Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Survey of supersonic inlets for high Mach number applications
An experimental investigation of wake effects on hydro-skis
Effect of a stringer on the stress concentration due to a crack in a thin sheet
Dynamic stability of vehicles traversing ascending or descending paths through the atmosphere
Effect of aerodynamic heating on the flutter of a rectangular wing at a Mach number of 2
Effects of nose angle and Mach number on transition on cones at supersonic speeds
Idealized wings and wing-bodies at a Mach number of 3
Transonic drag of several jet-noise suppressors
Induction system characteristics and engine surge occurrence for two fighter-type airplanes
Theoretical combustion performance of several high-energy fuels for ramjet engines
Aerodynamic heating of blunt nose shapes at Mach numbers up to 14
A wind-tunnel investigation of several wingless missile configurations at supersonic speeds
Tests of ring-stiffened circular cylinders subjected to a transverse shear load
The adhesion of molten boron oxide to various materials
Torque-speed characteristics for high-specific-work turbines
Investigation of two bluff shapes in axial free flight over a Mach number range from 0.35 and 2.15
Low tire friction and cornering forces on a wet surface
Aerodynamic Heating of Blunt Nose Shapes at Mach Numbers Up to 14
Preliminary Aerodynamic Data Pertinent to Manned Satellite Reentry Configurations
Preliminary Analysis of a Nuclear Powered Supersonic Airplane Using Ramjet Engines
Preliminary Analysis of Hydrogen-Rich Hypersonic Ramjet Operation
Off-Design Performance of Divergent Ejectors
Performance of Five Short Multielement Turbojet Combustors for Hydrogen Fuel in Quarter-Annulus Duct