Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
A Method for Estimating the Components of Lift of Wing-Body Combinations at Supersonic Speeds
Investigation at Mach Number 1.91 of Spreading Characteristics of Jet Expanding From Choked Nozzles
Analysis of a Nuclear-Powered Liquid-Metal Ducted-Fan Cycle
Radiant Heat Transfer From Flames in a Single Tubular Turbojet Combuctor
A Thermodynamic Study of the Turbine-Propeller Engine
A Low-Speed Investigation of an Annular Transonic Air Inlet
Radioautographic Method for Examining Distribution of Particles in a Cyclotron Beam
Several Combination Probes for Surveying Static and Total Pressure and Flow Direction
A Technique Applicable to the Aerodynamic Design of Inducer-Type Multistage Axial-Flow Compressors
X-Ray Instrumentation for Density Measurements in a Supersonic Flow Field
Supersonic Wave Drag of Nonlifting Delta Wings With Linearly Varying Thickness Ratio
An Impulse-Momentum Method for Calculating Landing-Gear Contact Conditions in Eccentric Landings
The Effect of Blade-Section Camber on the Static Characteristics of Three NACA Propellers
Interaction of Column and Local Buckling in Compression Members
Short-Bearing Approximation for Full Journal Bearings
Bending of Thin Plates With Compound Curvature
Buckling of Low Arches or Curved Beams of Small Curvature
A Low-Speed Investigation of a Fuselage-Side Air Inlet for Use at Transonic Flight Speeds
Inviscid Flow About Airfoils at High Supersonic Speeds
Experiments in External Noise Reduction of a Small Pusher-Type Amphibian Airplane
The Effect of High Viscosity on the Flow Around a Cylinder and Around a Sphere
Translational Motion of Bodies Under the Free Surface of a Heavy Fluid of Finite Depth
Structural Vulnerability of the Boeing B-29 Aircraft Wing to Damage by Warhead Fragments
A Theoretical Analysis of the Effects of Fuel Motion on Airplane Dynamics