Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation of Minimum Drag and Maximum Lift-Drag Ratios of Several Wing-Body Combinations Including a Cambered Triangular Wing at Low Reynolds Numbers and at Supersonic Speeds

An Investigation of the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Jet-Powered Dynamic Model of the DR 56 Flying Boat: TED No. NACA DE 328

An Investigation of Flow Characteristics at Mach Number 4.04 Over 6- and 9-Percent-Thick Symmetrical Circular-Arc Airfoils Having 30-Percent-Chord Trailing-Edge Flaps

Lateral Control Characteristics and Dihedral Effect of a Wing-Body Combination With a Variable Incidence Triangular Wing and Wing-Tip Ailerons at a Mach Number of 1.52

An Analytic Determination of the Flow Behind a Symmetrical Curved Shock in a Uniform Stream

Free-Flight Investigation of the Longitudinal Stability and Control of a Rocket-Propelled Missile Model Having Cruciform, Triangular, Interdigitated Wings and Tails

Horizontal-Tail Effectiveness and Downwash Surveys for Two 47.7 Degree Sweptback Wing-Fuselage Combinations With Aspect Ratios of 5.1 and 6.0 at a Reynolds Number of 6.0 X 10(Exp 6)

Flight Measurements With the Douglas D-558-II (BuAero No. 37974) Research Airplane: Measurements of the Distribution of the Aerodynamic Load Among the Wing, Fuselage, and Horizontal Tail at Mach Numbers Up to 0.87

Flight Measurements With the Douglas D-558-II (BuAero No. 37974) Research Airplane: Static Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics at Mach Numbers Up to 0.87

Flight Measurements With the Douglas D-558-II (BuAero No. 37974) Research Airplane: Dynamic Lateral Stability

Investigation at Supersonic Speeds of Some of the Factors Affecting the Flow Over a Rectangular Wing With Symmetrical Circular-Arc Section and 30-Percent-Chord Trailing-Edge Flap

An Investigation of a Supersonic Aircraft Configuration Having a Tapered Wing With Circular-Arc Sections and 40 Degree Sweepback: Force Characteristics of the Complete Configuration and Its Various Components at Mach Numbers of 1.40 and 1.59

Experimental investigation of tail-pipe-burner design variables

Investigations on Wings With and Without Sweepback at High Subsonic Speeds

On the Turbulent Friction Layer for Rising Pressure

On the recording of turbulent longitudinal and transverse fluctuations

Flight-Determination of the Low-Lift Drag and Longitudinal Stability of a 1/10-Scale Rocket-Powered Model of the Douglas XF4D-1 Airplane at Mach Numbers from 0.7

Preliminary Transient Performance Data for Afterburner Operation of Westinghouse Electronic Power Regulator on XJ34-WE-32 Turbojet Engine in Altitude Wind Tunnel

On Ionization and Luminescence in Flames

Deplacement Effect of the Laminar Boundary Layer and the Pressure Drag

Supplementary Ditching Investigation of a 1/18-Scale Model of the North American B-45 Airplane

A Thermodynamic Study of the Turbine-Propeller Engine

Yawed-Landing Investigation of a Model of the Convair Y2-2 Airplane, TED No. NACA DE 363

On Motion of Fluid in Boundary Layer Near Line of Intersection of Two Planes

Preliminary Results of a Flight Investigation of 1/6-Scale Rocket-Powered Models of the Bell MX-776 to Determine Aileron Rolling Effectiveness and Total Drag

Investigation of Turbulent Flow in a Two-Dimensional Channel

Forced-Convection Heat Transfer to Water at High Pressures and Temperatures in the Nonboiling Region

Effect of Surface Finish on Fatigue Properties at Elevated Temperatures 1: Low-Carbon N-155 With Grain Size of A.S.T.M. 1

Preliminary Investigation of Helmholtz Resonators for Damping Pressure Fluctuations in 3.6-Inch Ram Jet at Mach Number 1.90

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Additive Drag

Thermal Conductivity of 14 Metals and Alloys Up to 1100 Degrees Fahrenheit

Properties of Low-Carbon N-155 Alloy Bar Stock From 1200 to 1800 Degrees Fahrenheit

Experimental Investigation of Effect of Jet Exit Configuration on Thrust and Drag

Altitude Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Performance of Compressor, Combustor, and Turbine Components of Prototype J47D (RX1-1) Turbojet Engine

An Experimental Study of Water-Pressure Distributions During Landings and Planing of a Heavily Loaded Rectangular Flat-Plate Model

Comparison of Measured Efficiencies of Nine Turbine Designs with Efficiencies Predicted by Two Empirical Methods

Effective Modulus in Plastic Buckling of High-Strength Aluminum-Alloy Sheet

An Investigation of the Low-Speed Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/10-Scale Model of the McDonnell XF3H-1 Airplane: TED No. NACA DE 344

Preliminary Investigation of Cooling-Air Ejector Performance at Pressure Ratios from 1 to 10

Stability and Control Measurements Obtained during USAF-NACA Cooperative Flight-Test Program on the X-4 Airplane (USAF No. 46-677)

Free-Spinning Tunnel Investigation of a 1/20-Scale Model of the McDonnell F2H-3 Airplane

Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation to Determine the Effect of Two Nose Designs on Spin and Recovery Characteristics of a 1/20-Scale Model of the McDonnel XF3H-1 Airplane: TED No. NACA DE 343

Low-Speed Characteristics of a 45 Degree Swept Wing with Leading-Edge Inlets

Arrangement of Bodies of Revolution in Supersonic Flow to Reduce Wave Drag

Analytical Investigation of Fully Developed Laminar Flow in Tubes With Heat Transfer With Fluid Properties Variable Along the Radius

Exhaust Turbine and Jet Propulsion Systems

The Flow of Gases in Narrow Channels

A Comparison of the Spanwise Loading Calculated by Various Methods With Experimental Loadings Obtained on a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 8.02 at a Reynolds Number of 4.0 X 10(6)

Correction Factors for Wind Tunnels of Elliptic Section With Partly Open and Partly Closed Test Section

Calculation of the Bending Stresses in Helicopter Rotor Blades

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