Browse TRAIL Inventories

Contributions to the theory of the spreading of a free jet issuing from a nozzle

Approximate method of integration of laminar boundary layer in incompressible fluid

Gas flow with straight transition line

Experimental investigation of air-flow uniformity and pressure level on wire cloth for transpiration-cooling applications

Error in airspeed measurement due to static-pressure field ahead of an open-nose air-inlet model at transonic speeds

Experimental investigation of flow through three highly loaded inlet guide vanes having different spanwise circulation gradients

Flutter of a 60©� delta wing (NACA 65A003 airfoil) encountered at supersonic speeds during the flight test of a rocket-propelled model

Miscellaneous directional-stability data for several airplane-like configurations from rocket-model tests at transonic speeds

Preliminary investigation of the effects of heat transfer on boundary-layer transition on a parabolic body of revolution (NACA RM-10) at a Mach number of 1.61

A pressure-distribution investigation of a fineness-ratio-12.2 parabolic body of revolution (NACA RM-10) at M = 1.59 and angles of attack up to 36©�

Heat transfer and skin friction for turbulent boundary layers on heated or cooled surfaces at high speeds

Investigation of the variation with Reynolds number of the base, wave, and skin-friction drag of a parabolic body of revolution (NACA RM-10) at Mach numbers of 1.62, 1.93, and 2.41 in the Langley 9-inch supersonic tunnel

Investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of the NACA RM-10 missile (with fins) at a Mach number of 1.62 in the Langley 9-inch supersonic tunnel

An Investigation of the Effect of the WADC 30,000-Horsepower Whirl Rig Upon the Static Characteristics of a Propeller

Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Drag of a Lockheed F-94C Airplane (A.F. No. 50-956)

Free-Flight-Tunnel Investigation of the Dynamic Stability and Control Characteristics of a Chance Vought F7U-3 Airplane in Towed Flight

As Investigation at Mach Numbers of 1.41 and 2.01 of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an 0.025-scale Model of the MX-1712

Free-flight investigation of longitudinal stability and control of a rocket-propelled missile model having cruciform, triangular, inline wings and tails

Chordwise pressure distribution at high subsonic speeds near midsemispan of a tapered 35 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 4 having NACA 65A006 airfoil sections and equipped with various spoiler ailerons

Investigation of the hydrodynamic stability and resistance of two streamline fuselages

The effects on the aerodynamic characteristics of varying the wing thickness ratio of a triangular wing-body configuration at transonic speeds from tests by the NACA wing-flow method

Effects of simulated skin wrinkles on the wing surface on the aerodynamic characteristics of two wing-body combinations employing wings of low aspect ratio at subsonic and supersonic speeds

Lift, drag and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds: Plane tapered wing of aspect ratio 3.1 with 3-percent-thick rounded-nose section

Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds: Twisted and cambered triangular wing of aspect ratio 2 with NACA 0005-63 thickness distribution

Low-speed longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a twisted and cambered wing of 45 degree sweepback and aspect ratio 8 with and without high-lift and stall-control devices and a fuselage at Reynolds numbers from 1.5 x 10(exp 6) to 4.8 x 10(exp 6

Studies of the flow field behind a large scale 47.5 degree sweptback wing having circular-arc airfoil sections and equipped with drooped-nose and plain flaps

A unified two-dimensional approach to the calculation of three-dimensional hypersonic flows, with application to bodies of revolution

Effect of vertical location of a horizontal tail on the static longitudinal stability characteristics of a 45 degree sweptback-wing-fuselage combination of aspect ratio 8 at a Reynolds number of 4.0 x 10(exp 6)

Theoretical performance of liquid ammonia, hydrazine and mixture of liquid ammonia and hydrazine as fuels with liquid oxygen biflouride as oxidant for rocket engines 1: mixture of liquid ammonia and hydrazine

Some effects of side-wall modifications on the drag and pressure recovery of an NACA submerged inlet at transonic speeds

Low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a large-scale 60 degree swept-back wing with high lift devices

Pressure distribution and pressure drag for a hemispherical nose at Mach numbers 2.05, 2.54, and 3.04

Internal-film-cooling experiments with 2- and 4-inch smooth-surface tubes and gas temperatures to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit

Flight calibration of angle-of-attack and sideslip detectors on the fuselage of a 35 degree swept-wing fighter airplane

Small-scale transonic investigation of the effects of twist and camber on the aerodynamic characteristics of a 60 degrees 42' sweptback wing of aspect ratio 1.94

Free-flight measurements of some effects of aileron span, chord, and deflection and of wing flexibility on the rolling effectiveness of ailerons on sweptback wings at Mach numbers between 0.8 and 1.6

Summary of some effective aerodynamic twisting-moment coefficients of various wing-control configurations at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 1.7 as determined from rocket-powered models

A pressure-distribution investigation of a fineness-ratio-12.2 parabolic body of revolution (NACA RM-10) at M = 1.59 and angles of attack up to 36 degrees

Reciprocity relations in aerodynamics

Simple Graphical Solution of Heat Transfer and Evaporation From Surface Heated to Prevent Icing

A Probability Analysis of the Meteorological Factors Conducive to Aircraft Icing in the United States

Experimental Investigation of Boundary-Layer Suction Through Slots to Obtain Extensive Laminar Boundary Layers on a 15 Percent-Thick Airfoil Section at High Reynolds Numbers

Effect of Various Blade Modifications in Performance of a 16-Stage Axial-flow Compressor. IV - Effect on Over-all Performance Characteristics of Decreasing Twelfth through Fifteenth Stage Stator-blade Angles 3 deg and Increasing Stator Angles in the Inlet Stages

A Photographic Study of Freezing of Water Droplets Falling Freely in Air

Preliminary Survey of Icing Conditions Measured During Routine Transcontinental Airline Operation

Impingement of Water Droplets on an NACA 65(sub 1) -212 Airfoil at an Angle of Attack of 4 Deg

The Calculated and Measured Performance Characteristics of a Heated-Wire Liquid-Water-Content Meter for Measuring Icing Severity

Experimental Investigation of Average Heat-Transfer and Friction Coefficients for Air Flowing in Circular Tubes Having Square-Thread-Type Roughness

Experimental and theoretical determination of thermal stresses in a flat plate

Flow characteristics over a lifting wedge of finite aspect ratio with attached and detached shock waves at a Mach number of 1.40

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