Browse TRAIL Inventories

Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/28-Scale Model of the North American FJ-4 Airplane with External Fuel Tanks, TED No. NACA AD 3112

Investigation of Incipient Spin Characteristics of a 1/35-Scale Model of the Convair F-102A Airplane, Coord. No. AF-AM-79

Theory of self-excited mechanical oscillations of helicopter rotors with hinged blades

A wind-tunnel investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of a full-scale supersonic-type three-blade propeller at Mach numbers to 0.96

Theoretical analysis of total-pressure loss and airflow distribution for tubular turbojet combustors with constant annulus and liner cross-sectional areas

Differential equations of motion for combined flapwise bending, chordwise bending, and torsion of twisted nonuniform rotor blades

Ground simulator studies of the effects of valve friction, stick friction, flexibility, and backwash on power control system quality

Blowing-type boundary-layer control as applied to the trailing-edge flaps of a 35 degree swept-wing airplane

Flight measurements of the vibration experienced by a tandem helicopter in transition, vortex-ring state, landing, approach, and yawed flight

A flight-test study of total-pressure distortion in a thick-lipped nose inlet

Flutter analysis of rectangular wings of very low aspect ratio

Some numerical solutions of similarity equations for three-dimensional laminar incompressible boundary-layer flows

Full-scale wind-tunnel tests of a 35 degree sweptback-wing airplane with blowing from the shroud ahead of the trailing-edge flaps

Internal-friction study of aluminum alloy containing 4 weight percent copper

Internal characteristics and performance of several jet deflectors at primary-nozzle pressure ratios up to 3.0

Experimental investigation of flutter and divergence characteristics of the rocket-motor fin of the ASROC missile: COORD. No. N-AM-66

Internal characteristics and performance of an aerodynamically controlled, variable-discharge convergent nozzle

A method for rapid selection of design characteristics of 1-, 1 1/2-, and 2-stage turbines with optimum annulus taper

Investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of a model of a supersonic bomber configuration with a swept and an unswept wing at Mach numbers from 1.79 to 2.67

Investigation of two-stage counterrotating compressor IV : over-all performance of compressor with modified second-stage rotor

An investigation of supersonic store interference in the vicinity of a 22 degree swept-wing-fuselage configuration at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

An investigation of some phenomena relating to aural detection of airplanes

A method for the calculation of wave drag on supersonic-edged wings and biplanes

A method for the calculation of the lateral response of airplanes to random turbulence

Exploratory wind-tunnel investigation at high subsonic and transonic speeds of jet flaps on unswept rectangular wings

A phenomenological relation between stress, strain rate, and temperature for metals at elevated temperatures

Performance of multiple jet-exit installations

Performance of five short multielement turbojet combustors for hydrogen fuel in quarter-annulus duct

Performance of JP-4 fuel with fluorine-oxygen mixtures in 1000-pound-thrust rocket engines

A nonlinear theory for predicting the effects of unsteady laminar, turbulent, or transitional boundary layers on the attenuation of shock waves in a shock tube with experimental comparison

Noise survey under static conditions of a turbine-driven full-scale modified supersonic propeller with an advance ratio of 3.2

Natural convection inside a flat rotating container

Effect of the proximity of the wing first-bending frequency and the short-period frequency on the airplane dynamic-response factor

Preliminary survey of possible methods for hypersonic aircraft

A preliminary study of the effect of boric oxide deposits on the performance of two selected turbine stator-blade shapes

Preliminary transonic flutter investigation of models of T-tail of Blackburn NA-39 airplane

Preliminary heat-transfer studies on two bodies of revolution at angle of attack at a Mach number of 3.12

Effect of leading-edge-flap deflection on the wing loads, load distributions , and flap hinge moments of the Douglas X-3 research airplane at transonic speeds

Preliminary flight survey of fuselage and boundary-layer sound-pressure levels

Procedure for calculating flutter at high supersonic speed including camber deflections, and comparison with experimental results

Large-scale wind-tunnel tests of an airplane model with an unswept, aspect-ratio-10 wing, two propellers, and area-suction flaps

Local isotropy in turbulent shear flow

Longitudinal stability and control characteristics at Mach numbers of 1.41 and 2.01 of a 67 degree swept-wing airplane configuration with canard control surfaces

Local instability of the elements of a truss-core sandwich plate

Low-speed cascade investigation of compressor blades having loaded leading edges

Low-speed experimental determination of the effects of leading-edge radius and profile thickness on static and oscillatory lateral stability derivatives for a delta wing with 60 degrees of leading-edge sweep

Measurement of the effect of an axial magnetic field on the Reynolds number of transition in mercury flowing through a glass tube

Measured and predicted dynamic response characteristics of a flexible airplane to elevator control over a frequency range including three structural modes

Measurements of the motions of a large swept-wing airplane in rough air

Measurements and power spectra of runway roughness at airports in countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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