Browse TRAIL Inventories

Maximum theoretical tangential velocity component possible from straight-back converging and converging-diverging stators at supercritical pressure ratios

A study of several theoretical methods for computing the zero-lift wave drag of a family of open-nosed bodies of revolution in the Mach number range of 2.0 to 4.0

A phenomenological theory for the transient creep of metals at elevated temperatures

High-speed landing loads measured on the Douglas X-3 research airplane

The effects of a modified roll-command system on the flight-path stability and tracking accuracy of an automatic interceptor

Discharge coefficients for combustor-liner air-entry holes II : flush rectangular holes, step louvers, and scoops

Investigation of effects of distributed surface roughness on a turbulent boundary layer over a body of revolution at a mach number of 2.01

Exploratory Wind-Tunnel Investigation to Determine the Lift Effects of Blowing over Flaps from Nacelles Mounted Above the Wing

Compilation of information on the transonic attachment of flows at the leading edges of airfoils

Theoretical analysis of the interference effects of several supersonic-tunnel walls capable of absorbing the shock caused by the nose of a model

A theoretical analysis of the effect of engine angular momentum on longitudinal and directional stability in steady rolling maneuvers

Graphs of reduced variables for computing histories of vaporizing fuel drops, and drop histories under pressure

Experimental study of the equivalence of transonic flow about slender cone-cylinders of circular and elliptic cross section

Ground reflection of jet noise

Effects of airplane flexibility on wing strains in rough air at 35,000 feet as determined by a flight investigation of a large swept-wing airplane

A fuselage addition to increase drag-rise Mach number of subsonic airplanes at lifting conditions

Hypersonic viscous flow over slender cones

Friction studies of various materials in liquid nitrogen

Friction and wear with reactive gases at temperatures up to 1200 F

Free-spinning-tunnel investigation of a 1/28-scale model of the North American FJ-4 airplane: TED No. NACA AD-3112

Heat transfer in isotropic turbulence during the final period of decay

Heat-transfer and pressure measurements on flat-faced cylinders at a Mach number of 2

Heat transfer and thermal stresses in sandwich panels

Comparison of hydrodynamic-impact acceleration and response for systems with single and with multiple elastic modes

Operational problems of manned orbital vehicles

Large-scale wind-tunnel tests of an airplane model with a 45 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 2.8 employing high-velocity blowing over the leading- and trailing-edge flaps

Large-scale wind-tunnel tests of a jet-transport-type model with leading- and trailing-edge high-lift devices

Normal component of induced velocity for entire field of a uniformly loaded lifting rotor with highly swept wake as determined by electromagnetic analog

Flow induced by a rotor in power-on vertical descent

Effect of favorable pressure gradients on transition for several bodies of revolution at Mach 3.12

Effect of environments of sodium hydroxide, air, and argon on the stress-rupture properties of nickel at 1500 F

Effect of fiber orientation in races and balls under rolling-contact fatigue conditions

Effect of control trailing-edge thickness or aspect ratio on the oscillating hinge-moment and flutter characteristics of a flap-type control at transonic speeds

Effect of flow incidence and Reynolds number on low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of several noncircular cylinders with applications to directional stability and spinning

Effect of fuel-orifice diameter on performance of heptane-oxygen rocket-engines

Creep of aluminum-copper alloys during age hardening

Corrosion resistance of nickel alloys in molten sodium hydroxide

Drag minimization for wings in supersonic flow, with various constraints

Drop-size distributions for impinging-jet breakup in airstreams simulating the velocity conditions in rocket combustors

Aerodynamic and inlet-flow-field characteristics at a free-stream Mach number of 3.0 for airplanes with circular fuselage cross sections and for two engine locations

Effect of oxygen recombination on one-dimensional flow at high Mach numbers

Effect of precipitate particles on creep of aluminum-copper alloys during age hardening

Effect of pressure and duct geometry on bluff-body flame stabilization

Effect of pressure level on afterburner-wall temperatures

Aerodynamic characteristics of several jet-spoiler controls on a 45 degree sweptback wing at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Analytical relation for wake momentum thickness and diffusion ratio for low-speed compressor

Analytical investigation of multistage-turbine efficiency characteristics in terms of work and speed requirements

An analytical study of turbulent and molecular mixing in rocket combustion

Effect of angle of attack and thickness on aerodynamic coefficients of a rigid wing oscillating at very low frequencies in two-dimensional supersonic flow

Analysis of pressure data obtained at transonic speeds on a thin low-aspect-ratio cambered delta wing-body combination

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