Browse TRAIL Inventories

The transonic characteristics of 38 cambered rectangular wings of varying aspect ratio and thickness as determined by the transonic-bump technique

Wind-tunnel investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch of wing-fuselage combinations at high subsonic speeds : aspect-ratio series

Altitude performance of annular combustor type turbojet engine with JFC-2 fuel

Altitude performance investigation of two flame-holder and fuel-system configurations in short afterburner

Altitude wind tunnel investigation of high-temperature afterburners

Two-dimensional chord-wise load distributions at transonic speeds

An active particle diffusion theory of flame quenching for laminar flames

Transonic aerodynamic characteristics of three thin triangular wings and a trapezoidal wing, all of low aspect ratio

Low-speed lateral-control characteristics of an unswept wing with hexagonal airfoil sections and aspect ratio 2.5 equipped with spoilers and with sharp- and thickened-trailing-edge flap-type ailerons at a Reynolds number of 7.6 x 10(exp 6)

Low-speed longitudinal characteristics of a 45 degrees sweptback wing of aspect ratio 8 with high-lift and stall-control devices at Reynolds numbers from 1,500,000 to 4,800,000

Low speed stability characteristics of a complete model with a wing of W plan form

Low-speed static longitudinal stability and control characteristics of 60 degree triangular-wing and modified 60 degree triangular-wing models having half-delta and half-diamond tip controls

Low-speed static longitudinal and lateral stability characteristics of a model with leading-edge chord-extensions incorporated on a 40 degree sweptback circular-arc wing of aspect ratio 4 and taper ratio 0.50

Low-speed tests of a free-to-yaw model in two wind tunnels of different turbulence

An investigation of the subsonic speed range of a full-span and a semispan model of a plane wing and of a cambered and twisted wing, all having 45 degrees of sweepback

A survey of the aircraft-noise problem with special reference to its physical aspects

The theoretical characteristics of triangular-tip control surfaces at supersonic speeds: Mach lines behind trailing edges

Two-dimensional flow on general surfaces of revolution in turbomachines

Some effects of varying the damping in pitch and roll on the flying qualities of a small single-rotor helicopter

Investigation of the influence of fuselage and tail surfaces on low-speed static stability and rolling characteristics of a swept-wing model

Critical study of integral methods in compressible laminar boundary layers

Buckling of rectangular sandwich plates subjected to edgewise compression with loaded edges simply supported and unloaded edges clamped

Calculation of aerodynamic forces on a propeller in pitch or yaw

Electrical techniques for compensation of thermal time lag of thermocouples and resistance thermometer elements

Effects of Aspect Ratio on Air Flow at High Subsonic Mach Numbers

An approximate method of determining the subsonic flow in an arbitrary stream filament of revolution cut by arbitrary turbomachine blades

Wing-body interference at supersonic speeds with an application to combinations with rectangular wings

Flame speeds of 2,2,4-trimethylpentane-oxygen-nitrogen mixtures

Torsion tests of aluminum-alloy stiffened circular cylinders

Flow surfaces in rotating axial-flow passages

Fundamental effects of cold-work on some cobalt-chromium-nickel-iron base creep-resistant alloys

A fundamental study of the mechanism by which hydrogen enters metals during chemical and electrochemical processing

Investigation of laminar boundary layer in compressible fluids using the Crocco method

The similarity law for nonsteady hypersonic flows and requirements for the dynamical similarity of related bodies in free flight

Investigation of a diffraction-grating interferometer for use in aerodynamic research

Interaction between a supersonic stream and a parallel subsonic stream bounded by fluid at rest

Interaction of oblique shock waves with regions of variable pressure, entropy, and energy

Instrument-flight results obtained with a combined-signal flight indicator modified for helicopter use

Investigation of stress distribution in rectangular plates with longitudinal stiffeners under axial compression after buckling

Investigation of spontaneous ignition temperatures of organic compounds with particular emphasis on lubricants

Investigation of statistical nature of fatigue properties

A method for finding a least-squares polynomial that passes through a specified point with specified derivatives

Measurements of flying qualities of an F-47D-30 airplane to determine lateral and directional stability and control characteristics

A method for the determination of the time lag in pressure measuring systems incorporating capillaries

Noise from intermittent jet engines and steady-flow jet engines with rough burning

The Langley 2,000-horsepower propeller dynamometer and tests at high speed of an NACA 10-(3)(08)-03 two-blade propeller

Principle and application of complementary energy method for thin homogeneous and sandwich plates and shells with finite deflections

Langley full-scale-tunnel investigations of the maximum-lift and stalling characteristics of a trapezoidal wing of aspect ratio 4 with circular-arc airfoil sections

Laminar natural-convection flow and heat transfer of fluids with and without heat sources in channels with constant wall temperatures

Flame speeds of methane-air, propane-air, and ethylene-air mixtures at low initial temperatures

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