Browse TRAIL Inventories

The Boundary Layers in Fluids with Little Friction

The Effect of the Inlet Mach Number and Inlet-Boundary-Layer Thickness on the Performance of a 23 Degree Conical-Diffuser-Tail-Pipe Combination

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (33rd). Administrative Report Including Technical Report Nos. 863 to 891

Dynamic Response of Control Servo System Installed in NAES-Equipped SB2C-5 Airplane (BuAer No. 83135)

Ditching Investigation of a 1/10-Scale Model of the Grumman F9F-2 Airplane, TED No. NACA DE 335

Ditching Investigation of a 1/15-Scale Model of the Convair-Liner Airplane

Ditching Investigation of a 1/14-Scale Model of the Northrop C-125 Airplane

Investigation of the Spin and Recovery Characteristics of a 0.057-Scale Model of the Modified Chance Vought XF7U-1 Airplane. TED No. NACA DE 311

Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/24-Scale Model of the Grumman AF-2S, -2W Airplane

Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/30-Scale Model of the Grumman XF10F-1 Airplane

Instrument for Measuring the Wall Shearing Stress of Turbulent Boundary Layers

Investigations of Lateral Stability of a Glide Bomb Using Automatic Control Having No Time Lag

Investigations of the Wall-Shearing Stress in Turbulent Boundary Layers

An Investigation of the Longitudinal Characteristics of the MX-656 Configuration Using Rocket-Propelled Models Preliminary Results at Mach Numbers from 0.65 to 1.25

Some Studies on the Flow of a Gas in the Region of Transition Through the Velocity of Sound

Theoretical Investigations on the Efficiency and the Conditions for the Realization of Jet Engines

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Full-Scale Model of the Hughes MX-904 Missile

Investigation of Downwash, Sidewash, and Mach Number Distribution Behind a Rectangular Wing at a Mach Number of 2.41

Free-Flight Investigation of the Static and Dynamic Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of 1/3.7-Scale Rocket-Powered Models of the Bell MX-776A

Theoretical Investigation of a Proportional-Plus-Flicker Automatic Pilot

Tests of the Northrop XSSM-A-3 Missile in the Ames 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel: Wing Modifications

High-Subsonic Performance Characteristics and Boundary-Layer Investigations of a 12 10-Inch-Inlet-Diameter Conical Diffuser

Free-Space Oscillating Pressures Near the Tips of Rotating Propellers

The Gas Kinetics of Very High Flight Speeds

Flight determination of the drag and pressure recovery of an NACA 1-40-250 nose inlet at Mach numbers from 0.9 to 1.8

Results of two free-fall experiments on flutter of thin unswept wings in the transonic speed range

Comparison of NACA 65-series compressor-blade pressure distributions and performance in a rotor and in cascade

An investigation at transonic speeds of the effects of thickness ratio and of thickened root sections on the aerodynamic characteristics of wings with 47©� sweepback, aspect ratio 3.5, and taper ratio 0.2 in the slotted test section of the Langley 8-foot high-speed tunnel

NACA VGH recorder

Aerodynamic characteristics of a leading-edge slat on a 35 degree swept-back wing for Mach numbers from 0.30 to 0.88

Average Outside-Surface Heat-Transfer Coefficients and Velocity Distributions for Heated and Cooled Impulse Turbine Blades in Static Cascades

Matching Characteristics of J35-A-23 Compressor and Two-stage Turbine

Lift, Drag, and Pitching Moment of Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds: Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio 2 with NACA 0005-63 Thickness Distribution, Cambered and Twisted for a Trapezoidal Span Load Distribution

Investigation of Surge Characteristics of XJ34-WE-32 Turbojet Engine

Ditching Investigation of a 1/24-Scale Model of the Douglas C-124 Airplane

Flight Performance of a Jet Power Plant, III, operating characteristics of a jet power plant as a function of altitude

Strain-Gage Measurements of Buffeting Loads on a Jet-Powered Bomber Airplane

The effects on the aerodynamic characteristics of reversing the wing of a triangular wing-body combination at transonic speeds as determined by the NACA wing-flow method

Comparison of airfoil sections on two triangular-wing-fuselage configurations at transonic speeds from tests by the NACA wing-flow method

Lift, drag, and pitching moment of low-aspect-ratio wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds: Body of revolution

A Simplified Instrument for Recording and Indicating Frequency and Intensity of Icing Conditions Encountered in Flight

Flight Instrument for Measurement of Liquid-Water Content in Clouds at Temperatures Above and Below Freezing

An Instrument Employing a Coronal Discharge for the Determination of Droplet-Size Distribution in Clouds

Measurement of distortion in second experimental control rod for argonne naval reactor with constant transverse temperature gradient and uniform longitudinal temperature distribution

X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Internal Structure of Supercooled Water

Spark Ignition of Flowing Gases. 2: Effect of Electrode Parameters on Energy Required to Ignite a Propane-Air Mixture

Theoretical Investigation of Submerged Inlets at Low Speeds

Analysis of the Liquid-metal Turbojet Cycle for Propulsion of Nuclear Powered Aircraft

Experimental Investigation of Air-Cooled Turbine Blades in Turbojet Engine. 7: Rotor-Blade Fabrication Procedures

Effectiveness of Thermal-Pneumatic Airfoil-Ice-Protection System

Published Year



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