Browse TRAIL Inventories

Aerodynamics of slender bodies at Mach number of 3.12 and Reynolds numbers from 2 x 10(exp 6) to 15 x 10(exp 6) II : aerodynamic load distributions of series of five bodies having conical noses and cylindrical afterbodies

Aeronautical interference effects on normal and axial force coefficients of several engine-strut-body configurations at Mach numbers of 1.8 and 2.0

Control effectiveness and hinge-moment characteristics at low-speed of large-chord, horn-balanced, flap-type controls on a triangular wing of aspect ratio 2

Experimental investigation of an axial flow compressor inlet stage operating at transonic relative inlet Mach numbers I : over-all performance of stage with transonic rotor and subsonic stators up to rotor relative inlet Mach number of 1.1

Experimental investigation of axial-flow compressor inlet stage operating at transonic relative inlet Mach numbers : blade-coordinate data

Preliminary investigation of the effects of a paddle balance on the control characteristics at transonic speeds of a tapered 45.58 degrees sweptback wing of aspect ratio 3 having a full-span flap-type control

Preliminary investigation of the heat shock resistant properties of molybdenum disilicide blades under centrifugal load

Study of the pressure rise across shock waves required to separate laminar and turbulent boundary layers

A study of the zero-lift drag-rise characteristics of wing-body combinations near the speed of sound

A study of the flow over a 45 degree sweptback wing-fuselage combination at transonic Mach numbers

Some effects of changing solidity by varying the number of blades on performance of an axial flow compressor stage

Some effects of body cross-sectional shape, including sunken-canopy design, on drag as shown by rocket-powered-model tests at Mach numbers from 0.8 to 1.5

Transonic flow past a wedge profile with detached bow wave

Thrust augmentation of a turbojet engine by the introduction of liquid ammonia into the compressor inlet

Transonic free-flight drag results of full-scale models of 16-inch-diameter ram-jet engines

Analytical and experimental investigation of inlet-engine matching for turbojet-powered aircraft at Mach numbers up to 2.0

Wind-tunnel investigation of a ram-jet canard missile model having a wing and canard surfaces of delta plan form with 70 degree swept leading edges : longitudinal and lateral stability and control characteristics at a Mach number of 1.60

An analysis of the potentialities of a two-stage counterrotating supersonic compressor

Wind-tunnel investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch of wing-fuselage combination at high subsonic speeds : sweep series

A wind-tunnel investigation of the stability of the antisubmarine rocket MK 1 Mod 0

Effects of propeller-spinner juncture on the pressure-recovery characteristics of an NACA 1-series D-type cowl in combination with a four-blade single-rotation propeller at Mach numbers up to 0.83 and at an angle of attack of 0 degrees

Experimental investigation of a conservatively designed turbine at four rotor-blade solidities

Experimental investigation of a two-dimensional split-wing ram-jet inlet at Mach number of 3.85

Force characteristics in the submerged and planing condition of a 1/5.78-scale model of a hydro-ski-wheel combination for the Grumman JRF-5 airplane

Preliminary investigation of the drag characteristics of the NACA RM-10 missile at Mach numbers of 1.40 and 1.59 in the Langley 4- by 4-foot tunnel

Effects of sweepback and taper on the force and cavitation characteristics of aspect-ratio-4 hydrofoils

Performance characteristics of one convergent and three convergent-divergent nozzles

Aerodynamic characteristics at supersonic speeds of a series of wing-body combinations having cambered wings with an aspect ratio of 3.5 and a taper ratio of 0.2: Effects of sweep angle and thickness ratio on the static lateral stability characteristics at M = 2.01

Cold-air investigation of a turbine with nontwisted rotor blades suitable for air cooling

The effects of Reynolds number at Mach numbers up to 0.94 on the loading on a 35 degree swept-back wing having NACA 65(1)A012 streamwise sections

A correlation with flight tests of results obtained from the measurement of wing pressure distributions on a 1/4-scale model of the X-1 airplane (10-percent-thick wing)

Evaluation of operating characteristics of a supersonic free-jet facility for full-scale ram-jet investigations

Experimental investigation of the vibration characteristics of four designs of turbine blades and of the effect produced by varying the axial spacing between nozzle blades and turbine blades.

Application of supersonic vortex-flow theory to the design of supersonic impulse compressor- or turbine-blade sections

Drag of circular cylinders for a wide range of Reynolds numbers and Mach numbers

Investigation at Mach number 1.91 of spreading characteristics of jet expanding from choked nozzles

Investigation of the drag of various axially symmetric nose shapes of fineness ratio 3 for Mach numbers from 1.24 to 3.67

Investigation of the drag of various axially symmetric nose shapes of fineness ratio 3 for Mach numbers from 1.24 to 7.4

The effects of suction through porous leading-edge surfaces on the aerodynamic characteristics of a 47.5 degree sweptback wing-fuselage combination at a Reynolds number of 4.4 x 10(exp 6)

Low-speed investigation of the effects of nacelles on the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a 60 degree sweptback delta-wing - fuselage combination with NACA 65A003 airfoil sections

Experimental investigation of the drag of 30 degree, 60 degree, and 90 degree cone cylinders at Mach numbers between 1.5 and 8.2

Preliminary investigation of effect of angle of attack on pressure recovery and stability characteristics for a vertical-wedge-nose inlet at Mach number of 1.90

Temperature response of turbine-blade metal covered with oxide coatings supplied by fuel additives

Performance characteristics of several types of axially symmetric nose inlets at Mach number 3.85

Some factors affecting automatic control of airplanes

Reflection of shock waves from slotted walls at Mach number 1.62

Investigation of liquid fluorine and hydrazine-ammonia mixture in 100-pound-thrust rocket engine

Analytical procedures for rapid selection of coolant passage configurations for air-cooled turbine rotor blades and for evaluation of heat-transfer, strength, and pressure-loss characteristics

The effect of bluntness on the drag of spherical-tipped truncated cones of fineness ratio 3 at Mach numbers 1.2 to 7.4

Turbojet combustor efficiency with ceramic-coated liners and with mechanical control of fuel wash on walls

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