Browse TRAIL Inventories

An Electromagnetic Flowmeter for Rocket Research

Internal Flow and Burning Characteristics of 16-inch Ram Jet Operating in a Free Jet at Mach Numbers of 1.35 and 1.73

Notes on Heat-Resistant Materials in Britain from Technical Mission October 13 to November 30, 1950

A Semiempirical Procedure for Computing the Water-Pressure Distribution on Flat and V-Bottom Prismatic Surfaces During Impact or Planing

Measurements in Flight of the Longitudinal Characteristics of Two Jet Aircraft, One With a Diving Tendency and the Other With a Climbing Tendency at High Mach Numbers

Influence of Wing and Fuselage on the Vertical-Tail Contribution to the Low-Speed Rolling Derivatives of Midwing Airplane Models with 45 Degree Sweptback Surfaces

Experimental Investigation of the Low-Speed Static and Yawing Stability Characteristics of a 45 Degrees Sweptback High-Wing Configuration with Various Twin Vertical Wing Fins

Characteristics of Four Nose Inlets as Measured at Mach Numbers Between 1.4 and 2.0

Effects of Several Arrangements of Rectangular Vortex Generators on the Static-Pressure Rise Through a Short 2:1 Diffuser

Effects of Design Details on the Fatigue Strength of 355-T6 Sand-Cast Aluminum Alloy

Evaluation of High-Angle Attack Aerodynamic-Derivative Data and Stall-Flutter Prediction Techniques

Experimental Pressure Distributions Over Two Wing-Body Combinations at Mach Number 1.9

Power Unit for High-Intensity Light Source

Mechanical and Corrosion Tests of Spot-Welded Aluminum Alloys

Lift, Drag, and Pitching Moment of Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds : Plane Tapered Wing of Aspect Ratio 3.1 with 3-Percent-Thick, Biconvex Section

Preliminary Investigation of the Control of a Gas-Turbine Engine for a Helicopter

The Forces and Pressure Distribution at Subsonic Speeds on a Plane Wing Having 45 Degrees of Sweepback, an Aspect Ratio of 3, and a Taper Ratio of 0.5

Calculated Performance of a Direct-Air Nuclear Turbojet-Powered Airplane Using a Split-Flow Reactor and a Separated-Type Shield

Combustion-Chamber Performance Characteristics of a Python Turbine-Propeller Engine Investigated in Altitude Wind Tunnel

Sideslip in a Viscous Compressible Gas

Lateral Control by Spoilers at the DVL

On the Problem of Gas Flow Over an Infinite Cascade Using Chaplygin's Approximation

On the Theory of Thin and Thin-Walled Rods

On the Theory of Combustion of Initially Unmixed Gases

Relations Between the Modulus of Elasticity of Binary Alloys and Their Structure

Flight Investigation at Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Velocities of the Hinge-Moment Characteristics, Lateral-Control Effectiveness, and Wing Damping in Roll of a 60 Degrees Sweptback Delta Wing With Half-Delta Tip Ailerons (Revised)

Flight Investigation of the Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of the Douglas D-558-I Airplane (BuAero No. 37972) at Mach Numbers Up to 0.89

Low-Speed Characteristics of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 8 From Pressure Distributions and Force Tests at Reynolds Numbers From 1,500,000 to 4,800,000

An Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Series of Cone-Cylinder Configurations at a Mach Number of 6.86

Investigation of the Effect of a Nacelle at Various Chordwise and Vertical Positions on the Aerodynamic Characteristics at High Subsonic Speeds of a 45 Degrees Sweptback Wing With and Without a Fuselage

Investigation of the Aerodynamic Effects of an External Store in Combination With 60 Degree Delta and Low-Aspect-Ratio Tapered Wings at a Mach Number of 1.9

An Investigation of Four Wings of Square Plan Form at a Mach Number of 6.86 in the Langley 11-Inch Hypersonic Tunnel

An Investigation of the Longitudinal Characteristics of the X-3 Configuration With Wing and Horizontal Tail Surfaces of Aspect Ratio 3.0 by Means of Rocket-Propelled Models: Results at High Lift Coefficients

Free-Spinning Tunnel Investigation of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Douglas X-3 Airplane

Flight Performance of a Twin-Engine Supersonic Ram Jet From 2,300 to 67,200 Feet Altitude

Free-Flight Investigation to Determine Force and Hinge-Moment Characteristics at Zero Angle of Attack of a 60 Degrees Sweptback Half-Delta Tip Control on a 60 Degrees Sweptback Delta Wing at Mach Numbers Between 0.68 and 1.44

Free-Jet Tests of a 6.5-Inch-Diameter Ram-Jet Engine at Mach Numbers 1.81 and 2.00

An Investigation at Transonic Speeds of the Effects of Control Chord and Span on the Control Characteristics of a Tapered Wedge-Type Wing of Aspect Ratio 2.5: Transonic-Bump Method

Investigation at Mach Number 1.88 of Half of a Conical-Spike Diffuser Mounted as a Side Inlet With Boundary-Layer Control

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of the Effects of Symmetrical Deflection of Half-Delta Tip Controls on the Damping in Roll and Yawing Moment Due to Rolling of a Triangular-Wing Model

A Comparison of Theory and Experiment for High-Speed Free-Molecule Flow

The aerodynamic behavior of a harmonically oscillating finite sweptback wing in supersonic flow

Air forces and moments on triangular and related wings with subsonic leading edges oscillating in supersonic potential flow

An analysis of an x-ray absorption method for measurement of high gas temperatures

Development of Auxiliary Cyclotron Equipment for Using Tritium as Bombarding Particles in a Cyclotron

Flight Determination of the Drag and Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a Rocket-Powered Model of a 60 Degrees Delta-Wing Airplane From Mach Numbers 0.75 to 1.70

Review of the Maximum-Lift Characteristics of Thin and Swept Wings

Preliminary Experimental Investigation of Flutter Characteristics of M and W Wings

Preliminary Investigation of a Supersonic Scoop Inlet Derived From a Conical-Spike Nose Inlet

Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Rectangular Vortex Generators on the Performance of a Short 1.9:1 Straight-Wall Annular Diffuser

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