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Laminar friction and heat transfer at Mach numbers from 1 to 10

Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds : triangular wing of aspect ratio 4 with NACA 0005-63 thickness distribution, cambered and twisted for trapezoidal span load distribution

On the angular distribution of slip lines in polycrystalline aluminum alloy

Compilation and review of effects of design parameters on ditching characteristics

Investigation at low speed of the effectiveness and hinge moments of a constant-chord elevator on a large-scale triangular wing with section modification

An investigation at Mach numbers of 1.40 and 1.59 of the effects of aileron profile on the aerodynamic characteristics of a complete model of a supersonic aircraft configuration

Investigation of dynamic characteristics of a turbine-propeller engine

The effect of thickness ratio on section thrust distribution as determined from a study of wake surveys of the NACA 4-(0)(03)-045 and 4-(0)(08)-045 two-blade propellers up to forward Mach numbers of 0.925

Force and pressure characteristics for a series of nose inlets at Mach numbers from 1.59 to 1.99 5: analysis and comparison on basis of ram-jet aircraft range and operational characteristics

A comparison of the turbulent boundary-layer growth on an unswept and a swept wing

Theoretical analysis of some simple types of acceleration restrictors

The effects of boundary-layer control on the longitudinal characteristics of a swept-back wing using suction through streamwise slots in the outboard portion of the wing

The effects of centrally mounted wing-tip tanks on the subsonic aerodynamic characteristics of a wing of aspect ratio 10 with 35 degrees of sweepback

The effects of camber and twist on the aerodynamic loading and stalling characteristics of a large-scale 45 degree swept-back wing

Contributions of wing, tail, and fuselage to the aerodynamic characteristics of a semispan model of a supersonic airplane configuration at transonic speeds from tests by the NACA wing-flow method

A correlation of experimental zero-lift drag of rectangular wings with symmetrical NACA 65-series airfoil sections by means of the transonic similarity law for wings of finite aspect ratio

Pressure-distribution measurements over a 45 degree sweptback wing at transonic speeds by the NACA wing-flow method

Examples of three representative types of airfoil-section stall at low speed

Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds: Plane triangular wing of aspect ratio 4 with NACA 0005-63 section

Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds : plane triangular wing of aspect ratio 2 with NACA 0005-63 section

Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds: Plane triangular wing of aspect ratio 2 with NACA 0003-63 section

An analysis of flow in rotating passage of large radial-inlet centrifugal compressor at tip speed of 700 feet per second

Preliminary flight investigation of the maneuvering accelerations and buffet boundary of a 35 degree swept-wing airplane at high altitude and transonic speeds

Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds : plane triangular wing of aspect ratio 2 with NACA 0008-63 section

Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds: Plane triangular wing of aspect ratio 4 with 3-percent-thick rounded nose section

Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds : plane triangular wing of aspect ratio 3 with NACA 0003-63 section

Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds: Plane triangular wing of aspect ratio 4 with 3-percent-thick, biconvex section

Theoretical performance of lithium and fluorine as a rocket propellant

Approximate methods for calculating the flow about nonlifting bodies of revolution at high supersonic airspeeds

Note on flutter of a 60 degree delta wing encountered at low-supersonic speeds during the flight of a rocket-propelled model

An investigation of the effect of vertical-fin location and area on low-speed lateral stability derivatives of a semitailless airplane model

Effect of a deflectable wing-tip control on the low-speed lateral and longitudinal characteristics of a large-scale wing with the leading edge swept back 47.5 degrees

A method for predicting the upwash angles induced at the propeller plane of a combination of bodies with an upswept wing

Wing-on and wing-off longitudinal characteristics of an airplane configuration having an thin unswept tapered wing of aspect ratio 3, as obtained from rocket-propelled models at Mach numbers from 0.8 to 1.4

Investigation of the effects of geometric changes in an underwing pylon suspended external store installation on the aerodynamic characteristics of a 45 degree sweptback wing at high subsonic speeds

Free-flight measurements at Mach numbers from 0.7 to 1.6 of some effects of airfoil-thickness distribution and trailing-edge angle on aileron rolling effectiveness and drag for wings with 0 and 45 degrees sweepback

Large-Scale Flight Measurements of Zero-Lift Drag at Mach Numbers from 0.87 to 1.39 of 1/10-Scale Models of the Northrop MX-775A Missile

Integrals and integral equations in linearized wing theory

NACA investigation of fuel performance in piston-type engines

Graphic Analysis of American and British Axial-Flow Turbojet Engine Performance Trends (Current and Future)

Heat transfer to bodies in a high-speed rarified-gas stream

A correlation by means of transonic similarity rules of experimentally determined characteristics of a series of symmetrical and cambered wings of rectangular plan form

Correlation of physical properties with molecular structure for some dicyclic hydrocarbons having high thermal-energy release per unit volume -- 2-alkylbiphenyl and the two isomeric 2-alkylbicyclohexyl series

Comparison between theory and experiment for wings at supersonic speeds

Analysis of plane-plastic stress problems with axial symmetry in strain-hardening range

Behavior of fast moving flow of compressible gas in cylindrical pipe in presence of cooling

Analysis of means of improving the uncontrolled lateral motions of personal airplanes

Schlieren investigation of the wing shock-wave boundary-layer interaction in flight

Steady-state engine windmilling and engine speed decay characteristics of an axial-flow turbojet engine

Effect of initial mixture temperature on flame speed of methane-air, propane-air and ethylene-air mixtures

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