Browse TRAIL Inventories

Tank investigation of the Grumman JRF-5 airplane with a single hydro-ski and an extended afterbody

Altitude investigation of 16 flame-holder and fuel-system configurations in tail-pipe burner

The transonic characteristics of 17 rectangular, symmetrical wing models of varying aspect ratio and thickness

A theoretical investigation of the influence of autopilot natural frequency upon the dynamic performance characteristics of a supersonic canard missile configuration with a pitch-attitude control system

Wind-tunnel investigation of six shielded total-pressure tubes at high angles of attack: Subsonic speeds

Altitude-wind-tunnel investigation of performance characteristics of a J47D prototype (RX1-1) turbojet engine with variable-area exhaust nozzle

Altitude-test-chamber investigation of performance of a 28-inch ram-jet engine 3: combustion and operational performance of three flame holders with a center pilot burner

The torsional deflections of several propellers under operating conditions

Minimum wave drag of bodies of revolution with a cylindrical center section

Performance characteristics of aircraft cooling ejectors having short cylindrical shrouds

Stability and control characteristics at low speed of a 1/5-scale model of the Edo 142 hydro-ski research airplane

Preliminary investigation of molybdenum disulfide-air-mist lubrication for roller bearings operating to DN values of 1 x 10(exp 6) and ball bearings operating to temperatures of 1000 degrees F

Influence of airfoil trailing-edge angle and trailing-edge-thickness variation on the effectiveness of a plain flap at high subsonic Mach numbers

Characteristics throughout the subsonic speed range of a plane wing and of a cambered and twisted wing, both having 45 degrees of sweepback

Experimental downwash and wake characteristics at subsonic and supersonic Mach numbers behind an unswept, tapered wing, of aspect ratio 2.67 with leading-and trailing-edge flaps

Experimental evaluation by thermodynamic methods of work input to a centrifugal compressor operating with water injection

Calculations of Laminar Heat Transfer Around Cylinders of Arbitrary Cross Section and Transpiration-Cooled Walls with Application to Turbine Blade Cooling

Force and pressure characteristics for a series of nose inlets at Mach numbers from 1.59 to 1.99 III : conical-spike all-external-compression inlet with supersonic cowl lip

Force and pressure characteristics for a series of nose inlets at Mach numbers from 1.59 to 1.99 1: conical spike all-external compression inlet with subsonic cowl lip

Fatigue strengths of aircraft materials: axial-load fatigue tests on notched sheet specimens of 24S-T3 and 75S-T6 aluminum alloys and of SAE 4130 steel with stress-concentration factors of 2.0 and 4.0

Aerodynamic study of a wing-fuselage combination employing a wing swept back 63 degrees : effectiveness at supersonic speeds of a 30-percent chord, 50-percent semispan elevon as a lateral control device

Preliminary investigation of the delay of turbulent flow separation by means of wedge-shaped bodies

Preliminary investigation of the supersonic flow field downstream of wire-mesh nozzles in a constant-area duct / Lawrence I. Gould

Some effects of solidity on turning through constant-thickness circular-arc guide vanes in axial annular flow

Studies of high-temperature protection of a titanium-carbide ceramal by chromium-type ceramic-metal coatings

Review of some recent data on buffet boundaries

Transonic flow past a wedge profile with detached bow wave : details of analysis

Wing-flow investigation of the characteristics of seven unswept, untapered airfoils of aspect ratio 8.0

Free-flight-tunnel investigation of the dynamic lateral stability and control characteristics of a high-aspect-ratio bomber model with self-supporting free-floating fuel tanks attached to the wing tips

Free-flight-tunnel investigation of the dynamic lateral stability and control characteristics of a tip-to-tip bomber-fighter coupled airplane configuration

Investigation of annular liquid flow with concurrent air flow in horizontal tubes

An investigation of the spray characteristics of a jet-powered dynamic model of the drag flying boat with a vee tail : TED No. NACA DE 328

Free-flight performance of 16-inch diameter supersonic ram-jet units 4: performance of ram-jet units designed for combustion chamber inlet Mach number of 0.21 at free-stream Mach number of 1.6 over a range flight conditions

A comparison of the experimental and theoretical loading over triangular wings in sideslip at supersonic speeds

A comparison of the calculated maximum-maneuver response characteristics of three air-to-air, beam-rider, guided missiles having different lift ratios

A comparison of the experimental and theoretical loading over triangular wings at supersonic speeds

Effect of blade-surface finish on performance of a single-stage axial-flow compressor

Design and performance of an experimental axial-discharge mixed-flow compressor II : over-all performance of impeller and supersonic-diffuser combination

Damping in a roll of a missile configuration with a modified triangular wing and a cruciform tail at a Mach number of 1.52

Effects of spanwise thickness variation on the transonic aerodynamic characteristics of wings having 35 degrees of sweepback, aspect ratio 4, and taper ratio 0.60

Effects of spanwise thickness variation on the aerodynamic characteristics of 35 degree and 45 degree sweptback wings of aspect ratio 6: transonic-bump method

Application of Theodorsen's propeller theory to the calculation of the performance of dual-rotating propellers

Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds : triangular wing of aspect ratio 2 with NACA 0005-63 thickness distribution, cambered and twisted for a trapezoidal span load distribution

Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds: twisted and cambered triangular wing of aspect ratio 2 with NACA 0003-63 thickness distribution

A semi-empirical method for calculating the pitching moment of bodies of revolution at low Mach numbers

Effects on the Snaking Oscillation of the Bell X-1 Airplane of a Trailing-Edge Bulb on the Rudder

An investigation of convergent-divergent diffusers at Mach number 1.85

Wind-tunnel investigation at Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.0 of a canard missile configuration

A velocity-correction formula for the calculation of transonic Mach number distributions over diamond-shaped airfoils

Velocity and temperature fields in circular jet expanding from choked nozzle into quiescent air

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