Browse TRAIL Inventories

Heat-transfer measurements in free flight at Mach numbers up to 14.6 on a flat-faced conical nose with a total angle of 29©�

Effect of compressibility on the hovering performance of two 10-foot-diameter helicopter rotors tested in the Langley full-scale tunnel

Simulation study of a high-performance aircraft including the effect on pilot control of large accelerations during exit and reentry flight

Investigation of fixed-geometry supersonic inlets with bypass ducts for matching turbojet-engine air-flow requirements over a range of transonic and supersonic speeds

Effect at high subsonic speeds of fuselage forebody strakes on the static stability and vertical-tail-load characteristics of a complete model having a delta wing

Surface pressure distributions on a large-scale 49©� sweptback wing-body-tail configuration with blowing applied over the flaps and wing leading edge

Summary of locations, extents, and intensities of turbulent areas encountered during flight investigations of the jet stream from January 7, 1957 to April 28, 1957

Heat transfer and pressure measurement on a 5-inch hemispherical concave nose at a Mach number of 2.0

Some Altitude Operational Characteristics of a Prototype Iroquois Turbojet Engine. COORD. NO. AF-P-6

Altitude Performance of the Afterburner on the Iroquois Turbojet Engine. Coord. No. AF-P-6

Calculation of the Lateral Stability of a Directly Coupled Tandem-Towed Fighter Airplane and Correlation with Experimental Data

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Low-Speed Characteristics of a 1/8-Scale Model of the Republic XP-91 Airplane with a Vee and a Conventional Tail. Addendum - Characteristics with a Revised Conventional Tail and Drooped Wing Tips

A tabulation of wind-tunnel pressure data at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01 of five swept wings of the same plan form but different surface shapes

Chemical and physical factors affecting combustion in fuel-nitric acid systems

An investigation of supersonic turbulent boundary layers on slender bodies of revolution in free flight by use of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer and shadowgraphs

Approximate solutions of a class of similarity equations for three-dimensional, laminar, incompressible boundary-layer flows

Flight investigation of the aerodynamic forces on a wing-mounted external-store installation on the Douglas D-558-II research airplane

Dynamic lateral behavior of high-performance aircraft

Approximate method for calculating motions in angles of attack and sideslip due to step pitching- and yawing-moment inputs during steady roll

Measurements of the effects of wall outflow and porosity on wave attenuation in a transonic wind tunnel with perforated walls

A Mach 4 rocket-powered supersonic tunnel using ammonia-oxygen as working fluid

Static and dynamic-rotary stability derivatives of an airplane model with an unswept wing and a high horizontal tail at Mach numbers of 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5

Wind-tunnel investigation of the low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a hypersonic glider configuration

Two-dimensional cascade investigation at Mach numbers up to 1.0 of NACA 65-series blade sections at conditions typical of compressor tips

Effects of shock-boundary-layer interaction on the performance of a long and a short subsonic annular diffuser

A method for calculation of hydrodynamic lift for submerged and planing rectangular lifting surfaces

Boundary-layer transition on an open-nose cone at Mach 3.1

Recovery temperatures and heat transfer near two-dimensional roughness elements at Mach 3.1

Low-speed yawed-rolling characteristics and other elastic properties of a pair of 40-inch-diameter, 14-ply-rating, type VII aircraft tires

Effects of ground proximity on the thrust of a simple downward-directed jet beneath a flat surface

Effectiveness of boundary-layer control, obtained by blowing over a plain rear flap in combination with a forward slotted flap, in deflecting a slipstream downward for vertical take-off

Simplified Method for Determination of Critical Height of Distributed Roughness Particles for Boundary-Layer Transition at Mach Numbers From 0 to 5

Effect of Design Variables on Performance of Mach 4.0 Hydrogen Expansion Engines

Experimental Investigation of Effect of Spike- Tip and Cowl-Lip Blunting on the Internal Performance of a Two-Cone Cylindrical-Cowl Inlet at Mach Number 4.95

Experimental Investigation of Flutter and Divergence Characteristics of the Rocket-Motor Fin of the ASROC Missile

Investigation of Wingless Missile Configurations with Folding Controls and Low-Aspect-Ratio Stabilizing Surfaces

Investigation of two bluff shapes in axial free flight over a Mach number range from 0.35 to 2.15

A Body Modification to Reduce Drag Due to Wedge Angle of Wing with Unswept Trailing Edge

Performance of an All-internal Conical Compression Inlet With Annular Throat Bleed at Mach Number 5.0

Performance of an Inlet Having a Variable-angle Two-dimensional Compression Surface and a Fixed-geometry Subsonic Diffuser for Application to Reduced Engine Rotative Speeds- Mach Numbers 0.66, 1.5, 1.7, and 2.0

NACA Conference on High-Speed Aerodynamics A compilation of papers presented

Icing Frequencies Experienced During Climb and Descent by Fighter-Interceptor Aircraft

Combustion of gaseous hydrogen at low pressures in a 35 degree sector of a 28-inch-diameter ramjet combustor

Analysis of pressure distributions for a series of tip and trailing-edge controls on a 60 deg wing at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Boundary-Layer-Transition Measurements in Full-Scale Flight

Effect of Pressure Level on Afterburner-wall Temperatures

Exploratory wind-tunnel investigation to determine the lift effects of blowing over flaps from nacelles mounted above the wing

Compatibility of Metals with Liquid Fluorine at High Pressures and Flow Velocities

Experimental determination of effects of frequency and amplitude on the lateral stability derivatives for a delta, a swept, and unswept wing oscillating in yaw

Systematic two-dimensional cascade tests of NACA 65-series compressor blades at low speeds

Published Year



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