of a 0.13-Scale Model of the Douglas D-558-II Airplane in the Landing Configuration

A Transonic Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Plate- and Bell- Type Outlets for Auxiliary Air

Investigation of Effective Thermal Conductivities of Powders

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Static Lateral Stability Characteristics of Wing-Fuselage Combinations at High Subsonic Speeds: Sweep Series

A Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of a Target Seeker Sensitive to Pitch Attitude on the Dynamic Stability and Response Characteristics of a Supersonic Canard Missile Configuration

Thrust Loading of the NACA 3-(3)(05)-05 Eight-Blade Dual-Rotating Propeller as Determined From Wake Surveys

First Landing of Bell X-2 Research Airplane

The Effect of Surface Roughness on the Performance of a 23 Degree Conical Diffuser at Subsonic Mach Numbers

Evaluation of End- and Radial-Burning Solid Fuels in Ram Jets Mounted in a Free Jet at Mach Numbers of 2.0, 2.2, and 2.3

Effects of Chord Discontinuities and Chordwise Fences on Low-Speed Static Longitudinal Stability of an Airplane Model Having a 35 Degree Sweptback Wing

The Effects of Camber and Leading-Edge-Flap Deflection on the Pressure Pulsations on Thin Rigid Airfoils at Transonic Speeds

The Effect of Entrance Mach Number and Lip Shape on the Subsonic Characteristics of a Scoop-Type-Air-Induction System for a Supersonic Airplane

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