Browse TRAIL Inventories

Use of the Kernel function in a three-dimensional flutter analysis with application to a flutter-tested delta-wing model

Transonic investigation of yawed wings of aspect ratios 3 and 6 with a Sears-Haack body and with symmetrical and asymmetrical bodies indented for a Mach number of 1.20

Analysis of transonic rotor-blade passage loss with hot-wire anemometers

An analysis of the turbulent boundary-layer characteristics on a flat plate with distributed light-gas injection

An approximate analytical method for studying entry into planetary atmospheres

Turbulent boundary layer on a yawed cone in a supersonic stream

Wind-tunnel investigation of the high-subsonic static longitudinal stability characteristics of several wing-body configurations designed for high lift-drag ratios at a Mach number of 1.4

Wind-tunnel investigation of the static longitudinal stability and trim characteristics of a sweptback-wing jet-transport model equipped with an external-flow jet augmented flap

Flight investigation of the low-speed characteristics of a 45 degree swept-wing fighter-type airplane with blowing boundary-layer control applied to the trailing edge flaps

Experimental investigation of a high subsonic Mach number turbine having a 40-blade rotor with zero suction-surface diffusion

Free-flight roll performance of a steady-flow jet-spoiler control on an 80 degree delta-wing missile between Mach numbers of 0.6 and 1.8

Free-flight transonic model investigation of jet effects on a fighter-type configuration employing a tail boom and three horizontal-tail positions

Investigation of boiling burnout and flow stability for water flowing in tubes

The rate of fatigue-crack propagation in two aluminum alloys

Effect of sliding velocity on friction properties and endurance life of bonded lead monoxide coatings at temperatures up to 1250 F

Collection of zero-lift drag data on bodies of revolution from free-flight investigations

Effects of fabrication-type roughness on turbulent skin friction at supersonic speeds

Effects of fixing boundary-layer transition for an unswept-wing model and an evaluation of porous tunnel-wall interference for Mach numbers from 0.60 to 1.40

Comparison of shock-expansion theory with experiment for the lift, drag, and pitching-moment characteristics of two wing-body combinations at M=5.0

Effect of screens in reducing distortion and diffusion length for a 'dump' diffuser at a Mach number of 3.85

Effect of jet temperature on jet-noise generation

An analysis of surface pressures and aerodynamic load distribution over the swept wing of the Douglas D-558-II research airplane at Mach numbers from 0.73 to 1.73

Application of a high-temperature static strain gage to the measurement of thermal stresses in a turbine stator vane

Application of statistical theory to beam-rider guidance in the presence of noise 2: modified Wiener filter theory

Measurements of total hemispherical emissivity of various oxidized metals at high temperature

Measurements of ground-reaction forces and vertical center-of-gravity accelerations of a bomber airplane taxiing over obstacles

Study of ground-reaction forces measured during landing impacts of a large airplane

Wind-tunnel investigation of effects of spoiler location, spoiler size, and fuselage nose shape on directional characteristics of a model of a tandem-rotor helicopter fuselage

Relation between flow range and other compressor-stage characteristics

Analysis of two-stage counterrotating turbine efficiencies in terms of work and speed requirements

Special bodies added on a wing to reduce shock induced boundary-layer separation at high subsonic speeds

Lift and profile-drag characteristics of an NACA 0012 airfoil section as derived from measured helicopter-rotor hovering performance

Theoretical pressure distribution for several related nonlifting airfoils at high subsonic speeds

Wind-tunnel investigation at low speeds of flight characteristics of a sweptback-wing jet-transport airplane model equipped with an external-flow jet-augmented slotted flap

Approximations for the thermodynamic and transport properties of high-temperature air

A review of the thermodynamic, transport, and chemical reaction rate properties of high-temperature air

Effects of canards on airplane performance and stability

Forces and pitching moments on an aspect-ratio-3.1 wing-body combination at Mach numbers from 2.5 to 3.5 and sublimation studies of the effect of single-elements roughness on the boundary-layer flow

Thermal fatigue of ductile materials 1: effect of variations in the temperature cycle on the thermal-fatigue of S-816 and inconel 550

Theoretical and experimental analysis of the reduction of rotor blade vibration in turbomachinery through the use of modified stator vane spacing

Thermal reaction of diborane with trimethylborane

Thermal fatigue of ductile materials 2: effect of cyclic thermal stressing on the stress-rupture life and ductility of S-816 and Inconel 550

Mechanism of beneficial effects of boron and zirconium on creep-rupture properties of a complex heat-resistant alloy

An experimental study of the turbulent boundary layer on a shock-tube wall

On solutions for the transient response of beams

Low tip Mach number stall characteristics and high tip Mach number compressibility effects on a helicopter rotor having an NACA 0009 tip airfoil section

Vibration survey of four representative types of air-cooled turbine blades

Comparison of Calculated and Experimental Temperatures and Coolant Pressure Losses for a Cascade of Small Air-Cooled Turbine Rotor Blades

Effects of compressibility on rotor hovering performance and synthesized blade-section characteristics derived from measured rotor performance of blades having NACA 0015 airfoil tip sections

Matrix method for obtaining spanwise moments and deflections of torsionally rigid rotor blades with arbitrary loadings

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