Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
A phenomenological theory for the transient creep of metals at elevated temperatures
High-speed landing loads measured on the Douglas X-3 research airplane
Compilation of information on the transonic attachment of flows at the leading edges of airfoils
Ground reflection of jet noise
A fuselage addition to increase drag-rise Mach number of subsonic airplanes at lifting conditions
Hypersonic viscous flow over slender cones
Friction studies of various materials in liquid nitrogen
Friction and wear with reactive gases at temperatures up to 1200 F
Heat transfer in isotropic turbulence during the final period of decay
Heat-transfer and pressure measurements on flat-faced cylinders at a Mach number of 2
Heat transfer and thermal stresses in sandwich panels
Operational problems of manned orbital vehicles
Flow induced by a rotor in power-on vertical descent
Effect of favorable pressure gradients on transition for several bodies of revolution at Mach 3.12
Effect of fiber orientation in races and balls under rolling-contact fatigue conditions
Effect of fuel-orifice diameter on performance of heptane-oxygen rocket-engines
Creep of aluminum-copper alloys during age hardening
Corrosion resistance of nickel alloys in molten sodium hydroxide
Drag minimization for wings in supersonic flow, with various constraints
Effect of oxygen recombination on one-dimensional flow at high Mach numbers
Effect of precipitate particles on creep of aluminum-copper alloys during age hardening
Effect of pressure and duct geometry on bluff-body flame stabilization
Effect of pressure level on afterburner-wall temperatures
Analytical relation for wake momentum thickness and diffusion ratio for low-speed compressor
An analytical study of turbulent and molecular mixing in rocket combustion