Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Altitude performance of annular combustor type turbojet engine with JFC-2 fuel
Altitude wind tunnel investigation of high-temperature afterburners
Two-dimensional chord-wise load distributions at transonic speeds
An active particle diffusion theory of flame quenching for laminar flames
Low speed stability characteristics of a complete model with a wing of W plan form
Low-speed tests of a free-to-yaw model in two wind tunnels of different turbulence
A survey of the aircraft-noise problem with special reference to its physical aspects
Two-dimensional flow on general surfaces of revolution in turbomachines
Critical study of integral methods in compressible laminar boundary layers
Calculation of aerodynamic forces on a propeller in pitch or yaw
Effects of Aspect Ratio on Air Flow at High Subsonic Mach Numbers
Flame speeds of 2,2,4-trimethylpentane-oxygen-nitrogen mixtures
Torsion tests of aluminum-alloy stiffened circular cylinders
Flow surfaces in rotating axial-flow passages
Fundamental effects of cold-work on some cobalt-chromium-nickel-iron base creep-resistant alloys
Investigation of laminar boundary layer in compressible fluids using the Crocco method
Investigation of a diffraction-grating interferometer for use in aerodynamic research
Interaction between a supersonic stream and a parallel subsonic stream bounded by fluid at rest
Interaction of oblique shock waves with regions of variable pressure, entropy, and energy
Investigation of statistical nature of fatigue properties
Noise from intermittent jet engines and steady-flow jet engines with rough burning
Flame speeds of methane-air, propane-air, and ethylene-air mixtures at low initial temperatures