Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Implication of the Transport Equation for the Semiempirical Treatment of Shields
Preview of Behavior of Grain Boundaries in Creep of Aluminum Bicrystals
Summary of Available Hail Literature and the Effect of Hail on Aircraft in Flight
Influence of Nonmartensitic Transformation Products on Mechanical Properties of Tempered Martensite
Radiant-Interchange Configuration Factors
Approximate Theory for Calculation of Lift of Bodies, Afterbodies, and Combinations of Bodies
Stress Problems in Pressurized Cabins
Stresses and Deformations in Wings Subjected to Torsion
Coincidence Method Applied to Ion Beam Measurement
Matrix and Relaxation Solutions That Determine Subsonic Through Flow in an Axial-Flow Gas Turbine
Electrical Pressure Integrator
On the Form of the Turbulent Skin-Friction Law and Its Extension to Compressible Flows
Theoretical Distribution of Slip Angles in an Aggregate of Face-Centered Cubic Crystals
Practical Calculation of Second-Order Supersonic Flow Past Nonlifting Bodies of Revolution
High-Speed Subsonic Characteristics of 16 NACA 6-Series Airfoil Sections
Method and Graphs for the Evaluation of Air-Induction Systems
Simulation of Linearized Dynamics of Gas-Turbine Engines
Second Approximation to Laminar Compressible Boundary Layer on Flat Plate in Slip Flow
Driving Standing Waves by Heat Addition
Choking of a Subsonic Induction Tunnel by the Flow from an Induction Nozzle
Equivalent-Plate Theory for a Straight Multicell Wing
On the Application of Transonic Similarity Rules
Introduction to Electrical-Circuit Analogies for Beam Analysis
A Simple Numerical Method for the Calculation of the Laminar Boundary Layer
Transition Caused by the Laminar Flow Separation
Minimum Ignition of Six Pure Hydrocarbon Fuels of the C₂ and C₆ Series
Investigation of Drag and Pressure Recovery of a Scoop Inlet in the Transonic Speed Range
Handling Qualities of High-Speed Airplanes
Hydrodynamic Directional Behavior of a Swept Planing-Tail Hull