Browse TRAIL Inventories

Influence of chemical composition on rupture properties at 1200 degrees F. of forged chromium-cobalt-nickel-iron base alloys in solution-treated and aged condition

Equations and charts for the rapid estimation of hinge-moment and effectiveness parameters for trailing-edge controls having leading and trailing edges swept ahead of the Mach lines

Calculations on the forces and moments for an oscillating wing-aileron combination in two-dimensional potential flow at sonic speed

Experimental and theoretical studies of area suction for the control of the laminar boundary layer on an NACA 64A010 airfoil

A study of the use of experimental stability derivatives in the calculation of the lateral disturbed motions of a swept-wing airplane and comparison with flight results

Analytical determination of coupled bending-torsion vibrations of cantilever beams by means of station functions

Generalization of Joukowski formula to an airfoil of a cascade in compressible gas stream with subsonic velocities

Effect of aspect ratio on the air forces and moments of harmonically oscillating thin rectangular wings in supersonic potential flow

Analysis of the effects of boundary-layer control in the take-off and power-off landing performance characteristics of a liaison type of airplane

Relation between inflammables and ignition sources in aircraft environments

Spectra and diffusion in a round turbulent jet

Calculation of the lateral control of swept and unswept flexible wings of arbitrary stiffness

An empirically derived basis for calculating the area, rate, and distribution of water-drop impingement on airfoils

Diffusion of chromium in alpha cobalt-chromium solid solutions

A theoretical analysis of the effect of time lag in an automatic stabilization system on the lateral oscillatory stability of an airplane

Error in Airspeed Measurement Due to Static-Pressure Field Ahead of the Wing Tip of a Swept-Wing Airplane Model at Transonic Speeds

A biharmonic relaxation method for calculating thermal stress in cooled irregular cylinders

Spectrum of turbulence in a contracting stream

Analysis of the effects of wing interference on the tail contributions to the rolling derivatives

Exploratory investigation at high and low subsonic Mach numbers of two experimental 6-percent-thick airfoil sections designed to have high maximum lift coefficients

A flight study of requirements for satisfactory lateral oscillatory characteristics of fighter aircraft

Flow separation ahead of a blunt axially symmetric body at Mach numbers 1.76 to 2.10

Effects on control effectiveness of systematically varying the size and location of trailing-edge flaps on a 45 degrees sweptback wing at a Mach number of 1.9

Fundamental aging effects influencing high-temperature properties of solution-treated Inconel X

Fundamental flame velocities of pure hydrocarbons III : extension of tube method of high flame velocities - acetylene-air mixtures

Investigation of a triangular wing in conjunction with a fuselage and horizontal tail to determine downwash and longitudinal-stability characteristics: transonic bump method

:Investigation of a 24-inch shock-in-rotor type supersonic compressor designed for simple radial equilibrium behind normal shock

Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine wtih high compressor ratio and low compressor-tip speed V : experimental performance of two-stage turbine with downstream stator

Investigation of wing-tip ailerons on a 51.3 degrees sweptback wing at transonic speeds by the transonic-bump method

A method for the design of sweptback wings warped to produce specified flight characteristics at supersonic speeds

Preliminary investigation of a translating cowl technique for improving take-off performance of a sharp-lip supersonic diffuser

Method for estimating lift interference of wing-body combinations at supersonic speeds

Performance of single-stage compressor designed on basis of constant total enthalpy with symmetrical velocity diagram at all radii and velocity ratio of 0.7 at rotor hub / Jack R. Burtt and Robert J. Jackson

Tests in the Ames 40- by 80-foot wind tunnel of an airplane configuration with an aspect ratio 4 triangular wing and an all-movable horizontal tail - longitudinal characteristics

Preliminary evaluation of the air and fuel specific-impulse characteristics of several potential ram-jet fuels IV : hydrogen, a-methylnaphthalene, and carbon / Benson E. Gammon

Preliminary results of turbojet-engine altitude-starting investigation

Preliminary study of stability of flow from two ducts discharging into a common duct

A summary of available knowledge concerning skin friction and heat transfer and its application to the design of high-speed missiles

A preliminary investigation of combustion with rotating flow in an annular combustion chamber

Pressure distribution at low speed on a 1/4-scale Bell X-5 airplane model

Load distribution over a fuselage in combination with a swept wing at small angles of attack and transonic speeds

Liquid-fuel-distribution and fuel-state effects on combustion performance of a single tubular combustor

An experimental study at moderate and high subsonic speeds of the flow over wings with 30 degrees and 45 degrees of sweepforward in conjunction with a fuselage

Dynamic stability and control characteristics of a vertically rising airplane model in hovering flight

An experimental study at moderate and high subsonic speeds of the flow over wings with 30 degrees and 45 degrees of sweepback in conjunction with a fuselage

Investigation in the Ames 12-foot pressure wind tunnel of a model horizontal tail of aspect ratio 3 and taper ratio 0.5 having the quarter-chord line swept back 45 degrees

Investigation of altitude starting and acceleration characteristics of J47 turbojet engine

Subsonic Mach and Reynolds number effects on the surface pressures, gap flow, pressure recovery, and drag of a nonrotating NACA 1-series E-type cowling at an angle of attack of 0 degrees

A transonic-wing investigation in the Langley 8-foot high-speed tunnel at high subsonic Mach numbers and at a Mach number of 1.2 : wing-fuselage configuration having a wing of 60 degree sweepback, aspect-ratio 4, taper ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 airf

A transonic-wing investigation in the Langley 8-foot high-speed tunnel at high subsonic Mach numbers and at a Mach number of 1.2. : wing-fuselage configuration having a wing of 0 degrees sweepback, aspect ratio 4.0,taper ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 ai

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