Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Survey of Supersonic Inlets for High Mach Number Applications
High Mach Number, Low-Cowl-Drag, External-Compression Inlet With Subsonic Dump Diffuser
Preliminary Transonic Flutter Investigation of Models of T-Tall of Blackburn NA-39 Airplane
A Wind Tunnel Investigation of Several Wingless Missile Configurations at Supersonic Speeds
Experimental Study of Ballistic-Missile Base Heating with Operating Rocket
Performance of an Isentropic, All-Internal-Contraction, Axisymmetric Inlet Designed for Mach 2.50
Stability of Ballistic Reentry Bodies
A Flight Evaluation and Analysis of the Effect of Icing Conditions on the ZPG-2 Airship
Droplet Impingement and Ingestion by Supersonic Nose Inlet in Subsonic Tunnel Conditions
The Effect of Compressor-Inlet Water Injection on Engine and Afterburner Performance
Performance of Multiple Jet-Exit Installations
Experimental Investigation of a 7-Inch-Tip-Diameter Transonic Turbine
Exploratory Investigation of Performance of Experimental Fuel-Rich Hydrogen Combustion System
Boundary-Layer-Transition Measurements in Full-Scale Flight
Comparison of Injectors With a 200-Pound-Thrust Ammonia-Oxygen Engine
Use of Highly Reactive Chemical Additives to Improve Afterburner Performance at Altitude
Maneuver Performance of Interceptor Missiles
An Investigation of the Effect of Target Temperature on Projectile Penetration and Cratering
Investigation of Control Signals for Variable Ramps of Twin-Duct Side Inlets
Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Missiles Launched Under Water
Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 1/8-Scale Model of the Bell D-188A VTOL Airplane
Transonic Flutter Investigation of Models of the All-Movable Horizontal Tail of a Fighter Airplane
Transonic Flutter Investigation of Models of the Sweptback Wing of a Fighter Airplane