Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Horizontal tail loads in maneuvering flight
Experimental analysis of a pressure-sensitive system for sensing gas temperature
Lift-cancellation technique in linearized supersonic-wing theory
Low-speed characteristics of four cambered, 10-percent-thick NACA airfoil sections
Measurement of the moments of inertia of an airplane by a simplified method
Impact-pressure interpretation in a rarefied gas at supersonic speeds
Friction of surface films formed by decomposition of common lubricants of several types
Comparison between theory and experiment for wings at supersonic speeds
Comparative foaming characteristics of aeronautical lubricating oils
Analysis of shear strength of honeycomb cores for sandwich constructions
Bending and buckling of rectangular sandwich plates
Comparison of model and full-scale spin test results for 60 airplane designs
Compressive properties of titanium sheet at elevated temperatures
The boundary-layer and stalling characteristics of the NACA 64A010 airfoil section
Boundary-layer transition on a cooled 20 degree cone at Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.0
Effect of tunnel configuration and testing technique on cascade performance
Effectiveness of molybdenum disulfide as a fretting-corrosion inhibitor
The effect of rate of change of angle of attack on the maximum lift of a small model
Estimation of the damping in roll of supersonic-leading-edge wing-body combinations
Experiments in external noise reduction of light airplanes
Tables of wing-aileron coefficients of oscillating air forces for two-dimensional supersonic flow
Statistical explanation of spontaneous freezing of water droplets
Supersonic flow around circular cones at angles of attack
Resistance of six cast high-temperature alloys to cracking caused by thermal shock
Study of effects of sweep on the flutter of cantilever wings
A small-deflection theory for curved sandwich plates
Sound measurements for five shrouded propellers at static conditions
Spanwise loading for wings and control surfaces of low aspect ratio