Browse TRAIL Inventories

Flight, Analog-Simulator, and Analytical Studies of an Automatically Controlled Interceptor Which Uses a Bank-Angle-Error Computer for Lateral Commands

Some Effects of Reynolds Number on the Stability of a Series of Flared-Body and Blunted-Cone Models at Mach Numbers From 1.62 to 6.86

Some Experimental Heating Data on Convex and Concave Hemispherical Nose Shapes and Hemispherical Depressions on a 30-Degree Blunted Nose Cone

Survey of Supersonic Inlets for High Mach Number Applications

High Mach Number, Low-Cowl-Drag, External-Compression Inlet With Subsonic Dump Diffuser

Summary of Flight Data Obtained From 0.12-Scale Rocket-Powered Models of the Chance Vought Regulus 2 Missile

Preliminary Transonic Flutter Investigation of Models of T-Tall of Blackburn NA-39 Airplane

Some Notes on the Probable Damage to an Intercontinental-Ballistic-Missile Warhead Following Puncture of the Heat Shield

A Wind Tunnel Investigation of Several Wingless Missile Configurations at Supersonic Speeds

Experimental Study of Ballistic-Missile Base Heating with Operating Rocket

Performance of an Isentropic, All-Internal-Contraction, Axisymmetric Inlet Designed for Mach 2.50

Effects of Modifications to a Control Surface on a 6-Percent-Thick Unswept Wing on the Transonic Control-Surface Flutter Derivatives

Stability of Ballistic Reentry Bodies

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Wing Loads Due to Deflected Inboard Ailerons on a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing at Transonic Speeds

A Flight Evaluation and Analysis of the Effect of Icing Conditions on the ZPG-2 Airship

Effect of Spike-Tip and Cowl-Lip Blunting on Inlet Performance of a Mach 3.0 External-Compression Inlet

Effects of Surface Roughness and Extreme Cooling on Boundary-Layer Transition for 15 Degrees Cone-Cylinder in Free Flight at Mach Numbers to 7.6

Droplet Impingement and Ingestion by Supersonic Nose Inlet in Subsonic Tunnel Conditions

The Effect of Compressor-Inlet Water Injection on Engine and Afterburner Performance

An Investigation of the Performance of a Semielliptical Scoop Inlet at Mach Numbers of 1.60, 1.76, and 2.02

Performance of Multiple Jet-Exit Installations

Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Model of a Proposed Six-Engine Hull-Type Seaplane Designed for Supersonic Flight

Effects of Boattail Area Contouring and Simulated Turbojet Exhaust on the Loading and Fuselage-Tail Component Drag of a Twin-Engine Fighter-Type Airplane Model

Experimental Investigation of a 7-Inch-Tip-Diameter Transonic Turbine

Exploratory Investigation of Performance of Experimental Fuel-Rich Hydrogen Combustion System

Effect of Control Trailing-Edge Thickness or Aspect Ratio on the Oscillating Hinge-Moment and Flutter Characteristics of a Flaptype Control at Transonic Speeds

Experimental Investigation of a High Subsonic Mach Number Turbine Having a 40-Blade Rotor With Zero Suction-Surface Diffusion

A Flight Study of the Effects of Noise Filtering in the Attack Display on the Pilot's Tracking Performance

Experimental Behavior of Pentaborane-Air Combustion Products During Expansion in a Convergent Divergent Nozzle

Experimental and Theoretical Determination of Forces and Moments on a Store and on a Store- Pylon Combination Mounted on a 45 Degree Swept- Wing-Fuselage Configuration at a Mach Number of 1.61

Performance of a 28-Inch Ramjet Utilizing Gaseous Hydrogen at a Mach Number of 3.6, Angles of Attack Up to 12 Degrees, and Pressure Altitudes Up to 110,000 Feet

Tracking Performance of a Swept-Wing Fighter With a Director-Type Radar Fire-Control System and Scope Presentation

Boundary-Layer-Transition Measurements in Full-Scale Flight

Analysis of Flight-Determined and Predicted Effects of Flexibility on the Steady-State Wing Loads of the B-52 Airplane

Comparison of Injectors With a 200-Pound-Thrust Ammonia-Oxygen Engine

Design and Experimental Investigation of a Single-Stage Turbine With a Rotor Entering Relative Mach Number of 2

Canard Hinge Moments and Longitudinal Stability of a 1/7-Scale Model of the Convair B-58 External Store in a Free-Flight Investigation at Mach Numbers From 0.94 to 2.58

Use of Highly Reactive Chemical Additives to Improve Afterburner Performance at Altitude

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at a Mach Number of 2.01 of the Aerodynamic Characteristics in Combined Angles of Attack and Sideslip of Several Hypersonic Missile Configurations with Various Canard Controls

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 45 Degree Swept Wing Fighter Airplane Model and Aerodynamic Loads on Adjacent Stores and Missiles at Mach Numbers of 1.57, 1.87, 2.16, and 2.53

Aerodynamic Characteristics at a Mach Number of 6.8 of Two Hypersonic Missile Configurations, One With Low-Aspect-Ratio Cruciform Fins and Trailing-Edge Flaps and One With a Flared Afterbody and All-Movable Controls

Maneuver Performance of Interceptor Missiles

An Investigation of the Effect of Target Temperature on Projectile Penetration and Cratering

Investigation of Control Signals for Variable Ramps of Twin-Duct Side Inlets

Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Missiles Launched Under Water

Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 1/8-Scale Model of the Bell D-188A VTOL Airplane

Investigation of the Static Stability Characteristics of Five Hypersonic Missile Configurations at Mach Numbers From 2.29 to 4.65

Transonic Flutter Investigation of Models of the All-Movable Horizontal Tail of a Fighter Airplane

Transonic Flutter Investigation of Models of the Sweptback Wing of a Fighter Airplane

Effect of Dissociation on Exhaust-Nozzle Performance

Published Year



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