Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Experimental Aerodynamic Derivatives of a Sinusoidally Oscillating Airfoil in Two-Dimensional Flow
Preliminary Investigation of a New Type of Supersonic Inlet
The Ames Supersonic Free-Flight Wind Tunnel
Supplementary Bibliography of NACA Reports Related to Instrumentation and Research Techniques
A Method for Estimating Speed Response of Gas-Turbine Engines
Dynamic Response of Turbine-Blade Temperature to Exhaust-Gas Temperature for Gas-Turbine Engines
Development of a Laminar Boundary Layer Behind a Suction Point
Boundary-Layer Measurements on Several Porous Materials With Suction Applied
On the Design of Airfoils in Which the Transition of the Boundary Layer Is Delayed
Comparison of Three Multicylinder Icing Meters and Critique of Multicylinder Method
A Study of Poisson's Ratio in the Yield Region
A Miniature Electrical Pressure Gage Utilizing a Stretched Flat Diagram
Investigation of the Structural Damping of a Full-Scale Airplane Wing
Fatigue Strengths of 14S-T4 Aluminum Alloy Subjected to Biaxial Tensile Stresses
Equal-Strength Design of Tension-Field Webs and Uprights
Theory of Supersonic Potential Flow in Turbomachines
Fatigue and Static Tests of Flush-Riveted Joints
Direct Measurements of Skin Friction
Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Low-Drag, Planing-Tail Flying Boat Hull
Laminar Boundary Layer Over Flat Plate in a Flow Having Circular Streamlines
Normal Accelerations and Operating Conditions Encountered by a Helicopter in Air-Mail Operations
Experimental Investigation of Eccentricity Ratio, Friction, and Oil Flow of Short Journal Bearings
Application of Transonic Similarity
A Comparison of Two Methods of Linearized Characteristics for a Simple Unsteady Flow
Two-Dimensional Subsonic Flow Past Elliptic Cylinder by the Variational Method
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations for Combined Tension and Compression