Browse TRAIL Inventories

Effect of Conical and Flat Sting-Mounted Windshields on the Zero-Lift Drag of a Flare-Stabilized Bluff Body at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.15

An Analysis of the Effect of Several Parameters on the Stability of an Air-Lubricated Hydrostatic Thrust Bearing

Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/25-Scale Model of the McDonnell F3H-2N Airplane

Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Flat Sheets, Molded Shapes, and Postformed Shapes of Cotton-Fabric Phenolic Laminates

Component Performance Investigation of J71 Experimental Turbine 9 - Effect of First-Stator Adjustment;Internal Flow Conditions of J71-97 Turbine With 87-Percent-Design Stator Area

Compressibility Effects on a Hovering Helicopter Rotor Having an NACA 0018 Root Airfoil Tapering to an NACA 0012 Tip Airfoil

Comparison and Evaluation of Two Model Techniques Used in Predicting Bomb-Release Motions

Design and Engine Evaluation of a Semistrut Corrugated Air-Cooled Turbine Blade for Operation at a Tip Speed of 1300 Feet Per Second

Design and Investigation of a Transonic Axial-Flow Compressor Rotor With an Inlet Hub-Tip Radius Ratio of Essentially Zero

Design and Performance of Fuel Control for Aircraft Hydrogen Fuel System

Aerodynamic Heating and Boundary-Layer Transition on a 1/10-Power Nose Shape in Free Flight at Mach Numbers Up to 6.7 and Free-Stream Reynolds Numbers Up To 16 x 10(Exp 6)

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Missile Configurations With Wings of Low Aspect Ratio for Various Combinations of Forebodies, Afterbodies, and Nose Shapes for Combined Angles of Attack and Sideslip at a Mach Number of 2.01

An Analytical Study of the Effects of Increasing Fin Chord on the Lift and Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of Constant-Span Fin-Body Combinations of Fineness Ratio 14

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Model of an Escape Capsule for a Supersonic Bomber-Type Airplane at a Mach Number of 2.49

An Air-Borne Target Simulator for Use With Scope-Presentation Type Fire-Control Systems

Airplane Measurements of Atmospheric Turbulence for Altitudes Between 20,000 and 55,000 Feet Over the Western Part of the United States

Analysis of Wing Loads on a Flexible Swept-Wing Jet Bomber During Push-Pull Maneuvers

Measurement of Static Pressure on Aircraft

Measurement of Static Forces on Internally Carried Bombs of Three Fineness Ratios in Flow Field of a Swept-Wing Fighter-Bomber Configuration at a Mach Number of 1.61 With Illustrative Drop-Path Calculations

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (41st). Administrative Report Including Technical Report Nos. 1210 to 1253

NACA Zero Power Reactor Facility Hazards Summary

Preliminary Note on a Correlation of a Boundary-Layer Transition Results on Highly Cooled Blunt Bodies

Heat of Combustion of the Product Formed by the Reaction of Acetylene, Ethylene, and Diborane

Effect of Some External Crosswise Stiffeners on the Heat Transfer and Pressure Distribution on a Flat Plate at Mach Numbers of 0.77, 1.39, and 1.98

Concluding Report of Free-Spinning, Tumbling, and Recovery Characteristics of a 1/18-Scale Model of the Ryan X-13 Airplane, Coord. No. AF-199

Aerodynamic Forces on a Vibrating Unstaggered Cascade

Measurements of Heat Transfer and Boundary-Layer Transition on an 8-Inch-Diameter Hemisphere-Cylinder in Free Flight for a Mach Number Range of 2.00 to 3.88

On the Spectrum of Natural Oscillations of Two-Dimensional Laminar Flows

Reflection and Refraction of Acoustic Waves by a Shock Wave

The Effect of Solid Admixtures on the Velocity of Motion of a Free Dusty Air Jet

Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of the Static Longitudinal and Lateral Stability Characteristics of Two Canard Airplane Configurations

Investigation of Drag and Static Longitudinal and Lateral Stability and Control Characteristics of 1/20-Scale Model of McDonnell F4H-1 Airplane at Mach Numbers of 1.57, 1.87, 2.16, and 2.53: Phase II Model

Investigation of Static Stability and Drag Characteristics of a 1/10-Scale Model of the Avco Booster Vehicle at Mach Numbers of 1.60 and 2.00, Coord. No. AF-AM-58

Static Longitudinal and Lateral Stability Characteristics of an 0.065-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XRSSM-N-9a (REGULUS II) Missile at Mach Numbers from 1.6 to 2.0 (TED No. NACA AD 3122)

The Frequency Content of the Control Input and Airplane Response Obtained During Service Operations of Fighter Airplanes

Wall Interference in a Perforated Wind Tunnel

Study of the Micro-Nonuniformity of the Plastic Deformation of Steel

A Theoretical Investigation of the Drag of Generalized Aircraft Configurations in Supersonic Flow

Simulator studies of jet reaction controls for use at high altitude

Preliminary studies of rolling-contact fatigue life of high-temperature bearing materials

Correlation of turbulent heat transfer in a tube for the dissociating system N204 reversibly yields 2N02

Investigation at supersonic speeds of the compressor stall and inlet buzz characteristics of a J34 - spike-inlet combination

Comparison of experimentally and analytically determined windmilling characteristics of a compressor with low over-all pressure ratio

Preliminary results of the flight investigation between Mach numbers of 0.80 and 1.36 of a rocket-powered model of a supersonic airplane configuration having a tapered wing with circular-arc sections and 40©� sweepback

Some measurements at subsonic speeds of the aerodynamic forces and moments on two delta wings of aspect ratios 2 and 4 oscillating about the midchord

Performance of basic XJ79-GE-1 turbojet engine and its components

Preliminary investigation of the effects of several seeker-nose configurations on the longitudinal characteristics of a canard-type missile at a Mach number of 1.60

Longitudinal characteristics of wings

Recent design studies directed towards elimination of pitch-up

An investigation of the drag characteristics of speed brakes for Mach numbers from 0.20 to 1.30

Published Year



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