Browse TRAIL Inventories

Qualitative Measurements of the Effective Heats of Ablation of Several Materials in Supersonic Air Jets at Stagnation Temperatures Up to 11,000 Degrees F

Subsonic Flight Investigation of Methods to Improve the Damping of Lateral Oscillations by Means of a Viscous Damper in the Rudder System in Conjunction With Adjusted Hinge-Moment Parameters

Summary of Flutter Experiences as a Guide to the Preliminary Design of Lifting Surfaces on Missiles

Some Effects of Roughness on Stagnation-Point Heat Transfer at a Mach Number of 2, a Stagnation Temperature of 3,530 F, and a Reynolds Number of 2.5 X 10(Exp 6) Per Foot

Use of Shock-Trap Bleed to Improve Pressure Recovery of Fixed-and Variable-Capture-Area Internal-Contraction Inlets; Mach Number 2.0 to 3.0

Use of Highly Reactive Chemical Additives to Improve Afterburner Performance at Altitude

Viscous Flows in Inlets

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.4 of Several Ejected Pilot-Seat Models

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Sweep and Taper Ratio on Effectiveness of Spoiler-Slot-Deflector Controls on Aspect-Ratio-4 Wings at Transonic Speeds

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of Lip Geometry on Drag and Pressure Recovery of a Normal-Shock Nose Inlet on a Body of Revolution at Mach Numbers of 1.41 and 1.81

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Low-Speed Stability and Performance Characteristics of a Jet-Powered Low-Aspect-Ratio Vertical-Take-Off-and-Landing Configuration With Engines Buried in Tiltable Wings

Transonic Investigation of an Axial-Flow Compressor Rotor With a Contracted Exit Annulus

Transonic Lateral and Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Lateral-Control System Employing Rotatable Airfoils Mounted Vertically at the Wing Tips of an Unswept Wing-Fuselage-Tail Combination

Effect of Forging Temperature and Heat Treatment on the Performance of Inconel 700 Buckets at 1625 Degrees F in a J33-9 Turbojet Engine

Evaluation of Three Injectors in a 2400-Pound-Thrust Rocket Engine Using Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Ammonia

An Analysis of the Optimization of a Beam Rider Missile System

Wind-Tunnel Data on the Longitudinal and Lateral-Directional Rotary Derivatives of a Straight-Wing, Research Airplane Configuration at Mach Numbers From 2.5 to 3.5

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Wing Loads Due to Deflected Inboard Ailerons on a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing at Transonic Speeds

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Use of Leading-Edge and Trailing-Edge Area-Suction Flaps on a 13-Percent-Thick Straight Wing and Fuselage Model

Tests of Aerodynamically Heated Multiweb Wing Structures in a Free Jet at Mach Number 2: Four Aluminum-Alloy Models of 20-Inch Chord and Span With 0.064-Inch-Thick Skin, 0.025-Inch-Thick Ribs and Webs, and Zero, One, Two, or Three Chordwise Ribs

Tests of Aerodynamically Heated Multiweb Wing Structures in a Free Jet at Mach Number 2: An Aluminum-Alloy Model of 40-Inch Chord With 0.125-Inch-Thick Skin

A Cooled-Gas Pyrometer for Use in High-Temperature Gas Streams

Effects of Wing Sweep, Horizontal-Tail Configuration, and a Ventral Fin on Static Stability Characteristics of a Model With a Wing of Aspect Ratio 3 at Mach Numbers From 2.29 to 4.65

Elevated-Temperature Combined Stress-Rupture Plus Fatigue Strength of Waspaloy Having Different Aging Treatments and/or Molybdenum Contents

Effects of Boundary-Layer Displacement and Leading-Edge Bluntness on Pressure Distribution, Skin Friction, and Heat Transfer of Bodies at Hypersonic Speeds

Effect of Spike-Tip and Cowl-Lip Blunting on Inlet Performance of a Mach 3.0 External-Compression Inlet

Effects of External Store-Pylon Configuration and Position on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 45 Degree Swept Wing-Fuselage Combination at a Mach Number of 1.61

The Effects of an Inverse-Taper Leading-Edge Flap on the Aerodynamic Characteristics in Pitch of a Wing-Body Combination Having an Aspect Ratio of 3 to 45 Degrees of Sweepback at Mach Numbers to 0.92

Effects of Nose Shape and Spray Control Strips on Emergence and Planing Spray of Hydro-Ski Models

Effects of Leading-Edge Slat and Trailing-Edge Split Flap on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing-Fuselage Combination Having a Nearly Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio 2.9 at Mach Numbers From 0.60 to 0.92

Effect of Distributed Granular-Type Roughness on Boundary-Layer Transition at Supersonic Speeds With and Without Surface Cooling

The Effect of Compressor-Inlet Water Injection on Engine and Afterburner Performance

A Comparison of Flight-Measured Carrier-Approach Speeds With Values Predicted by Several Different Criteria for 41 Fighter-Type Airplane Configurations

Cumulative Fatigue Damage at Elevated Temperature

Calculation of Flutter Characteristics for Finite-Span Swept or Unswept Wings at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds by a Modified Strip Analysis

Buffet Tests of an Attack-Airplane Model With Emphasis on Analysis of Data From Wind-Tunnel Tests

Aerodynamic Characteristics at a Mach Number of 6.8 of Two Hypersonic Missile Configurations, One With Low-Aspect-Ratio Cruciform Fins and Trailing-Edge Flaps and One With a Flared Afterbody and All-Movable Controls

Aerodynamic Load Distribution on a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing With Leading-Edge Chord-Extensions at Transonic Speeds, Including Effects of a Spoiler-Slot-Deflector Aileron

Aerodynamic Characteristics at Mach Numbers From 2.5 to 3.5 of a Canard Bomber Configuration Designed for Supersonic Cruise Flight

Aerodynamic Performance and Static Stability and Control of Flat-Top Hypersonic Gliders at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 18

Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Aerodynamic Forces and Moments on Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings Undergoing Flapping Oscillations

Longitudinal Stability Investigation of a Vertical-Take-Off-and-Landing Airplane Configuration With Simulated Jet Intake and Exhaust at Mach Numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Low-Speed Boundary-Layer-Control Investigation on a Thin Rectangular Semispan Wing With Leading-Edge and Trailing-Edge Flaps

Measurements of Aerodynamic Heat Transfer on a 15 Degree Cone-Cylinder-Flare Configuration in Free Flight at Mach Numbers Up to 4.7

Investigation of Lithium Hydride and Magnesium as High-Temperature Internal Coolants With Several Skin Materials

An Investigation of the Effects of Atmospheric Corrosion on the Fatigue Life of Aluminum Alloys

An Investigation of the Effect of Target Temperature on Projectile Penetration and Cratering

Free Convection Under the Conditions of the Internal Problem

A Correlation of Results of Flight Investigation With Results of an Analytical Study of Effects of Wing Flexibility on Wing Strains Due to Gusts

Effect of Target-Type Thrust Reverser on Transonic Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Single-Engine Fighter Model

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