Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
An Electromagnetic Flowmeter for Rocket Research
Notes on Heat-Resistant Materials in Britain from Technical Mission October 13 to November 30, 1950
Characteristics of Four Nose Inlets as Measured at Mach Numbers Between 1.4 and 2.0
Effects of Design Details on the Fatigue Strength of 355-T6 Sand-Cast Aluminum Alloy
Evaluation of High-Angle Attack Aerodynamic-Derivative Data and Stall-Flutter Prediction Techniques
Experimental Pressure Distributions Over Two Wing-Body Combinations at Mach Number 1.9
Power Unit for High-Intensity Light Source
Mechanical and Corrosion Tests of Spot-Welded Aluminum Alloys
Preliminary Investigation of the Control of a Gas-Turbine Engine for a Helicopter
Sideslip in a Viscous Compressible Gas
Lateral Control by Spoilers at the DVL
On the Problem of Gas Flow Over an Infinite Cascade Using Chaplygin's Approximation
On the Theory of Thin and Thin-Walled Rods
On the Theory of Combustion of Initially Unmixed Gases
Relations Between the Modulus of Elasticity of Binary Alloys and Their Structure
Free-Spinning Tunnel Investigation of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Douglas X-3 Airplane
Flight Performance of a Twin-Engine Supersonic Ram Jet From 2,300 to 67,200 Feet Altitude
Free-Jet Tests of a 6.5-Inch-Diameter Ram-Jet Engine at Mach Numbers 1.81 and 2.00
A Comparison of Theory and Experiment for High-Speed Free-Molecule Flow
The aerodynamic behavior of a harmonically oscillating finite sweptback wing in supersonic flow
An analysis of an x-ray absorption method for measurement of high gas temperatures
Review of the Maximum-Lift Characteristics of Thin and Swept Wings
Preliminary Experimental Investigation of Flutter Characteristics of M and W Wings
Preliminary Investigation of a Supersonic Scoop Inlet Derived From a Conical-Spike Nose Inlet