Browse TRAIL Inventories

Static longitudinal stability and control of a convertible-type airplane as affected by articulated-and rigid-propeller operation

Propeller flight investigation to determine the effects of blade loading

Effect on longitudinal stability and control characteristics of a Boeing B-29 airplane of variations in stick-force and control-rate characteristics obtained through use of a booster in the elevator-control system

The effects of variations in Reynolds number between 3.0 x 10sub6 and 25.0 x 10sub6 upon the aerodynamic characteristics of a number of NACA 6-series airfoil sections

Performance of J33-A-27 Turbojet-Engine Compressor, III, Over-All Performance Characteristics of Modified Compressor with Water Injection at Design Equivalent Speed of 11,800 RPM

Effect of an Autopilot Sensitive to Yawing Velocity on the Lateral Stability of the Douglas D-558-II Airplane

Results of the Flight Test of a Dummy of the MX-656 Rocket-Propelled Models

Some theoretical low-speed span loading characteristics of swept wings in roll and sideslip

Preliminary Performance Data on General Electric Integrated Electronic Control Operating on J47 RX1-3 Turbojet Engine in NACA Altitude Wind Tunnel

Investigation of Performance of Axial-Flow Compressor of XT-46 Turbine-Propeller Engine 2 - Performance of Revised Compressor at Design Equivalent Speed

Investigation of Performance of Axial-Flow Compressor of XT-46 Turbine-Propeller Engine 1 - Preliminary Investigation at 50-,70-, and 100-Percent Design Equivalent Speed

Data from Tests of a 1/5-Scale Model of a Proposed High-Speed Submarine in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel

Inelastic column behavior

Theoretical comparison of several methods of thrust augmentation for turbojet engines

Two-dimensional compressible flow in centrifugal compressors with straight blades

Performance of 24-inch supersonic axial-flow compressor in air. III : compressor performance with inlet guide vanes

Automatic control systems satisfying certain general criterions on transient behavior

An introduction to the physical aspects of helicopter stability

Method for calculating lift distributions for unswept wings with flaps or ailerons by use of nonlinear section lift data

Flight investigation of the effect of various vertical-tail modifications on the directional stability and control characteristics of a propeller-driven fighter airplane

Flutter of a uniform wing with an arbitrarily placed mass according to a differential-equation analysis and a comparison with experiment

Analysis of temperature distribution in liquid-cooled turbine blades

The application of Green's theorem to the solution of boundary-value problems in linearized supersonic wing theory

Effect of Various Modifications on Drag and Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of a Model of the XF7U-1 Tailless Airplane: NACA Wing-FLow Method, TED No. NACA DE 307

The reversibility theorem for thin airfoils in subsonic and supersonic flow

The calculation of downwash behind supersonic wings with an application to triangular plan forms

Theoretical analysis of various thrust-augmentation cycles for turbojet engines

Elastic and plastic buckling of simply supported solid-core sandwich plates in compression

Investigation at low speeds of the effect of aspect ratio and sweep on rolling stability derivatives of untapered wings

Amplitude distribution and energy balance of small disturbances in plate flow

Summary of the Aerodynamic Characteristics and Flying Qualities Obtained from Flights of Rocket-Propelled Models of an Airplane Configuration Incorporating a Sweptback Inversely Tapered Wing at Transonic and Low-Supersonic Speeds

Analysis of thrust augmentation of turbojet engines by water injection at compressor inlet including charts for calculating compression processes with water injection

Investigation at high subsonic speeds of a 45 sweptback horizontal tail with plain and horn-balanced control surfaces

Further experimental studies of area suction for the control of the laminar boundary layer on a porous bronze NACA 64A010 airfoil

Low-speed investigation of a 0.16-scale model of the X-3 airplane : longitudinal characteristics

The effect of accelerating a hypothetical aircraft through the transonic range with controls fixed

Effect of air distribution on radial temperature distribution in one-sixth sector of annular turbojet combustor

Investigation of the pressure-ratio requirements of the Langley 11-inch hypersonic tunnel with a variable-geometry diffuser

Lift and pitching-moment interference between a pointed cylindrical body and triangular wings of various aspect ratios at Mach numbers of 1.50 and 2.02

Free-flight performance of 16-inch-diameter supersonic ram-jet units III : four units designed for combustion-chamber-inlet Mach number of 0.245 at free-stream Mach number of 1.8 (Units D-1, D-2, D-3, and D-4)

A transonic-wing investigation in the Langley 8-foot high-speed tunnel at high subsonic Mach numbers and at a Mach number of 1.2 : wing-fuselage configuration with a wing of 45 degrees sweepback, aspect ratio 4, taper ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 airfo

Turbojet-engine evaluation of AISI 321 and AISI 347 stainless steels as nozzle-blade materials

Tank investigation of the Grumman JRF-5 airplane fitted with hydro-skis suitable for operation on water, snow, and ice

Altitude performance and operational characteristics of 29-inch-diameter tail-pipe burner with several fuel systems and fuel-cooled stage-type flame holders on J35-A-5 turbojet engine

Altitude performance characteristics of tail-pipe burner with converging conical burner section on J47 turbojet engine

Altitude investigation of performance of turbine-propeller engine and its components

Altitude performance characteristics of turbojet-engine tail-pipe burner with variable-area exhaust nozzle using several fuel systems and flame holders

A theoretical investigation of the influence of auxiliary damping in pitch on the dynamic characteristics of a proportionally controlled supersonic canard missile configuration

Wing-tunnel investigation at Mach numbers from 0.50 to 1.29 of an all-movable triangular wing of aspect ratio 4 alone and with a body

Altitude-wind-tunnel investigation of combustion-chamber performance on J47 turbojet engine

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