Browse TRAIL Inventories

Instrumentation and calibration technique for flight calibration of angle-of-attack systems on aircraft

Instrumentation of the Ames supersonic free-flight wind tunnel

Investigation of thrust augmentation using water-alcohol injection on a 5200-pound-thrust axial-flow-type turbojet engine at static sea-level conditions

Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor tip-speed II : velocity-diagram study of turbine for engine operation with constant exhaust-nozzle area

Investigation of stresses due to thermal gradients in typical aircraft structures

Investigation of vanes immersed in the jet of a solid-fuel rocket motor

Investigations of air-cooled turbine rotors for turbojet engines 2: mechanical design, stress analysis, and burst test of modified J33 split-disk rotor

Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor-tip speed III : velocity-diagram study of two-stage and downstream-stator turbines for engine operation at constant rotative speed

Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor-tip speed I : turbine-design requirements for several engine operating conditions

Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor-tip speed IV : effect of increasing blade speed on velocity diagrams of turbine for engine operation at constant rotative speed

Investigation of ram-jet afterburning as a means of varying effective exhaust nozzle area

Investigation of several techniques for improving altitude starting limits of turbojet engines

An investigation of several supersonic missile configurations directed toward minimizing center-of-pressure travel

Measurements of pressure drop with no heat addition on mockup segments of the general electric air-cooled aircraft reactor

Preliminary investigation at transonic speeds of the effect of balancing tabs on the hinge-moment and other aerodynamic characteristics of a full-span flap on a tapered 45 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 3

Procedure for calculating turbine blade temperatures and comparison of calculated with observed values for two stationary air-cooled blades

Comparison between prediction and experiment for all-movable wing and body combinations at supersonic speeds: Lift, pitching moment, and hinge moment

Effects of internal corner fillets on pressure recovery: Mass flow characteristics of scoop-type conical supersonic inlets

Performance characteristics at Mach numbers to 2.0 of various types of side inlets mounted on fuselage of proposed supersonic airplane 1: two-dimensional compression-ramp inlets with semicircular cowls

Effect of radiant energy on vaporization and combustion of liquid fuels

Performance of an impulse-type supersonic compressor with stators

Performance of the components of the XJ34-WE-32 turbojet engine over a range of engine and flight conditions

Performance of pure fuels in a single J33 combustor I : five liquid hydrocarbon fuels

Over-all performance of the J71 three-stage turbine

Performance of air inlets at transonic and low supersonic speeds

Oxidation-resistance mechanism and other properties of molybdenum disilicide

Tests in the Ames 40- by 80-foot wind tunnel of an airplane configuration with an aspect ratio 2 triangular wing and an all-movable horizontal tail : lateral characteristics

Normal accelerations and associated operating conditions on four types of commercial transport airplanes from VGH data available as of September 1951

Investigation of afterburner performance and afterburner fuel system coking of the Westinghouse XJ34-WE-32 engine

Preliminary investigation of a chemical starting technique for the acid - gasoline rocket propellant system

Preliminary investigation of corrosion by molten sodium hydroxide flowing in tubes of AISI 347 stainless steel, Inconel, and nickel having average outer-wall temperatures of 1500 F and a circumferential temperature gradient of 20 F

Preliminary free-flight investigation of the zero-lift drag penalties of several missile nose shapes for infrared seeking devices

Preliminary investigation of a rectangular supersonic scoop inlet with swept sides designed for low drag at a Mach number of 2.7

Preliminary free-flight investigation of the effects of rivets and lap joints on the drag of bodies at zero lift at supersonic Mach numbers to 2.1

A preliminary gust-tunnel investigation of leading-edge separation on swept wings

Preliminary experiments on the elastic compressive buckling of plates with integral waffle-like stiffening

Pressure distribution at low speed on a model incorporating a W wing with aspect ratio 6, 45 degrees sweep, taper ratio 0.6, and an NACA 65A009 airfoil section

Preparation and physical properties of metal slurry fuels

Lateral-control investigation at transonic speeds of retractable spoiler and plug-type spoiler-slot ailerons on a tapered 60 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 2 : transonic-bump method

Lateral and directional dynamic-response characteristics of a 35 degree swept-wing airplane as determined from flight measurements

Loitering and range performance of turbojet-powered aircraft determined by off-design engine cycle analysis

The longitudinal characteristics at Mach numbers up to 0.92 of a cambered and twisted wing having 40 degrees of sweepback and an aspect ratio of 10

The longitudinal characteristics at Mach numbers up to 0.9 of a wing-fuselage-tail combination having a wing with 40 degrees of sweepback and an aspect ratio of 10

Low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a large-scale 45 degree swept-back wing with partial-span slats, double-slotted flaps, and ailerons

Low-speed investigation of the effects of wing leading-edge modifications and several outboard fin arrangements on the static stability characteristics of a large-scale triangular wing

Experimental studies of noise from subsonic jets in still air

Effect of a finite trailing-edge thickness on the drag of rectangular and delta wings at supersonic speeds

An approximate method for determining the displacement effects and viscous drag of laminar boundary layers in two-dimensional hypersonic flow

Investigation of 75-millimeter-bore deep-groove ball bearings under radial load at high speeds 1: oil-flow-studies

A theoretical and experimental investigation of the influence of temperature gradients on the deformation and burst speeds of rotating disks

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